Why Sourdough Bread Is Great For Your Health (with recipes) | Ready Nutrition (2024)

Why Sourdough Bread Is Great For Your Health (with recipes) | Ready Nutrition (1)

Sourdough bread is often known as the healthiest bread, and there’s a science behind that moniker. Although bread is a staple, many have trouble digesting it and it could be one of the worst things to eat if a person has a gluten intolerance. But sourdough bread could be the solutionand a naturally healthy one at that!

So what exactly makes sourdough bread so much healthier and better for digestion than commercially made bread?

Part of the reason that sourdough bread is so healthy is the reduced phytic acid in sourdough bread thanks to the different fermentation process. Phytic acid is actually so hard on the body, it is considered an “anti-nutrient” by some. Phytic acid is a component found in the bran portion of all grains and beans. It impairs the absorption of iron, zinc, and calcium because the phytic acid molecules bind with the minerals, which make these important nutrients unavailable to the body for use. Sourdough fermentation is much more efficient than yeast fermentationin reducing the phytate content in whole wheat bread (-62 and -38%, respectively). The lactic acid bacteria present in sourdough enhances acidification, which leads to increased magnesium and phosphorus solubility.Long slow fermentation of wheat can reduce phytates by up to 90%! Some recent studies have evenindicated that those who are intolerant to wheat are able to tolerate sourdough breadbecause the old-fashioned fermentation process has been shown to break down the gluten in the wheat in the process.

*We still suggest steering clear of ALL bread including sourdough if you have Celiac or a major intolerance to gluten; unless the bread has been made with gluten-free ingredients. Better safe than sorry. We have included a gluten-free flour option in the sourdough bread recipein this article for our friends who do live a gluten-free life!

Sourdough bread won’t spike your blood sugar either. Sourdough bread is rated lower in the Glycemic Index (a system that ranks food based on its effect on blood sugar levels) than other types ofbread because of the build-up of organic acids. These naturally occurring acids make the minerals and vitamins in flour more available than they might be in other bread, and reduce the rate at which glucose is released into the bloodstream.Despite its significant carbohydrate content, which is usually an indication of a high glycemic index food, sourdough bread has a glycemic index of only53. This makes it a low-glycemic-index food. As with other low GI food, sourdough bread will likely cause only a gradual increase in blood sugar levels rather than a spike.

There are also probiotics in sourdough bread that make it a better choice than the commercially processed breadat the store. Probiotics help to support the gut microbiome. Probiotics are the gut bacteria that aid the body in healthy digestion. While gut health can help balance your mood, stress levels, hormones, and some of the other somewhat invisible aspects of your health, it’s often misunderstood as being an agent for weight loss or dieting. Gut health is really justassistance for your digestive system. However, the mass-produced sourdough sliced in a popularly branded loaf is likely lacking when it comes to any real probiotic benefit. So that’s why you will want to make your own!


All you need to make your sourdough starter is flour, water, and a container large enough to hold 2 quarts to keep it in.

*For a gluten-free alternative, try brown rice flour.Try this one here!

  • Day 1-2:In a clean jaror container: add 1/2 cup flour (unbleached white, whole wheat, rye, brown rice*), and 1/2 cup water.** Please note – If you do not want a major mess on your hands, do not screw the lid to a glass jar for your starter! Stir the flour and water until combined and allow this mixture to sit for 2 days on the counter (covered with plastic wrap or a canning lid that is not completely fastened) at room temperature.
  • Day 3:Observe the dough. If you have bubbles, add 1/2 cup flour and 1/2 cup water. Stir together and let sit for one day. If you don’t have bubbles, allow the dough to sit for another day and observe.
  • Day 4, 5, 6:Add 1/2 cup flour and water to the jar and stir on each of these days to build the strength of your starter. Let it sit at room temperature after each stirring. By the 6th day, your starter should seem mildly bubbly and it will have a pleasant sour smell building up. Add more flour and water so you have at least 3 1/2 cups of starter to use in a batch of dough.
  • Day 7:By this time, the starter will be actively bubbling and puffy. This indicates that your starter is ready for use.

Your sourdough starter looks like this when it’s ready:

Why Sourdough Bread Is Great For Your Health (with recipes) | Ready Nutrition (2)


