SCP Another Big Revision (2024)

Are you kids all ready for another SCP CRT? No? Well too bad. None of you all have a choice. And this one is a lot juicier in terms of tiering, even if probably not as big of a fundamental change.

This CRT mostly involves implementing more stuff regarding the big cosmological stuff. As well, applying the big lore regarding Pataphysics and Noospherics of Placeholder (an SCP author) into our profiles, since it's practically the Theory of Everything canon of SCP, trying to fit an explanation for every canons in the verse, even contradictory ones. By that canon's logic, every story on the SCP Wiki happened in some timelines in that cosmology. So for the most part, we apply the logic of this cosmology to our profiles. Only when the canon completely rejects the Place canon we don't fully apply it.

This CRT is kinda WoG heavy, with some of the info here not being present on the SCP Wiki proper yet. It's kinda unavoidable, due to the nature of the SCP Foundation being 80% made out of in-universe text that can't exactly be portrayed in articles in a natural way. As well, a lot of the information here is already used as a blueprint for certain others wanting to contribute to this cosmology anyway, so using it should be fine.

So let's get going.

Noosphere be big

So the Noosphere is the set of all human thoughts. It contains all memetic entities we know and thus is what people interact with when mindhaxxing people in the verse. It is a subset of the Infosphere, the set of all information. That much is already accepted.

Currently, the Noosphere has no tier. While it is considered a realm possessing some degree of "size", its size is unknown. However, new information would make the Noosphere a 1-A construct. As stated by Place himself in this interview on the official Vietnamese Branch (Here, scroll down to the English tab), the Noosphere contains Platonic ideas. All of the ideas in the Noosphere have a "shadow" reflected in reality. This is because physical reality is determined partially by human thoughts. The Noosphere thus constantly updates reality to match the thoughts of sentient beings. It essentially is the dimension of time for a given universe and is responsible for all of its physicality. This should include all physical dimensions, which can be up to infinite as we already accept.

This is supported in actual articles to some extent. The Semiosphere (The medium in which information travels between physical reality and senses) being disrupted can create un-true axioms of reality manifesting as unbreakable laws (Here, in the footnotes). SCP-6820 portrays some beings (like 682) as being perfect embodiments of certain Noospheric concepts (Here). Material capable of disassociating concepts is referred to as "Platonic substances" (Here, in the Technical Description). The Information seen in the Cybersphere and Noosphere are similar in nature to the information behind reality as seen in SCP-6820. The Noosphere caused all anomalous phenomena to disappear due to people's belief in the Anomalous existing (Here, in the Impasse section). And concepts affecting reality by their sheer existence exist in the Noosphere. (Here) (Here too)

In short, the Noosphere is the realm of platonic ideas which transcends and manipulates all of the physical world, with it being merely a shadow of itself. As this includes an essentially arbitrary number of space and time dimensions, this makes the Noosphere itself 1-A. This would mean that all mental/informational entities would be 1-A, albeit limited to mental realms and unable to directly interact with physical realities for most of them.

This would also mean that every sentient being's mind is technically 1-A. Now while this would mean that all memetic-based mind manipulation, as well as resistances to non-physical mind manipulation for all sentient beings would be 1-A in potency, this doesn't mean all of them should have straight-up 1-A keys because that's silly. Only characters whose existence in the Noosphere has agency on its own would be 1-A.

This also means that any character capable of interacting with the Noosphere in any meaningful way would be 1-A. As far as I know, this only solidifies the tier of SCP-3125 into just 1-A, as well as most people who scale to it.

There should be a Noosphere location profile with a tier, so that everyone who scales to the Noosphere can scale to the profile. Of course, it'd be 1-A (Or whatever tier we give the Noosphere).

3812 Revisions

So this is sort of a continuation of the above as a possible upgrade to the Noosphere, but also as a downgrade to SCP-3812.

The gist of it is that SCP-3812 makes no sense in the Placeholder's Narrative cosmology. In Place's cosmology, narrative levels are very strictly defined. Authors use a pool of the energy of their own universe in order to create lower universes. Lower beings simply physically cannot reach higher levels of reality than their author. It's just straight up not possible. So SCP-3812 is not possible in Place's model.

