New Jersey Nightly News; New Jersey Nightly News Episode from 08/21/1978 6:30 pm (2024)

New Jersey nightly. With Rebecca and Clayton Vaughn Good evening. In the news tonight the New York Times continues its contempt of court fight in a superior court in Hackensack. In another court in New Jersey Bella loses a bid for a rate hike and meat packing plants in the state are worrying about possible FDA ban on nitrites. A commonly used preservative and sports Taylor's bloodline reports on the 500 kids who played for Major League Baseball scouts and will report on the Asbury Park rock music scene. What a York Times sent us attorney isn't a court today in Hackensack prepared to argue this time that the civil contempt charges against the Times should be dropped. Now that the paper has turned over material on the Dr. Murray murder trial. But there on the matter was continued until Wednesday time's attorney Floyd Abrams left the courthouse with instructions from Superior Court Judge Theodore trod that the

Times must produce another witness to testify that the material that turned over Friday to the court is complete. Defense attorneys argue that there is no way for the court or the defense to know if the tar files on the just all of its case unless the man who made the File Jack is put on the witness stand. Abrams says that will happen Wednesday morning. Meantime the favor has already been fined $75000 in the civil contempt action. And the reporter whose stories prompted the indictment of just kind of edge on charges of murdering patients in 1966 still sits in the Bergen County Jail. Abrams says the material the times turned over to the court is complete. Judge trout Warren says he can't know that for sure until the times presents the man who assembled that information. While there was bad news and good news of the sort on the cost of living today in New Jersey the bad news of course was the cost of living is up again across the northeast US in May and they were already knew that the increase over the two months was one point eight percent. The good news of a sort is of the increase in this area at

least wasn't as high as the national average which was 2 percent for the same time. Two tenths of one percent over two months may not make all that much difference in the super market at least to get the Labor Department statistician's busy for a couple of days. Rebecca our telephone rates won't be going up and we won't have to pay for directory assistance calls just yet. An appeals court today ruled against a New Jersey Bell Telephone rate hike and the charge for information. Bell had appealed to the court after the Public Utilities Commission had turned down both requests. In another suit Bell is again seeking the directory assistance charge and a 20 cent charge for coin telephone calls. That case is still to be heard by the courts. The Federal Food and Drug Administration this month proposed phasing out the use of the preservative sodium nitrite in hot dogs bacon and other cured meats. The FDA acted on a study showing that rats fed nitrites were one and a half times as likely to develop cancer as rats on a nitrite free diet.

So talk to New Jersey experts about the possible effects of the phase out. The company trying produces thousands of hot dogs every day. Only a small percentage of those fries with that. So nice try for the finicky if you don't want preservatives. But most shoppers would shun hotdogs and lunch meat without nitrites because nitrites gives the meat a rosy healthy looking color. This is meat without nitrite. A kind of grayish brown and this is me with nitrite. But color is not the only difference. Nitrite also really helps to extend the life of me. It's a fabulous situation. Obviously we know because we have the substance which has been as I understand it too because it's. Necessary to protect against courtrooms.

Professor Dawn feels that the risk to people who consume nitrite bacon ham or lunch meat two or three times a week is slight but it points out that under legislation known as the Blaney clause the FDA is required to ban any additives shown to cause cancer in research animals. Officials at the Leffler meat company say a ban on nitrates could be disastrous for business and dangerous to public health. But they think it may take years before the government decides just what to do about nitrites in meat in Trenton. I Mariama Rosso. Two South Jersey Congressman want to fight a Carter administration plan they say will cut off some federal aid to several Pine Barrens communities. Democrat William Hughes and Republican Ed for side have supported measures to preserve the pine lands but they say the White House went too far when it asked the Interior Department to see if a pending federal law projects might ecologically damage the Pine Barrens. The congressman say road and sewer projects might lose federal funding under the White House directive. And they've also scheduled a public meeting Wednesday night at

