Post Office in Phoenix, AZ (2024)

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Post Office in Phoenix, AZ (1)

Cheryl M


Why is there no customer contact info for each annex? The annexes seem to be the issue with lost packages. They scan them in and they are never seen again. I have a package sitting in the Maryvale Annex since 10/12 that was supposedly scanned out to the Capitol station but has never been received there. You guys need to get your act together. The lost package form only goes to the local station rather than where the package was lost. They can't get a hold of the annex either.


Post Office in Phoenix, AZ (2)

Greg kennedy

Package supposed to be delivered today but tracking says it’s sitting in phenolic distribution center it appears it’s ben there 2 days already. How can it be in Tennessee today if it’s still sitting office is looking into problem. They say they get back with me in 72 hours or so. That’s redicoulous. This happenes every time with usps and sometimes wittfedex ups is on the stick about every time. If youall are interested in helping. Find my package or tell me if it’s in knoxville and I’ll go get it for you so it don’t take another week. Thanks


Post Office in Phoenix, AZ (3)


USPS Customer Support <> fill out form I got a reply from a real person. Have not got the problem solved yet. At least They have someone looking into it. Good luck


Post Office in Phoenix, AZ (4)



Mailed a Priority package July 6, 2021. Tracking reads departed USPS Regional Origin Facility PHOENIX AZ DISTRIBUTION CENTER ANNEX July 6, 2021. Priority package has not been received as of July 31, 2021. Tried to get online answers of Priority Package of irreplaceable Family Photos! No answers. asked for phone call, no calls. Can someone help me? Can someone call and help?


Post Office in Phoenix, AZ (5)


USPS Customer Support fill out form I got a reply from a real person. Have not got the problem solved yet. At least They have someone looking into it. Good luck

• Replied to TEAHUNTER

Post Office in Phoenix, AZ (6)



I have a package that was mailed out from the Phoenix distribution center on June 3 it is now June 14 and I still have not received the package. It just says in transit. It was supposed to be delivered June 7th. I filed a complaint and my local post office in New York told me to They do not know what’s going on with the package it is just sitting in the distribution center in Phoenix Arizona. This is terrible customer service. Lesson learned. Use a reliable courier if you have something important to be delivered. My patiently waiting has turned into I hope I receive my package one day.


Post Office in Phoenix, AZ (7)


My package was mailed from Arizona post office made it to Phoenix Arizona distribution center it was mailed May 15, 2021 it is now June 6, 2021 It is almost a month where is my package it has not moved from the Phoenix Arizona distribution center no movement what is going on


Post Office in Phoenix, AZ (8)



Package Has Been Sitting Here For Over A Week Now WTF Was To Arrive 5 Days Ago....Are Employee's Stealing Stuff Or Tossing It Into A Dark Corner Of The Building Never To Be Found?


Post Office in Phoenix, AZ (9)



I have had 2 priority packages disappear once they reached this facility in Phoenix. Just drop off the face of the Earth. Are employees stealing our stuff? When is the investigation ever going to start or get done? After reading all the other comments, this is a long ongoing problem. Fire your staff and get competent people. I can understand late packages but when they just disappear....that is not acceptable!


Post Office in Phoenix, AZ (10)


My package has been still there since February 16, 2021. My Informed Delivery states it was in transit, would be arrive February 20th, but late. Okay, it's now the March 1st and still no change in the status of my package. This is a very expensive delivery and fragile items in it. I've already had USPS damage my purchases and then deny my claims for reimbursem*nt.When is my package going to actually leave???


Post Office in Phoenix, AZ (11)

douglas shank

Hello jc13, I am missing a package from this facility too for over a month, have you received yours yet? Thanks

• Replied to jc13

Post Office in Phoenix, AZ (12)


Sent some documents to Florida and took to local Phoenix post office on Feb.19. Tracking showed the 3 day priority mail package end ed up at this facility later the same night on Feb. 19. Fast forward to Feb. 28. Tracking finally shows package made it to Florida today and will be delivered tommorow, March 1st. If my math is correct that's 10 days not 3. Tracking shows that once the package reached this distribution center it sat there for days. I noticed the same thing about this center during Christmas time and just thought the delays through this center was because they were overwhelmed. I now know in late Feb. the delays are because of the lazy, incompetent postal staff at this site. USPS needs to investigate this distribution center and maybe fire a few government works!


Post Office in Phoenix, AZ (13)

Jareth Gonion


WORST SERVICE EVER. Every time I have a package come to Phoenix it is missing for WEEKS. Hey USPS, DO YOUR DAMN JOBS AND FIRE THE LAZY POS FOR INCOMPETENCE


Post Office in Phoenix, AZ (14)


Why is it every time my medications pass through this facility they seem to be delayed or disappear? Something is not right and now I'm forced to scramble once again to contact my doctor in hopes of getting an emergency request filled. Incompetent.