  • Ingredients
    • 1 cup ripe sourdough starter
    • 1 3/4 cups lukewarm water
    • 5 cups flour
    • 1 tablespoon salt
  • Instructions
    • Combine all the ingredients in a large mixing bowl, or a large (6-quart) food-safe plastic bucket.
    • Mix and stir everything together to make a sticky, rough dough. If you have a stand mixer, beat at medium speed with the paddle attachment for 30 to 60 seconds. If you don’t have a mixer, just stir with a big spoon or dough whisk until everything is combined.
    • Leave the dough in the bucket or 6-quart bowl, cover it with the bucket’s lid or a piece of plastic wrap, and let it rise for 1 hour.
    • Gently pick up the dough and fold it over on itself several times, cover it again, and let it rise for another hour.
    • Repeat the rising-folding process one more time (for a total of 3 hours), folding it again after the last hour. Then, place the bucket or bowl in the refrigerator, and let the dough rest for at least 8 hours (or up to 48 hours).
    • When you’re ready to make bread, turn the dough out onto a well-floured work surface, and shape it into a rough ball. Leave the dough seam-side up, cover it, and let it rest on a floured surface for 15 minutes.
    • Next, shape the dough to fit the vessel in which you’ll bake it: a 13” log for a long covered baker, or a large boule (round) for a round baker or Dutch oven. Place the shaped dough into the lightly-greased or semolina-dusted base of the baker and cover it with the lid.
    • Let the loaf warm to room temperature and rise; this should take about 2 1/2 to 3 hours. It won’t appear to rise upwards that much but will relax and expand.
    • With a rack positioned in the middle, start preheating the oven to 500°F one hour before you’re ready to bake.
    • Just before baking, dust the loaf with a fine coat of flour and use a knife to make one or several 1/2” deep slashes through its top surface. If you’re baking a long loaf, one arched slash down the loaf lengthwise is nice, or if baking a round, a crosshatch or crisscross pattern works well.
    • Cover the baker with its lid and place it in the oven. Reduce the oven temperature to 450°F and bake the bread for 45 minutes.
    • Remove the cover of the baker and bake the bread for 10 to 15 minutes longer, until the bread is deep golden brown and crusty, and a digital thermometer inserted into the center of the loaf reads at least 210°F.
    • Remove the bread from the oven and transfer it to a rack to cool completely.
    • Store leftover bread in a plastic bag at room temperature for several days; freeze for longer storage.

The flavor of homemade sourdough bread is incredible and you will still be making a large batch of dough and storing it for up to a week, so you will do the work on one day for many loaves.

Why Sourdough Bread Is Great For Your Health (with recipes) | Ready Nutrition (3)

This article was originally published at Ready Nutrition™ on February 21st, 2019

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  1. Why Sourdough Bread Is Great For Your Health (with recipes) | Ready Nutrition (5)

    Duke Norfolkon February 24, 2019 at 6:29 am

    I like sourdough bread, and make it regularly. But I find the probiotic claim to be, well, specious. Obviously the baking process kills the bacteria in the starter.

    I’ve seen similar claims made for some teas recently. Same problem. Boiling water will obviously kill the bacteria.

    There are a lot of people trying to climb on the probiotic train. Keep a critical eye out for the specious claims.

    As always I remain open to being corrected. But I can’t see how this claim holds up.


  2. Why Sourdough Bread Is Great For Your Health (with recipes) | Ready Nutrition (6)

    Km in ncon February 24, 2019 at 6:55 pm

    Someone told me using beer will speed uou p the process?


    • Why Sourdough Bread Is Great For Your Health (with recipes) | Ready Nutrition (8)

      NRPon February 26, 2019 at 12:30 pm

      Km in nc;
      Please remember that Beer uses a “different” yeast than the ‘wild yeast’ wanted for a good Sour Dough so know the outcome flavor may/will be different.
      Also note that some beers are treated to kill the yeast or are filtered so much there is little to zero yeast left in the brew.


  3. Why Sourdough Bread Is Great For Your Health (with recipes) | Ready Nutrition (9)

    Lindaon February 27, 2019 at 5:25 pm

    how to you keep the sourdough going continously?


    • Why Sourdough Bread Is Great For Your Health (with recipes) | Ready Nutrition (10)

      Tess Penningtonon February 28, 2019 at 3:19 pm

      Hi Linda,

      To keep the starter going, you have to feed it every 8-12 hours. What I do is remove 1/4 of the starter and add 1/4 water and 1/2 cup flour.

      If you bake frequently, double your feeding amount. So the amount would be 1/2 of the starter, 1/2 water and 1 cup of flour.

      If you do not bake often, maybe only weekly or monthly, it may be more practical to keep your sourdough starter in the refrigerator, in a tightly-closed container, and feed it once per week.


  4. Why Sourdough Bread Is Great For Your Health (with recipes) | Ready Nutrition (11)

    Sandraon May 2, 2019 at 2:53 pm

    Everyone seems to make round loaves; would it work to shape the dough into 2 logs which are the size of regular loaf pans. I’d like to be able to make sandwiches and make toast in a toaster.


    • Why Sourdough Bread Is Great For Your Health (with recipes) | Ready Nutrition (12)

      Tess Penningtonon May 3, 2019 at 10:30 am

      Sandra, I’ve always made round loaves myself, but I don’t see why log-shaped loaves wouldn’t work. Go for it! 🙂


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Why Sourdough Bread Is Great For Your Health (with recipes) | Ready Nutrition (2024)


Why Sourdough Bread Is Great For Your Health (with recipes) | Ready Nutrition? ›

Sourdough relies on a mix of wild yeast and lactic acid bacteria, rather than baker's yeast, to leaven the dough. It's richer in nutrients, less likely to spike your blood sugar, contains lower amounts of gluten, and is generally easier to digest than bread made with baker's yeast.