Stockton state college looking for support in their fight with Mr. Carter. The New Jersey Transportation of Ahmed is asking the federal railroad administration to delay at least temporarily the huge Northeast Corridor improvement project. The project's goal is to improve rail service between Washington and Boston. However part of the plan is to change the electrical system on much of the truck to accommodate new Amtrak rolling stock that's done it would make a lot of New Jersey's existing railroad equipment instantly obsolete and present still another headache to commuters. Another part of that northeast corridor project the renovation of New York's Penn Station has been the way although nobody here asked for that one. The Federal Railroad Administration had the facelift. But it apparently is the bump on the priority list. The station needs work. Obviously plans from the been on the boards for almost 10 years. Thousands of North Jersey commuters use the station every day. The city of New York uses it was. Love railroad and plants are just about the price of fresh

produce in New Jersey may go higher this year because farmers are worried about who's going to harvest it and all sorts of labor inner city unemployed males rounded up and bussed to the fields every morning is harder to find. My power has a report. It's still hard to measure how prices in the supermarket are being affected by the shortage of farm labor. Earlier this season higher than usual prices were blamed on the cold spring weather. But if crops begin rotting on the vine the accusing finger will point toward the workers in the field. Or in this year's case the workers not in the field. If the day laborers are here to pick the blueberries the supply of berries in the market drops and the price goes up. Farmers prefer good supplies of berries and workers and they think they know why laborers are in short supply. Just because they're staying here. In the big city ghettos work crew bosses usually pick them up by the bus load. Why. Well that has to do with the rules of welfare.

These people that are coming usually pick for us every year are having a problem with it. There are welfare recipients. More getting food stamps. And these people are just afraid to come out here for four to six weeks to jeopardize any kind of assistance. But say. A lot of these people. Here have come out here for years and nothing really has been actually enforced more so than one of this year. He has a solution to the labor problem. Let people amount of money working in the fields and still keep full welfare benefits that he says would provide jobs get the crops picked and hold down prices to you and me in Trenton. I might power. Resorts International has again expanded its real estate holdings in Atlantic City. It's

just bought the two hundred eighty five room Ramada Inn which sits adjacent to the casino purchase price seven point five million dollars. Resorts spokesman say they plan to take over the hotel next Monday but they wouldn't say what they'll do with it. And this is the latest in a series of real estate acquisitions five or sorts last month. The firm announced it had bought the nearby steel pier for over five million dollars. Three city beaches and Highlands borough and Monmouth County were reopened today after being closed on Friday because of a pollution problem. The beaches were closed when it was warranted partially treated sewage had been dumped on the Shrewsbury River. Warren County children's camp closed today after the outbreak of a contagious stomach disorder. The problem bacteria that causes stomach upset diarrhea which usually runs its course in about five day children at Camp grammar Sian Blairstown will be home by tomorrow afternoon. About 60 of the campers got sick. Problem is usually light on sanitary conditions but there was no explanation on that from camp officials. Unemployment among New

Jersey Young is a chronic problem but there are some governmental attempts to stem the tide. One of the federally funded why AC's see the young adult Conservation Corps song working today paid a visit to a Y A C C project in Sussex County. The young workers are a mixed bag of urban and moral backgrounds but they have two things in common. They're all between the ages of 16 and 23 and they all were among the ranks of New Jersey's unemployed youth. But that was before the state employment service turned them on to the young adult Conservation Corps. And these jobs at High Point State Park for the 10 participants whose numbers will triple by the fall. Working here is a total lifestyle. They're here to learn a trade and to pick up a high school equivalency degree. They also live here five to a room. The work is hard. There isn't much privacy and there's a strict code of behavior including a 10 p.m. curfew. But the kids don't seem to mind. Just about everything you know there were.