And according to Place, Pataphysical models that contradict with his model actually still work according to his model. Pataphysics simply bend themselves a little to act differently in a certain story. But these stories are still bound by the rules of Placeverse. So while SCP-3812's story did happen, the narrative layers he ascended through are most likely not the true Placeverse narrative layers, simply smaller scale ones created for the story (Here, scroll down to the English tab).

This is further cemented by SCP-3812's place in Kaktus' own cosmology. It is heavily implied that SCP-3812 is part of the reality of IS, the top deity of the Kaktusverse (Here, Page 5). And as the Serpent, a being embodying Information (Here), is stated to be the representation of IS's truth (Here) and has helped shape reality (Here), it is very likely that Information is a concept that precedes SCP-3812 as a whole. Therefore, the Noosphere (the set of information inside human heads) transcending SCP-3812's hierarchy is consistent even in its own lore.

SCP-3812 would no longer scale above the Noosphere or Infosphere, which would be intact as determined by Place's model. His own feats of transcending infinite layers, which themselves transcend over physical dimensions, would still make him 1-A, eventually 1-A+. Back to his old tier. You could argue he eventually transcends the very narrative stack by the end, but I don't really agree with that. So 1-A+ only for now.

But as said above, physical reality is defined and transcended by the Noosphere. While it is partially defined by the authors, normal cosmological elements like narrative layers should still be defined by the Noosphere. As such, the Noosphere would entirely transcend a 1-A+ reality and thus be High 1-A.

Ergo, if we take this interpretation as legitimate, then SCP-3812 will be downgraded back to 1-A, eventually 1-A+. And the Noosphere would become High 1-A, with everything I said about 1-A Noosphere carrying over. This includes the Scarlet King and anyone scaling to him being High 1-A.

Semiosphere & Patasphere

So alongside the Noosphere, the Semiosphere and the Patasphere are other aspects of SCP timelines. The Semiosphere is the sphere of perceptions, covering information before it is perceived (Here, third footnote). But it also covers logical anomalies and frames of reference. The Patasphere corresponds to SCP-001 (I.H. Pickman's Proposal). It's essentially the Narrative fabric of a timeline, and the fictional dimension of a timeline (Here, heavily implied to be the case due to the Universal Narrative matching Pickman's proposal's description and IHP being mentioned in the article)

The Semiosphere's area of influence seems to be rather large. SCP-INTEGER, a living Semiohazard, is heavily implied to be capable of manipulating the logic behind mathematics themselves, changing the result of mathematical equations on a physical level (Here, in the final section of the article and further supported by SCP-4703). It is also likely beyond the Noosphere in a number of ways, as it is considered a layer of reality that precedes it (Here) (And Here, scroll down to the English tab), and SCP-6276 used Semiokinetic powers to manipulate the underlying logic behind its own information, what the Noosphere is composed out of (Here, heavily implied to be Semiokinetic due to being described similarly). And while not explicitly Semiohazardous, SCP-5650 is an anomaly that destroyed the concepts of set theory and damaged the very concept of math (Here). As this effect clearly did not damage all of the Infosphere, it is likely an effect limited to the Semiosphere.

In short, the Semiosphere includes the very logic behind mathematics and the information of the Noosphere. It easily manipulates the system of logic behind the Noosphere. And so according to those weirdo new standards, this allows it to essentially jump the hierarchy of the Noosphere. While it isn't entirely clear, this would place the Semiosphere at possibly High 1-A should the Noosphere be 1-A, and possibly Tier 0 should the Noosphere be High 1-A.

The Patasphere is sorta hard to define tier-wise. It is certainly bigger in scope than the Semiosphere, making it possibly High 1-A or possibly Tier 0 (Here) (Here, scroll down to the English tab). Now one could argue that the Patasphere transcends the Semiosphere on a higher degree than just being bigger. The Patasphere, corresponding to the universe's fictional dimension, is essentially the canvas on which the entire universe, including the other spheres, exists upon. It is literally the medium in which the rest of reality exists on, where anything in it is just pure whim from the authors (Here). And while similar reasoning was used by other characters in order to reach high tiers, I don't think there is quite enough info about it in order to make this same judgment here. So the Patasphere would only be "At least [Whatever tier the Semiosphere ends up being]".