Post Office in Phoenix, AZ (15)


This place should not be allowed to operate--their neglect has cost me over $230, since the 3 packages containing items I am returning to a company in MA have STILL not been delivered (one package I sent on 1/5/21!). I wish I had seen these negative reviews before I sent a package via regular parcel shipping. I made purchases from a MA company which requires any returns be received within 30 days. I returned the items immediately upon my receipt, and unfortunately used their prepaid parcel label that was included (and the postage amount would be deducted from my refund when they receive package). Well, I am seeing that I SHOULD HAVE used PRIORITY MAIL so the company would have received it in 2 days. There still are no updates on the 3 packages' tracking numbers, other than "at Phoenix Distribution Center on 1/13/21." Today it is almost ONE MONTH since I shipped the first package! If the company ever DOES receive the packages, besides the worthless prepaid shipping label I used, an additional $20 fee will be deducted from my refund for EACH! Horrible that a business, whether private or government, is allowed to operate like this, since this is not even the holiday season.


Post Office in Phoenix, AZ (16)

Jeanine C


Why publish a phone number??? No human to talk to ever. My package has not moved for almost a month. I pay for updates...none. I go inside local post office to ask for help....filed a claim....I bet if I went in there....I could find it.


Post Office in Phoenix, AZ (17)

douglas shank


Hi Jeanine, I am missing a package from this facility for well over a month too, did you ever receive yours? Thanks.

• Replied to Jeanine C

Post Office in Phoenix, AZ (18)



My package has been sitting at this facility for 4 days with no scans or updates to where the package is.


Post Office in Phoenix, AZ (19)



Every time I’ve ordered a package, it sits at this distribution center for days and days. All my packages for Christmas were late due to sitting for weeks at this place. That is unacceptable!!!!! We, the customers, pay for shipping, three days, it never arrives on time or even remotely close to the expected delivery date!!!! Right now, I have a package that has been there waiting to be shipped!!! Get it together.


Post Office in Phoenix, AZ (20)



This place is like the Bermuda triangle. In the past year I have had 4 packages go missing once they hit the Phoenix Distribution Center on tracking. The packages I do finally get it, it's after sitting there for 10 days. One was a comfortable that was never in stock again. This facility really needs to get it together. I wish there was a way to bypass it when ordering something.


Post Office in Phoenix, AZ (21)


I mailed a package from Indiana to my customer in Arizona on December 9 and it finally arrived at the Phoenix AZ Distribution Annex on December 16. It finally left this location on December 24 on its way to my customer in Scottsdale about 20 minutes away. It arrived at my customers local post office on December 26 and was out for delivery the same day. Then it was forwarded to somewhere else, which makes no sense.Then the status shows Address Unknown, then Insufficent Address with no updates to the status of the package whereabouts since 1:59p December 26. I understand that it should have been returned to me because of an issue with the shipping address which I find hard to believe as I have sent several packages to her in the past year without issue. I would really like someone to inform me on where my package is and when I should expect to receive so I can get it out to her by some other means.I don't want to switch carriers, but to spend so much to ship priority and with insurance and it not to be received is very bad business.


Post Office in Phoenix, AZ (22)



This place is beyond terrible.I had a package, by their actual tracking, sit in this facility for 10 days.


Post Office in Phoenix, AZ (23)


I was aware there could be delays at this time, but I don’t understand how two Priority packages (mailed together) arrive at the Phoenix Annex Distribution Center at virtually the SAME time, both scheduled for delivery on 12/24, yet only one was delivered. The other is still “in transit” to destination (since 2:38 a.m. on the 24th). Now, the two envelopes WERE going to different addresses ~ one in Peoria (which was delivered on time), and the other was a Glendale address. So, what happened to the one going to Glendale? Did it not get on a truck (even though it shows “in transit to destination”)? Or, did the mail carrier not deliver it for some reason? I’m not expecting an answer, just wondering why one was completely sidetracked somewhere. AND, again, I realize Covid could be impacting the service more so in Glendale. It’s just disappointing because the package was supposed to be delivered for Christmas. Oh well, as long as it IS delivered Saturday... 🤞OK, I’ve been reading some of the other reviews, and I guess the situation could be worse ~ and I hope it doesn’t get worse! I hope my “Priority” package doesn’t sit there for days. It seems a LOT of people are waiting for their packages to move out of the Phoenix Annex ~ WTH? Just wish the USPS would post some kind of a status (besides possible delays due to Covid) to let everyone know what’s happening! 😬


Post Office in Phoenix, AZ (24)

Carey Jo


So - I have the same story; dropped my priority packages at the post office a week ago today and they have been sitting in Phoenix ever since. My mailman just told me that there are trucks lined up at the Phoenix annex full of packages - just sitting there unprocessed. They literally don't know what to do. He said they've been told that they will be delivering Christmas packages into January. What's crappy is that they knew that when they took my packages in - and still took them, to let them sit in a truck in Phoenix.