Why is sourdough bread so much better for you? ›

“Some flours contain phytic acid, which is considered an 'anti-nutrient' due to its ability to bind important minerals, like zinc, iron, and calcium,” Hutkins says. “Sourdough microbes degrade the phytic acid, enhancing the nutritional quality of the bread.”

Is it okay to eat sourdough bread every day? ›

Health benefits of sourdough. The type of flour used — all-purpose, whole wheat, rye — can affect the nutritional content of sourdough bread, says Wee. But generally speaking, sourdough bread is a healthy option and can be eaten regularly as part of a nutritious, balanced diet.

Is sourdough bread good for your heart? ›

Sourdough bread's fiber, potassium, phosphorus, and sodium content all support a heart-healthy diet. The soluble fiber found in sourdough bread binds to dietary cholesterol in the small intestine, helping pass this fat through the system instead of absorbing it.

Is sourdough bread healthier then normal bread? ›

The bottom line. Sourdough is a healthier alternative to regular white or whole wheat bread. Although it has comparable nutrients, the lower phytate levels mean it is more digestible and nutritious. The prebiotics also help to keep your gut bacteria happy, and it may be less likely to spike blood sugar levels.

What is the healthiest store-bought sourdough bread? ›

Whole Foods Market Sourdough

Whole Foods makes a high-quality, nutritionally balanced sourdough that packs in 2 grams of fiber and 7 grams of protein per serving. Most sourdough breads do not have a good source of fiber, making this one of the healthiest options on grocery shelves.

What is the healthiest bread to eat? ›

Next time you're at the store, look for the following options to find a healthy bread you like.
  • Wholegrain bread. Wholegrain bread is minimally processed and made with flour from fully intact grains. ...
  • Multigrain bread. ...
  • Dark rye bread. ...
  • Authentic sourdough bread. ...
  • Flaxseed, or linseed, bread. ...
  • Ezekiel, or sprouted grain, bread.
Mar 19, 2024

What is the disadvantage of sourdough bread? ›

Potential Drawbacks

Also, though sourdough bread does offer many benefits, it does not contain as much fiber as most whole-grain breads. Whole-grain sourdough bread does have more fiber and isn't much harder to make at home, but you're unlikely to find it at the store.

Who should not eat sourdough bread? ›

Not Gluten-Free

People with a gluten intolerance may find that sourdough is easier to digest, but people with celiac disease will likely still experience symptoms if they eat sourdough bread. If you have a gluten intolerance or celiac disease, consult with your physician before adding sourdough bread to your diet.

Is sourdough bread anti-inflammatory? ›

The best bread to reduce gut inflammation is bread made from whole grains. Refined grains, such as the grains found in white bread and white pasta, are known to increase inflammation across the whole body. Sourdough bread and rye bread are both good options for an anti-inflammatory diet.

What is the healthiest flour for sourdough bread? ›

Compared to whole wheat flour, rye flour is said to be the most nutrient- and amylase-dense option for a sourdough starter. Overall, it has a lower gluten protein content than wheat flour, which means it produces slack, sticky, and dense doughs.

Is sourdough bread OK for kidneys? ›

White or brown pan loaf, baguettes, pitta bread, ciabatta, chapattis, white or granary bread rolls are all suitable. Your dietitian will decide if you can eat wholemeal bread based on your blood levels. Sourdough bread is not a suitable bread as it is high in phosphate.

Is sourdough bread a superfood? ›

It's nutritious.

Sourdough contains a variety of vitamins and nutrients, making it super beneficial to your day-to-day health.

Is homemade sourdough bread healthier than store bought? ›

While sourdough is a fermented food, the baking process kills off any active probiotics. However, when added to your bread ingredients, the fermentation of the sourdough starter helps to pre-digest the grain, creating a gut-healthy bread that is easier to digest.

Is sourdough good for cholesterol? ›

Fiber, specifically soluble fiber, can help lower bad cholesterol and therefore any bread - including sourdough - that contains a good amount of soluble fiber can help to lower cholesterol. Whole grains contain soluble fiber, so breads made with 100% whole grain flours are the best for cholesterol.

Can you freeze sourdough bread? ›

The good news: You can freeze sourdough bread! That's the perfect way to keep your bread fresh if you won't be able to get through a loaf in a few days. Generally, a homemade loaf can do three to five days at room temperature, before it may go stale or develop bread mold.

Why is sourdough bread better for weight loss? ›

Incorporating sourdough bread into your weight loss journey can offer several advantages: Firstly, its low-calorie content allows you to enjoy a satisfying portion without derailing your progress. Secondly, the fermentation process in sourdough bread enhances its nutritional profile.

What does sourdough bread do for your gut? ›

Sourdough bread also takes longer to digest; studies have shown that rye flour added to sourdough can help regulate blood sugar levels which helps ward off diabetes. Sourdough is also a prebiotic, which helps to support the gut microbiome.

Does sourdough bread spike blood sugar? ›

Sourdough bread is made through a slow fermentation process, which may cause this type of bread to raise blood sugar more slowly than other breads. As a result, sourdough bread could be a great choice for those with diabetes. Whole grain sourdough bread is the best sourdough bread for diabetics.


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