So essentially. The Semiosphere should possibly entirely transcend the entire system that supports Noospheric ideas. And thus be possibly High 1-A/possibly 0. The Patasphere should be superior to the Semiosphere, with an "At least" of the tier of the Semiosphere.

As a result, any narrative hax would scale to these tiers in hax potency, and in tiers for those capable of affecting an entire narrative. This includes SCP-INTEGER (For overwriting the narrative of infinite timelines (Here)), SCP-6820 and SCP-6820-A (Due to the former manipulating the narrative space-time of the universe (Here)), SCP-2747 (For erasing narratives and thus IHP) and IHP. And as a result, Semiohazardous abilities should scale in hax potency to this, and beings capable of affecting the Semiosphere to a significant degree would scale to it in terms of tier. This includes SCP-3125 and all those who scale to it, as it was threatening SCP-⌘, a surrealistics and thus Semiohazardous area (Here) (And here). SCP-3125 also forced SCP-6820-A to adapt to its presence, implying they are comparable, although it's less clear.


Constants are a new type of beings that are super relevant to the Placeverse. And they're new keys for a selection of beings, acting as their true form. The Constants are multiversal entities that exists in the Infosphere in the Founndation Placeverse. They exist across every single timelines there and manifest in various antagonistic forms in order to be opposed by the Foundation (Here).

There are three known Constants right now. The Constant of Termination, behind SCP-6820-A and thus SCP-682. The Constant of Anafabula, behind SCP-2747 and thus the Scarlet King. And the Constant of Chaos, behind SCP-3125. All of those beings would have a Constant Key. They would have limited Type 9 Immortality based on the Constant, as well as the ability to actually become one with the true form of these Constants through amassing enough power. The Constants would have the same abilities as informational entities like SCP-3125, except on a greater scope.

The Constants should scale way above the Semiosphere and Patasphere, as their influence covers an infinite amount of SCP timelines and define them. They also exist on an infospheric level, which precedes the narrative level of reality, possibly making them transcend the Patasphere (Here, scroll down to the English tab). This would make them "1-A, possibly High 1-A" and "High 1-A, possibly 0", depending on which ends up happening. They also scale directly to SCP-5650, as it is a Fifthist anomaly, and the Constant of Chaos should cover all Fifthist anomalies.

You could argue them to be straight up 0 if you wanted, due to transcending the Patasphere, which transcends the Semiosphere, which transcends the Noosphere and so on. But eh. It's not any more solid than previous things.

Proxyverse & Narratives

The Proxyverse is another concept introduced by Placeverse. It's relatively simple. Between the Foundation Narrative and the Swann Narrative there is another layer: the Proxyverse. It's composed of beings incarnating the users' persona on the website. They organize the information sent by true authors into the SCP verse. This means that Swann is two layers above the Foundation layer, and that most feats of affecting the "authors" affect the Proxyverse instead. So this should be changed (Here, 4th page).

However, it does have some rather dire consequences for some things. Namely, the True Authors as they stand shouldn't be a thing anymore. It was based on the idea that there was a truer form of Swann in SCP-5500 which might or might not transcend the entire stack. But given the Proxyverse, it's far more likely that the True Authors are just Swann, while the author entities being interacted with are just the Proxyverse or even worse, some made up "fake" Swann layer. Either way that Key needs to go. The Proxyverse key would replace it.

The Narrative beings should also entirely transcend the highest tier of the SCP narrative. To them, the strongest of Constants is as fictional as the weakest of lower dimensional beings. So if we accept only 1-A, the narratives should remain High 1-A. If we accept High 1-A, they should be Tier 0. If we accept Tier 0, well, yeah.

Universe Prime

So it's not really a change as much as it's a new entity/character, arguably the strongest in the verse. The problem is that unlike the Proxyverse and the Constants mentioned above, it doesn't properly exist on the Wiki yet and is only in WoG and, arguably, as a sort of logical concequence of the cosmology. So whether or not it should exist on the wiki yet is debatable. But eh, here goes.