Post Office in Phoenix, AZ (25)



I had a package shipped to me on Dec 5 from MO, it got to the annex on Dec 13 and has been “arriving late, in transit” since. I understand the volume of mail and packages during the holiday season and sympathize with the lack of mail carriers due to Covid (this is what the automated voice service says is one of the issues), however, the lack of communication is unacceptable. We cannot reach via phone, I have sent three emails and received a bunch of blown smoke through automated responses that it is being looked into. I am here with my thumb up my a** and no package to show for it. Like all of the rest of the comments, the contents of my package is extremely important to me and I paid for priority shipping because of this. I am fuming at this point and I feel helpless and as though I will never receive my package. Fed Ex and UPS packages all came no problem.


Post Office in Phoenix, AZ (26)

Edna Mc


I was hoping my grandchildren would get their package for Christmas. During this COVID time it is so important to bring a smile to their faces since I cannot be there with them. Their package was supposed to arrive on 12/09/2020. It's been setting in the distribution center for over 2 weeks. I stopped getting updates on 12/15. We mailed a package to Chicago and it got there with no problems. Although it is a difficult time for service due to COVID. It is sill bad and poor service and something has to be done. The least they can do is send a real communication form a live person. The Postmaster General needs to look into this and get back to everyone. But it is not to likely that Louis DeJoy will put in a process to let us know when our packages will be delivered. Guess we will have to voice our issues on Social Media.


Post Office in Phoenix, AZ (27)

Edna Mc

I was very concerned about my grandchildren not getting their Christmas gift on time (See post below). But their package was delivered today so I am very happy. I hope that everyone receive their packages and that the Phoenix Annex improve their service even during this time of COVID. We (Customers) have so many other things that is causing us to stress and our package delivery should not be one of them. Happy Holidays Everyone

• Replied to Edna Mc

Post Office in Phoenix, AZ (28)



Does anyone know if we can pick up from this dumb ass Annex place that is holding our packages hostage?


Post Office in Phoenix, AZ (29)

Briana N


This is absolutely absurd! I've had a package I'm waiting on that I needed a week before Christmas and it was supposed to be delivered on Dec 18th but it's been sitting at this location since Dec 15th! A damn week with no updates. For a week it has said "Arriving late, in transit to the next facility" but it's obviously not in transit, it's sitting at this location. I know it's a busy time of year but after reading tons of these other reviews of all these people who are having the same issue this is unacceptable! Some people's packages have been sitting there for over 3 weeks! This place needs to get it together! People are counting on things for their businesses and for Christmas! If this place is too incompetent to do their jobs in a reasonable and timely manner then get someone else that's capable to do it! I've been patient until now but now I'm just irritated. It's ok to be a couple days behind but for things to be sitting there for weeks is unacceptable! Get it together!


Post Office in Phoenix, AZ (30)

Savanna Yarn


What are we supposed to do. We can’t call, we can’t go pick them up, we can’t even get an update as to when if at any point we will get our stuff. Not only should we be getting updates as to when our stuff will arrive, even if it’s after Christmas, but all of us who paid 40$ + for priority mail express shipping should be refunded. This whole thing has been unfair to everyone, and at the very least we should get some communication. We all need to stand together and file something against this place. We are understanding of the situation the world is in, but we have to know what will happen to the stuff we spend our money on.


Post Office in Phoenix, AZ (31)



Priority package tracking # 9405511899223840485283 has been stuck here for 2 days. Why? This was for my daughters birthday. Priority is not being given to priority anymore? Seems no one monitors this site, either. Thank, trump, for ruining another aspect of our lives that used to be reliable.


Post Office in Phoenix, AZ (32)



I feel ya. Mine has been there since the 12th. No movement, no scans. Other packages that arrived there later have since been delivered to me but the one most expensive and most important package is stuck...or lost. I’m trying very hard to be patient and understanding but there is clearly no rhyme or reason to their process at this point.

• Replied to Motheroftwo

Post Office in Phoenix, AZ (33)

hans landa

usps was always sh*t.

• Replied to Motheroftwo

Post Office in Phoenix, AZ (34)

April Braun

My package was sent out in November 29th and stuck at the Phoenix Annex since December 16th with absolutely no update. I understand that it is the Christmas season and everyone is extremely busy but I’ve had two other package is go through there in two days and this one has no movement. I have tried to file with the post office and haven’t heard anything . I would just like to know when I can expect this package since it is a Christmas gift


Post Office in Phoenix, AZ (35)

Hannah Karavias


Two separate packages of mine have been stuck here 5 days. Since December 15th!!! I live all the way in Oklahoma. I get it, it’s christmas time, but seriously how hard is it to get two small packages on a truck in under 5 days??


Post Office in Phoenix, AZ (36)

Sylvia Gibbs


My package was sent on the 2nd and was supposed to be here on the 9th. I has not moved since the 11th. If i do not receive my package I will be forced to file a claim. Please find my package its a present for someone really special. Tracking number 940011120255564278551.


Post Office in Phoenix, AZ (37)

Nicole FED UP


Shipped a package to my Mom priority 12/4, should have been in Phoenix 2 weeks ago yet here it is 12/19 and my tracking still says "in transit, arriving later" with no scans since 12/11. WTF is going on? I understand USPS is swamped but this is ridiculous! I sent packages last week to CA from NY and they have already been delivered, I can only speculate that this package is being held up in Phoenix. Other packages I shipped from my business are slow but are being delivered. Get it together!


Post Office in Phoenix, AZ (38)

Pamela Bryson

My 2 packages to my son arrived in the Distribution Center Sunday December 13 and have yet to be delivered in Phoenix. What is going on?!?


Post Office in Phoenix, AZ (39)

USPS - Another Typical Government Agency

I guess 1 out of 5 ain't bad !!!1st package -priority mail.Shipped from ABILINE,TX - 12/10Arrived Phoenix,AZ Distribution Center - 12/18. 5:38 amArrived Post Office 85021 - 12/18 7:12 amDelivered. - 12/18 12:19 pm2nd package- 1st classShipped from CORONA,CA. 12/11. Arrived Phoenix,AZ Distribution Center - 12/15 5:27 amIn transit arriving late, currently in transit to next facility. - 12/18 (sitting at center for 3 days)3rd packageShipped from Miami, FL - 12/9Arrived Elk Grove, ILL Distribution Center - 12/15 10:32 pmArrived Phoenix,AZ Distribution Center - 12/17 9:30 pmIn transit arriving late, currently in transit to next facility. - 12/18 (how long will it sit there?)4th package - priority mailShipped from Phoenix,Az 85020 - 12/15Departed Post Office - 12/15. 6:38 pm Arrived Phoenix,AZ Distribution Center - 12/18 9:21 pmShipping to Loxahatchee, FLExpected delivery. 12/18(appears to have been sitting at Phoenix,AZ Distribution Center for 3 days before it even had an arrival scan and ain't gonna make it to FL by 12/18)5th package -Priority MailShipped from Phoenix,Az 85020 - 12/15Departed Post Office - 12/15. 6:38 pm Arrived Phoenix,AZ Distribution Center - 12/18 9:12 pmShipping to Loxahatchee, FLExpected delivery. 2/18(appears to have been sitting at Phoenix,AZ Distribution Center for 3 days before it even had an arrival scan and ain't gonna make it to FL by 12/18)USPS - Another Typical Government Agency anyone see a pattern here with the Phoenix,AZ Distribution Center ? Also seems like they have magical scanners at this location. Incompetency seems to be on fine display at this location.I understand the USPS is experiencing a tremendous shipping load but some competent managerment might help the situation!


Post Office in Phoenix, AZ (40)

USPS - Another Typical Government Agency

Update - I have 2 Priority packages sent from local Phoenix PO on 12/15 to be delivered to A Florida Addy by 12/18 arrive at this annex 12/18 at 9:30 pm. The 2 packages left the local Phoenix PO at 6:42 on 12/15. That 3 days for the package to travel about 10 miles. I suspect the Priority packages sat at this annex for 3 days before an arrival scan was even done. Now for the past 2 days, 12/19 and 12/20 , tracking states the packages are in transit and arriving late. I suspect the packages are not in transit and stuck at this black hole distribution center in phoenix. The post master general needs to send someone to take a hard look at this location. Maybe if that was to happen, the magic scanner can be taken away from the workers who seem to use it to make it appear they are actually getting the shipping done.

• Replied to USPS - Another Typical Government Agency

Post Office in Phoenix, AZ (41)

2 of my Christmas gifts are lost or running late sitting there


I gave 2 precious packages for my son and his girlfriend sitting there for at least a week. They can’t come for Christmas home because of COVID and this was last resort. Reading all reviews I assume this is a black hole.Don’t they have family and understand how precious these gifts are for people and how important it is for family members to receive them on time. Can’t they at least be picked up. I have custom made cookie in one of them and coffee in another one. It is perishable stuff. These is just not acceptable . That is why I send it 2 weeks early.