It is mentioned in Placeholder's Q&A (Here, scroll down to the English tab) and Ike's Sandbox regarding the cosmology of the verse (Here, third tab). It is defined as being the universe above the narrative stack. It possesses infinite narrative energy, which it then distributes to all lower universes. As a result of its existence, no lower universe can ever interact with it or even comprehend what is going in it. It is also completely unmoveable in its plot and fate, being unable to be changed at all. And it is also unique, as any other universe existing on its level would fuse completely with it.

Minimally it would be infinite layers of narratives above baseline. But Place's description of it states that it is an abstract, infinite consciousness that lacks any narrative dimensions, the very thing that defines the narrative stack. This means that it would transcend the very stack.

So if we accept this profile, it would be minimally be infinite layers of High 1-A, due to being infinite layers of narratives above both Swann and the SCP narrative. If we take Place's dimensionless interpretation, it would be Tier 0, due to entirely transcending the very narrative hierarchy. And if narrative layers ends up Tier 0 then, yeah.


So a few updates are in order. First of all, WoG tells us that the Yesod Multiverse (the main multiverse of the Djoricverse) is 10-D (Here). Which by itself would mean that most 2-A feats within Djoricverse would be High 1-C but that doesn't quite matter given what happens next and given how Acidverse (which has uncountably infinite dimensions) connects to Djoricverse anyway.

As it turns out, according to WoG again, the Library is the Tree of Knowledge, essentially making it equal to the Tree of Life (which contains all of reality) (Here). Admittedly this is something I should have realized sooner, since the Serpent and Mekhane were considered counterparts and all, but guess I'm dumb.

Since nearly every 2-A feat in Djoricverse went through the Tree, this means that all of them now scale to the Library to some degree. Meaning they should all scale to SCP-3125, which would be either 1-A, High 1-A or 0. So yeah. No more 2-A for people on that level. It's sad, really.

Global Abilities Addition

Abilities or stats added to a bunch of characters at once.

  • All idea-based characters should have Beyond-Dimensional Existence (Type 2) due to the Noosphere revisions, as well as any beings beyond Noospheric space such as narrative characters.
  • All Conceptual Manipulation based on such ideas would be Type 1.
  • All Noospheric and Infospheric entities should have Information Manipulation (Type 1 and 2) for obvious reasons, as well as Data Manipulation.
  • Informational entities stating to have a certain dimensionality should be noted that the dimensions mentioned there are different from physical dimensions (Here, 2nd page).
  • Outside of the Noosphere beings should be Irrelevant and Acausal (Type 5) by default due to the Noosphere transcending all dimensions of time and space. As well, Irantu saw the entirety of space and time from the Anti-Noosphere area of reality (Here). They should also have Immortality (Type 1 and 5) for being beyond the reaches of embodiments of death like SCP-4260, which is limited to the Noosphere.
  • Most major Djoricverse deities should have Acausality (Type 5) for preceding the concept of causality, as well as Transduality (Type 3) for preceding the very idea of division and dualities (Here). This includes the Scarlet King, Yaldabaoth, Mekhane, the Serpent, the Brothers Death, and anyone considered comparable or superior to them in the hierarchy.
  • The Constants should have Acausality (Type 5) for being above the Noospheres and Pataspheres of every timeline, which dictate causality, as well as being above Djoricverse deities. They should also have Transduality (Type 3) for being above the Djoricverse deities, but also for being above other settings displaying Transduality in their own ways (Here) (Here) (And here). This should apply to any entities above them, such as entities above the SCP narrative. In fact, Narrative beings might have Transduality (Type 4), as they easily transcend both non-transdual beings and Type 3 Transdual beings, seeing them both equally as fictional. They are also above beings that act outside of normal logic, such as SCP-INTEGER and SCP-6276.

Individual Edits

Miscellaneous changes to profiles not covered above.