Post Office in Phoenix, AZ (42)


I have a package that arrived at this facility on Dec 10th...,and I keep getting the message “your package is running late, but will be delivered. It has bow been 9 days, and I get the same message every time. What is going on?

• Replied to 2 of my Christmas gifts are lost or running late sitting there

Post Office in Phoenix, AZ (43)


50% of the packages given to our post office and hand scanned in yo the Waddell PO in front of us on 12/3 and 12/4 are still waiting to be sorted in phoenix, no scan in over 2 weeks, this is 1000 packages, which is going to put us out of business.Please assist


Post Office in Phoenix, AZ (44)


I mailed out over 20packages 12/3 at the Litchfield park PO. None have updated since going on almost 3 weeks now. I run a small business and will be out almost 3k if the orders are not delivered due to refunds. All seem to be stuck at the Phx center I have had better success with pickups that go to the Avondale post office with less delays.


Post Office in Phoenix, AZ (45)


I’m going through the same thing. It’s ridiculous. I purchased something since November 30 and still in transit

• Replied to Angryshipper

Post Office in Phoenix, AZ (46)

Kim Marie Mason


I am so disheartened. I sent my brother his Christmas gifts for his family by priority mail from here in Kelso,WA on the 11th. The 24x18x18 parcel that weighed 25 pounds made it to the Phoenix AZ Distribution Center Annex by Sunday the 13th. The package has been sitting there for six days. There are presents for nine people in there, including his grandkids. The package is insured, but there are hours and hours in that box of shopping for just the right personalized gift, not to mention eight hours of wrapping and boxing. Reading the other reports of other parcels sitting there for even longer!!! Is there any hope?Can the package be picked up personally by one of my relatives?Please help save this aunties Christmas!!


Post Office in Phoenix, AZ (47)


Ugh.... why would these companies ship USPS if they are so delayed and then refuse to refund us because we don't get our orders... My order was suppose to be delivered on the 11th but has not moved all they tell me is it is delayed. I need this package as it is a Christmas gift but doesnt look like ill be receiving it or my money back.


Post Office in Phoenix, AZ (48)



Also waiting for my long missing package! Where can I go to get it?!


Post Office in Phoenix, AZ (49)

Charlie LaBarr

Has anyone had any luck going to the location to pick up their package? This is absurd - paying for priority mail that I physically need to go pick up???...figure it out!!


Post Office in Phoenix, AZ (50)

Elizabeth Sadler


Shipped a box of Christmas presents to my brother in Scottsdale from Virginia Beach on Dec. 2. Was told it would arrive by the 9th. It has been sitting at this location since the 7th! In 11 days they haven't been able to get it 30 miles? A damn turtle walks 30 miles in 6.25 days! I get there are delays this time of year and with the pandemic, but better planning on hiring seasonal staff would help. I paid over $65 to get that box to him by the 9th. This is ridiculous!!!


Post Office in Phoenix, AZ (51)

Marianne Summers


Tracking number 9405 5112 0207 9402 2879 45 ... Car 54, where are you? Arrived at Annex 12/10. No movement. Getting ready to enter a claim as lost. Find my package please.


Post Office in Phoenix, AZ (52)

Marianne Summers

Package has finally showed up at a local post office. Truly a Christmas miracle, huh?

• Replied to Marianne Summers

Post Office in Phoenix, AZ (53)

USPS Black Hole Annex


My package from California unfortunately ended up at this location and has been sitting for 5 days now. A couple of questions would be what packages ending up here take precedence over others on being moved to their final local post office for delivery. Do some take precedence over others? Also, where in the hell are the packages being stored once they reach this location since it appears there is one way in and no way out? From all the comments it would seem there is an awful lot of mail sitting around or being stored at this location. How many ballots are still stashed here from the NOV. 3 election?


Post Office in Phoenix, AZ (54)



Such bs. Can we just go pick them up? Clearly everything is just sitting. I have 4 different tracking allllllll saying same thing delivered to this location and nothing since. Some are black Friday others are from Dec 4....


Post Office in Phoenix, AZ (55)

The black hole


Good luck to all getting your package from this place. My package arrived at the Phoenix distribution center on 12/3. Tomorrow will be 12/17 and no sign of when my package will arrive. No excuse for a 2-week delay for a package to travel 20 miles to its final destination.


Post Office in Phoenix, AZ (56)

Annoyed as hell


I’m really mad my package was mailed on December 4, here it is December 17, and it’s not here it was mailed from California this is not acceptable it’s been sitting at this location since December 13 and hasn’t moved and this is a priority package that was supposed to be here no later than December 8 how long does it take this location to get the packages out I’m sick of the Covid and holiday excuses it should not take more than a day to move packages to the local post offices there’s no excuse good enough at this point tomorrow will be 2 weeks since my package was mailed out from a neighboring state and it’s still not here I’m beyond frustrated.