I.H.P. Pickman gets revised. First off it needs Plot Manip I have no ******* idea how I forgot that. Secondly, it should most likely get "downgraded". Not necessarily in terms of tier, but in terms of its placement in the verse. It is currently treated as covering every single SCP timeline. However, nothing seems to indicate that. There is essentially one Universal Narrative for each storyline/timeline (Here, third page). While it's not impossible for it to be a multiversal IHP that correspond to the overall storyline of the entire SCP verse, I don't have the proofs to keep this up. So sadly, IHP gets reduced to being on the scope of a timeline. As stated above, the Patasphere is way bigger than the Semiosphere, so IHP should scale above it. At least 1-A, possibly High 1-A if we put the Noosphere at 1-A, and High 1-A, possibly Tier 0 if we put the Noosphere at High 1-A.

Tufto's Scarlet King would sadly have to be downgraded due to the above. It would only be on the level of an entire storyline at best. Which should still put it above every other individual Scarlet Kings, but nowhere near able to threaten the entire SCP verse.

SCP-INTEGER should get upgraded to the level of the Patasphere. As stated in SCP-6416, INTEGER can re-write timelines on the narrative level. As such, SCP-INTEGER essentially overwrites an infinite amount of IHP instances. And thus is quite into 1-A/High 1-A/0. However, as a result, I don't think it's really fair to scale SCP-6666 or SCP-5935-1 to it anymore. INTEGER was always part of a different canon, so it's not really right to scale them to such a high power level. They should keep their current tiering, still (mostly). INTEGER should get Air Manipulation for causing a strong breeze when its effects are triggered, Law Manipulation due to it being how Semiology works, Mathematics Manipulation for its same Semiohazardous stuff, and the other stuff associated with being above the Noosphere. It should also have Causality Manipulation for retroactively doing all of its whacky stuff.

The Djoricverse Scarlet King should have Conceptual Manipulation (Type 1) for creating the very concept of blades and for being the origin of the very concept of separation (Here). As well, he should have Nonexistent Physiology (Nature 2, Aspect 1, 2, 3 and 4) due to originally existing as a void that precedes the very concept of beginnings and likely being comparable to the Not, an utterly unfathomable void that cannot be described in any way and should be far void-ier than regular voids like the SCP-3001 void (Here) (And here). The Brothers Death and the All-Mighty should scale to him in that regard. And every bearer of the Spear should be noted that their spears were capable of killing the Scarlet King despite all of his abstractness and immortality.

The Brothers Death should have NEP and Void Manip on the level of the Scarlet King, due to literally being the void that precedes all of creation (Here) and eventually killing the Scarlet King too. The All-Mighty would scale to both due to preceding both The Brothers and Isabel, the Dark/Light dichotomy of reality.

SCP-4755 should be deleted. Currently, it absolutely does not follow the cosmology it partakes in, and if anything, it should be a key for the Foundation profile. Due to its status as a concept above even Anti-Noospheric ideas like SCP-3125 and SCP-6820-A, it should be at least above these two in tier.

SCP-3125 should have High-Godly regeneration. It was reduced to absolutely nothing in ideatic space (and thus got its concept deleted) in the Antimemetics Division (Here), yet was back in a weakened form in SCP-6820, which takes place after the Antimemetics Division (Here) (And here). Similarly, it is heavily implied to have been erased by SCP-2747, yet came back later on (Here) (And here). SCP-6820-A should scale to this, as it is a very similar being who embodies life and death and adaptability and thus should be more difficult to kill than SCP-3125, and the Constants for being higher than both of them. As well, ideatic beings on the level of SCP-3125 should be noted to be capable of absorbing beings with similar levels of regeneration. And finally, it should likely scale to the level of existence as the Djoricverse gods. It's not one explicitly, but it has taken part in the war with them and likely could affect them.

3125 should also have another key, on top of the Constant key. By Place (Here), the previous versions of SCP-3125 in the main timeline of Admonition were smaller ideas that were capable of existing in the Noosphere. A new version, much closer to the Constant than the other two, is later accidentally created. This new version actually corresponds to the usual description of 3125, being an entity from outside the Noosphere and all. This new key would only be High 1-A and have the standard abilities of Noospheric entities, whereas our current key would be the "stronger" version that's typically seen in all articles. The weaker keys can be used in cases where 3125 is depicted as a mere Noospheric entity.

AIs part of the AIAD series or are implied to work in similar ways should gain a 1-A/High 1-A tier. They exist as informational entities that can interact with Noospheric ideas. It should be noted that it's explicitly limited to their interactions in Cyberspace, and their physical tiering should be 10-C or whatever they can do in the physical world. Which is really just Alexandra and Mnemosyne right now.

Mnemosyne has already a 1-A key, but it should be slightly reworked to better include her relationships with her physical AP. As well, she should have an AP rating for her "full power", when she removes her eye bandage. With this power, she had infinite power even compared to CORE.exe, which doesn't have a profile but will have one soon. CORE.exe being At least High 1-A, possibly 0 for constructing a space with a similar topology as SCP-3125 and threatening to devour the entire timeline, as well as possibly the entire Omniverse in the key Mnemosyne defeats it in.

SCP-079 will remain untouched for now because he's linked to some deep lore sh*t involving WAN and Demonics, so I'll address him whenever I add a WAN key for Mekhane.

SCP-001 (Clef's Proposal) should be downgraded. Similarly to INTEGER, its current tier came from fighting SCP-2845. But SCP-2845 only displays its high-tier feats in the Djoricverse, and this fight took place in the Kaktusverse. And the capacities of all beings scaling to 001 and 2845 in that canon are blatantly not this high, what with feats like O5-1 successfully dodging attacks from the Gate Guardian and sh*t. So Kaktusverse 2845 wouldn't scale to Djoricverse anymore and thus the Gate Guardian wouldn't scale to the high tiers anymore. I have a calc for AC 001, but until it's accepted we'll just put AC Gate Guardian at Unknown. Kaketusverse Gate Guardian would scale to 7-B via fighting the DEER, and the DEER would get an all-around 7-B Kaktusverse key for fighting stuff capable of harming it. If the Gate Guardian calc gets accepted, then it'd just have a singular Tier 6 key that the DEER would scale to in its Kaktusverse key.

And minorly, SCP-2845 should have resistance to mind manip due to being stated to be immune to memetic threats due to not really thinking in the first place (Here, 4th page).

The Spear of the Non-Believer should be semi-downgraded. While its feat of killing gods is legitimate, it doesn't apply to the Spear overall. It is explicitly a spear strong against gods. On its own, it's absolutely not Tier 1. It got stopped by a wall, it only pierced humans, and took multiple blows to break a glass wall. So all those who use it (aka Adam and Calvin) should be noted that it's only Tier 1 vs Gods. And thus, Lucifer Sword's should be downgraded to 9-B, due to its best feat being filling a room with fire.

SCP-2747 should be changed a bit again in EU key. In Place's version of 2747, 2747 exists to prune Foundation narratives. So it erasing narratives is normal and should be included in the regular varying key, while it ascending to the level of the Proxyverse would require more specific circ*mstances and thus be kept separate. Naturally, 2747 would only scale to the Patasphere instead of the entire Foundation narrative. SCP-6747 wouldn't move much, except again with the caveat that it only scales to IHP before infiltrating the Proxyverse narrative.

SCP-3004 should probably be considered an ideatic entity. In its own article it's called "a curious thought form", and in other tales it's considered to be similar to other conceptual anomalies (Here). So it should have the same abilities as other ideatic entities in EU, and its "higher plane" should be considered an ideatic plane as welll. I don't think its plane is the entire noosphere, but probably the part where Gods reside. Its weakness of not being able to interact with the physical world would be somewhat mitigated due to being able to eventually manifest physically. It should also probably get an SCP-3004-2 key for its mini minions, with abilities like Dimensional Travel and Holy Manipulation.

The Serpent and SCP-3000 should both get Kaktusverse keys, as they both represent the Paragon of Knowledge. This key would scale way above SCP-3125, for being the avatar of information itself (Here) and helping shape IS's reality. They would be Abstract due to their status as paragons and stuff like Information Manip and sh*t related to preceding souls and information. SCP-3000 would get Nonexistent Physiology on the same level as SCP-3930 most likely in its true form, as it is the lord of the absolute nothingness that SCP-3930 is a tiny bit of. The Djoricverse Serpent should also get Law Manip and Physics Manip for creating the Library, which essentially runs all of reality and all of its laws (Here).