Post Office in Phoenix, AZ (57)

Jamie Parry

So sad. This post office lost my Christmas package. The only things my kids asked for and now they are out of stock. Circled around from Flagstaff to Phoenix and then just disappeared. And judging from the other comments, this is happening a lot. Pull it together!


Post Office in Phoenix, AZ (58)



These jackasses have my package as well. Can't call - busy signal.


Post Office in Phoenix, AZ (59)



Yeah f!ck you


Post Office in Phoenix, AZ (60)



Same issue as everyone. I still have tracking number and Monday was expected Monday yet its Thursday. Its been at facility for a week


Post Office in Phoenix, AZ (61)



I have the same problem. It shows arrived on December 4th and hasn’t moved since. It’s now December 16th. I’m tired of USPS. Every time I have a problem it’s USPS. They have zero accountability!!


Post Office in Phoenix, AZ (62)


I too am receiving the same message when tracking my package! My mother shipped this package on December 1st and the last update I received was on December 8th saying arriving late and that it is in transit but it show that the last place it was scanned was PHOENIX AZ DISTRIBUTION CENTER ANNEX this is bull what the hell are they doing with our packages at this point I want my box and they need to find it what are they doing stealing our items! I am very piss and to me at this point the holidays nor covid 19 is an excuse for their stupidity.


Post Office in Phoenix, AZ (63)

S , B


What a joke !! I order something on November 24th. Expected delivery December 7th , now December 16th , and still sitting at the Phoenix AZ distribution center since December 8th. Probably 15 minute drive to my house. I Called the number listed to see if i can pick it up and busy signal.. This is ridiculous! Paid $47.00 shipping. Unacceptable!! I want my package and shipping fee NOW !!


Post Office in Phoenix, AZ (64)



Could you PLEASE go to the Annex and ask an employee where our packages are?! I am fed up with this and want to get to the bottom of it, I would greatly appreciate it if you could!

• Replied to S , B

Post Office in Phoenix, AZ (65)



This place is absolutely ridiculous!Unfortunately if your package happens to land here don't plan on seeing it anytime soon.....or at all PERIOD!They obviously know they are grossly incompetent....why else would the phone number listed consistantly be busy? Come on usps you NEED to do better!!!


Post Office in Phoenix, AZ (66)



My package has been in transit for 10 days! I’m about to book a ticket from Nebraska and talk some sense into their incompetent workers. They need to hire more people if they are busy. I better receive my package or else they will get a lawsuit!

• Replied to RPO

Post Office in Phoenix, AZ (67)

Eric wright


Why has my package been sitting in your office and not mailed, for 14 days now, why has it been sitting there and not mailed to me, ???? I paid for shipping, send my package, I need the medicine for my cancer, what the hell!!!!!!;!!!!!;!!!


Post Office in Phoenix, AZ (68)

Maggie godinez


I’m curious as to why you’re holding to my package. My dad paid extra to have the box expedited to me and basically wasted his money, which by the way he should be refunded. How does it go from supposed to be delivered on dec 12th and arriving here, and now I can’t even track my package. I’m literally a city over. We need a refund since he paid for expedited shipping and it’s surpassed that time frame.


Post Office in Phoenix, AZ (69)



I mailed a package Priority 3-day delivery on 11/23 (hand delivered it at the PO and received an emailed receipt). It moved the same day to the PHOENIX AZ DISTRIBUTION CENTER ANNEX and sat there until 12/13 when it finally showed actual movement. It now will be delivered tomorrow (12/15) if all goes as currently scheduled - 22 days after being shipped for 3-day delivery. But it gets better. A package was mailed Priority to me and moved right along until it reached the PHOENIX AZ DISTRIBUTION CENTER ANNEX where it has been sitting since 12/3 which was the day it was supposed to be delivered to me. None of my calls have been taken seriously. The people I have spoken to have said it is in a container somewhere and will eventually be delivered - an echo of the conversations about the box I sent which went into the Phoenix USPS black hole. I have sympathy for the time of year and virus impacts on all industries, so my biggest concern/complaint is around the absolute lack of meaningful communication and transparency surrounding this current situation.