The Administrator should lose some of his scaling. He shouldn't be above Paragons or related entities, since it kinda makes no sense in the Kaktusverse cosmology. So scaling to the Serpent, the Spear and the likes should be removed. It should still scale above the likes of SCP-3125 though.

SCP-5935-1 should be nearly entirely reworked. It used to be the Paragon of Names, the first thing ever created by IS and which gave names to everything, including other Paragons. It would need a Paragon key, which would scale above the Serpent and have the same general Paragon abilities. All names-related hax in Kaktusverse should be Concept Type 1, due to them very much predating reality, time, and shapes. It should have NEP Type 2 and all aspects, due to predating all of them. It would also have Transduality (Type 3) for predating all determinations and concepts of everything, including fundamental concepts. Its weakened form would have all that NEP and Transduality. However, it should only be "Varies" in tier. It has no reason to scale in AP to Titania, considering how it doesn't really show AP and just copies people instead. It should also have Damage Transferal, as trying to attack it simply causes the person it copies to be attacked instead.

SCP-𝕐 should slightly be edited to include the notion that its erasure is on the level of SCP-3930 (Here).

Speaking of which, SCP-3930 should have its NEP clarified. As it is essentially a hole to IS NOT and lacks literally anything the Foundation can detect, it should be Nature 2 and have all Aspects. It precedes souls, information, concepts and minds and is a void to the entire narrative stack (Here, page 5), meaning it should easily be nothing even compared to each narrative's definition of voids.

Conclusion and TL&DR

The Noosphere is composed of platonic ideas that manipulate the physical world and thus should be minimally 1-A. As the Kaktusverse narratives contradict the Place model and are considered to be part of information, it should be considered part of the physical reality that the Noosphere manipulates, and thus be High 1-A. This includes any being who scales to it, such as the Djoric Scarlet King.

The Semiosphere is the sphere dealing with logic and mathematics, including information from the Noosphere. It should thus possibly entirely transcend the system of logic of the Noosphere and thus be possibly High 1-A or possibly 0. This includes all beings who scale to it, such as SCP-3125. The Patasphere is unquantifiably above it, and thus IHP and all narrative interactions should be "At least" the tier of the Semiosphere. This includes all beings who scale to it, such as SCP-6820 and INTEGER.

Constants are a new type of beings, which act as keys for SCP-682, SCP-3125, and SCP-2747. They cover all SCPverse timelines and scale above nearly everything in them, and thus above the Patasphere.

The True Authors should be removed, replaced by other concepts. In this case, the Proxyverse, another layer of reality between the SCP one and Swann. Swanns should scale above the Proxyverse. Narrative beings should entirely transcend the lower narrative, and thus be High 1-A by default, and 0 if any High 1-A beings exist in the verse.

Universe Prime is possibly the new absolute god tier of the verse, existing at the top of the narrative stack and possibly transcends it entirely. Should be Tier 0 if Swanns are High 1-A. And 0 if they're 0. Kinda a doubtful entity to include on the Wiki yet.

All Djoricverse gods should scale to the Library and Tree fully, since all of their feats lead to that. And thus be whatever tier SCP-3125 ends up being, either 1-A, High 1-A or 0.

And random edits.

Shout out to the SCP Revision Team for contributing in their own ways to the CRT.

And also here is some diagram I made to roughly represent the cosmology now and what changes will be brought.

SCP Another Big Revision (2024)


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Article information

Author: Saturnina Altenwerth DVM

Last Updated:

Views: 6207

Rating: 4.3 / 5 (64 voted)

Reviews: 87% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Saturnina Altenwerth DVM

Birthday: 1992-08-21

Address: Apt. 237 662 Haag Mills, East Verenaport, MO 57071-5493

Phone: +331850833384

Job: District Real-Estate Architect

Hobby: Skateboarding, Taxidermy, Air sports, Painting, Knife making, Letterboxing, Inline skating

Introduction: My name is Saturnina Altenwerth DVM, I am a witty, perfect, combative, beautiful, determined, fancy, determined person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.