Post Office in Phoenix, AZ (70)



I am right there with all you I wish I would have seen this on December 5th. No one ever answers and when I mean no one I mean a lady named Stephanie C. My package after last update being December 1st finally said today that "Your item arrived at our PHOENIX AZ DISTRIBUTION CENTER ANNEX destination facility on December 13, 2020 at 5:10 pm. The item is currently in transit to the destination." but I have a feeling it will be another 5 days or more. I did call the customer service this morning and all she said is that she can see its on its way to the next facility. I thought this would be the final stop but I am going in to the Arcadia USPS tomorrow because thats where my other one said it was. I actually had this same issue with another order let me see what that one said and I will be able to see if its the Arcadia location


Post Office in Phoenix, AZ (71)



Day 9 of my attempt to find my package. Calling this listed number does nothing. It rings and rings until Verizon tells me I'm not dialing correctly. Now, the number just gets a busy signal. I just want the package that was supposed to be delivered days ago. Not as in yesterday or the day before. but DAYS ago. As in it arrived in Phoenix at this center, was Due to be delivered on Tuesday. It's now the Monday of the Following WEEK and nobody at the center answers the phone, my local post office does not know a thing about what's going on there other than my items are "missing" Get it together people. Quit using covid as an excuse for your incompetence. Ship our stuff to us.


Post Office in Phoenix, AZ (72)

Nicholas Meere


I have been waiting on a priority package for over 2 weeks now. Order date was 11/26. My package said it arrived December 4, 2020, 3:15 pm Arrived at USPS Regional Facility PHOENIX AZ DISTRIBUTION CENTER ANNEX. I’m curious as to why it’s been sitting in Phoenix for 10 days when I the customer pays extra for expedited shipping. I wonder how long it will be from here.


Post Office in Phoenix, AZ (73)



Same thing for me, I have a feeling that there is something seriously wrong with this location. My call to the post office resulted in...nothing. "Your package must have been loaded onto another truck going somewhere but not scanned, there's no way it would be sitting at this location for that long"

• Replied to Nicholas Meere

Post Office in Phoenix, AZ (74)

If a package arrives here, consider it gone


I ordered a package from Pheonix Dec. 1st.Paid for first class shipping I need it here by December 18th or else i cant pick it up.December 7th it arrives at this hellhole of an annexIt's not moved an inch since. I understand its dire times, but if 3 weeks is too much of a time crunch, then dont have people pay for shipping. Furthermore, don't give "in transit" notices if it's not in transit, there is no way that my package was on a truck/plane for 7 days to get across pheonix.


Post Office in Phoenix, AZ (75)

Unnecessary and unacceptable


This is the second month my packages from here that are 1-3 day priority shipping are going on WEEKS late. Last month one came just over a month late. What on earth is with this?!?!?!It literally just says in transit arriving late. Until it magically updates one day weeks later that it finally moved. its NOT IN TRANSIT. why are you holding packages I paid for? This is not acceptable. They can't even use the excuse of holidays because this happened early last month the first time.


Post Office in Phoenix, AZ (76)



I have a package received at this distribution center on 12/10/20 usually gets moved to my local post office to be delivered same day in Peoria which literally is 20 min away I live literally 20min or so from this distribution center wish I could just pick it up now I’m stuck just says in transit arriving late I see slot of people having the same trouble unfortunately hopefully gets delivered soon


Post Office in Phoenix, AZ (77)



Good luck! I haven’t received mine and it’s been along time. I have so much expensive stuff in my box and I haven’t received it yet. I’m about to file a lawsuit against them.

• Replied to Nooooooo

Post Office in Phoenix, AZ (78)

So tried of waiting


I have the exact same story regarding a package making it to Phoenix but sitting at annex since Dec 3, then "in transit" or other messages thst make no sense these 8+ days. I mailed this 11/27. Other packages to all parts of country have been received. Not Phoenix.


Post Office in Phoenix, AZ (79)


I mailed a package to Phoenix on 11/28/20. Paid $50.00 for December 2 arrival. Has been in Phoenix since December 1 with “in transit” from Phoenix distribution center. No updates. No help from email request other than RESOLVED without trying to locate my package.

• Replied to So tried of waiting

Post Office in Phoenix, AZ (80)

so tried of waiting


Well maybe the annex is under the microscope. After Reading all the articles when you search delayed USPS, I received email today 12/14 at 5:05 a.m. indicating out for delivery arriving by 9:00 p.m. Wait it gets better at 8:27 a.m. new message States out for delivery at 7:10 a.m. arriving by 5:45 p.m. Somebody is now working the wizard of oz message machine. I understand these are people with challenges just like the rest of us. We'll see.(And it's 'tired' not tried,but I tried to be early with package to avoid all this!)

• Replied to So tried of waiting

Post Office in Phoenix, AZ (81)

Laura D.

I placed an order on 11/26/2020, with my full order shipping next day. My order was received in multiple shipments, within the allotted time that was given for standard shipping. However, 1 item has not arrived yet. I have been checking the status daily and it says that it arrived at the USPS Regional Origin Facility, Phoenix, AZ Distribution Center Annex on 11/28/2020. Ok, so I continue to check daily on the status of this delivery and as of 12/02/2020 it says in transit, arriving late. No, this is not an expensive package, but it is something that I was hoping to give to my 5 yr old son, for Christmas that he would be very excited about. I'm disappointed. I've tried calling USPS customer service to see how this could be resolved, I've tried emailing them as well and I get the same information that I can read in black and white on the website. Is everyone to assume that packages are just piling up inside a warehouse with no hopes of getting to them in the foreseeable future? I'm trying to be incredibly understanding during this difficult time, especially this year, but this too, is why I tried to purchase things in advance vs. waiting until the last minute. Has anyone else had any luck with trying to get their packages out of the annex?


Post Office in Phoenix, AZ (82)

Laura D.

My review here and multiple emails to usps customer service, complaining about this, may have worked. As of tonight, my package that’s been here for 10 days, has “miraculously” been found and is supposed to arrive tomorrow. Hope this helps others to get their issues settled as well! Fingers crossed!!

• Replied to Laura D.

Post Office in Phoenix, AZ (83)

Mary Criss


As a retired rural carrier, I can empathize with the tremendous task at hand with regard to the unprecedented number of parcels this holiday season, however, as a consumer, the fact that my parcel has been at this facility since 12/4, with no further tracking info other than “in transit, arriving late”, offers little consolation and causes undue frustration in already frustrating times. I hope packages are not held up in a container somewhere, until “catch-up” can be achieved.


Post Office in Phoenix, AZ (84)

Amberlye Goodman


Where is my package? It has been sitting in your distribution center for over a week now and has been in Phoenix for 2 weeks. My package was not cheap and if you lose it, I will take some legal actions against this company


Post Office in Phoenix, AZ (85)

Not going to get it


Good luck! My package has things range to 3,000 dollars or more. I haven’t received and I’m with you in filing a lawsuit against them. Cause I will do that

• Replied to Amberlye Goodman

Post Office in Phoenix, AZ (86)

Laurie herting


Where is my package, it hasn't moved since it went to your place, and that was nov.25. that is totally unacceptable, packages were coming as they were supposed to be, and you people are doing nothing, I am ready to file a complaint against you people, I don't even know why they have you taking our packages, everyone is having problems with you.


Post Office in Phoenix, AZ (87)

Tonya Thurbush


Where is my package? Why has it been stuck in limbo not moving to Mesa since December 6th 2020? I have tried calling, no answer. I’ve emailed. There is no reason to hold up our deliveries having our packages sit in this site for days on end.


Post Office in Phoenix, AZ (88)

Clarkia Suckoll


Where is the pkg. It's been in transit arriving late for 2 days. It arrived at Phoenix AZ distribution center on the the 7th at 9:43. Gilbert AZ is 30 minutes away but for 2 days it keeps saying in transit arriving late. It was scheduled for delivery on Tuesday the 8th.


Post Office in Phoenix, AZ (89)

Grace Saunders


My receipt indicated package estimated delivery date was Thurs, 12/3 and still has not arrived. When I look at tracking it indicates it arrived at Phoenix Az Distribution Center Annex on 11/30. On Dec 4th it indicates it is "in transit, arriving late". Can someone please advise why this package has not arrived yet? The tracking number is 9536114363620330269194.


Post Office in Phoenix, AZ (90)

Terri Kessack


My package has been sitting at this place for a week now. They keep updating the web saying it is in transit to the next location. I have filed 2 complaints. PS...DO NOT SHIP A PACKAGE WITH THE POST OFFICE.....THIS IS MY TRACKING NUMBER SO YOU CAN SEE HOT MESSED UPO IT IS... 95346101883603212521624th package in one week they lost


Post Office in Phoenix, AZ (91)

Sunil Desaraju


I am waiting for my package from 4th August.It arrived in PHX on 4th August and was supposed to deliver on 5th August. Please let me know if you have lost the package. Here is the tracking number 9534616162210211459338


Post Office in Phoenix, AZ (92)

Gregorio Badillo

I am waiting for this package, from the 2nd of August I supine I would receive it and to this day I still do not receive it, it is stranded in a post office and they are not even sending it, how can they help me? Tracking number 9405508205497072156953


Post Office in Phoenix, AZ (93)

Joan Altman/ Danielle Altman Cantarero


I Joan Altman sent a package to my grandson for Easter. They received a damage box with missing item. Tracking #92001901755477000161006465. Phone # 480-825-9062


Post Office in Phoenix, AZ (2024)


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Name: Jerrold Considine

Birthday: 1993-11-03

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Introduction: My name is Jerrold Considine, I am a combative, cheerful, encouraging, happy, enthusiastic, funny, kind person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.