And you know if you're in mountains complain. That's right. During the day their time is spent refurbishing this lodge that's been closed for 12 years while maintaining the park grounds in the evenings. There isn't a lot to do. A little ping pong records or TV and a lot of star watching and conversation. One of the things that project participants seem to spend a lot of time talking about is the coming winter how cold will it be how much snow will fall how will they break the monotony. But there also seems to be general agreement that the cold is easier to take where it's beautiful and hard work isn't so bad once you've been unemployed. At High Point State Park Sussex County SANDRA KING A father's quest to get his son up about more in Little League games was thrown out of court today. Samuel Goodwin the third fall the loss of last June against the Woodbury little league on behalf of his nine year old son Sam good would claim the boy with denied a chance to

participate as often as stipulated in league rules. Woodbury spokesman claimed young Goodwin played the required time and the judge ruled the father didn't exhaust the administrative remedies open to him. We don't know if the boy will get up about more often now but we can almost predict he'll face some teasing from his teammates. Big league baseball tryouts in Jersey City Steve Taylor will have that and the rest of the sports coming up. Here's the New Jersey weather forecast it will be clear and cool tonight temperatures will be in the mid to upper 50s in southern New Jersey. It will be a bit cooler in the north. Tomorrow will be sunny and pleasant throughout New Jersey with highs in the mid 80s. We'll have a beautiful day at the shore tomorrow sunny and pleasant highs in the low 80s. Visibility will be more than five miles and wave heights will average two to four feet. The pollen count in New Jersey today is twenty two and the outlook for Wednesday. Sunny and warm.

Maybe the famous trial of Dr. Kenneth Adelman is re-enacted in the conviction. Well when you said baby you meant baby didn't you know you were asking me about a very inception. I've never referred to the products of conception as a baby coming to me for an abortion. What I did was to keep her pregnancy going to talk about baby you know it's just the difference in words a difference in the words. I didn't watch it tomorrow what do you do in New Jersey Public Television. Getting several hundred New Jersey Boys had a dream come true today. They got a chance to try out for a major league baseball team the Cincinnati Reds were invited by the New Jersey Indians to come in and check out the local talent. Trista Gaspar's reports the tryout was open to boys between the ages of 16 and 22 free of charge. About 500 would be ball players attended from New Jersey. The event was sponsored by the jersey

Indians the state's only professional hard ball team. No ads were placed in local papers about the tryout which gave the Indians the publicity they desperately needed and gave the local baseball talent the chance to be seen by the pros. It was like a Broadway casting call. Each boy took a number and then spent most of the day waiting for his number to be called. All of the faces look the same. Green and eager. The boys were tested first for speed. Each had around the 60 yard dash which got off to a confusing start. Ironic number rather than the backwards rather you want to. Guess what. Past the boys had to run it in seven seconds or less. Very few did. Then the survivors were tested on throwing and hitting. It was a tough job for the scout who had to wait five hundred prospects in just a few hours. What are you looking for here today. Well actually we're going to give them tools. Which are your legs arms and your arms to see the aged and you.

OK out of all these hundreds of kids can you really tell them apart. Well we could tell them if they have the basic tools like running and throwing the good that's God given. And the and the like. What makes you think they're going to pick you out of all these hundreds of other guys. Because I prayed before I came out here and I've been loving baseball all my life and I feel that this is my break. This is my chance here. If this. If this turns out not to be your break and they tell you you didn't make it we go crazy. Very disappointing. Yes. What do you think that you have to show them and for them to pick you out of all these other guys speed the finish. QUICK YOU Shawn base strong. You think you're going to make it you know. Probably fewer than 5 of these kids won't be invited back for a second tryout and then will have to pass even more tests at Roosevelt Stadium this is Trista Gasper reporting.

They'll be some new rules in high school football beginning next month. For openers head coaches will be allowed to go out on the field during timeouts before team captains had to get coaches instructions on the sidelines and then relay them to the other 10 players. Now with the new rule it'll be more like high school baseball or basketball with a coach can talk to all the players. Here's another change. If a kicking team commits a foul just as the clock runs out they'll have to kick over anyway. One more play without the clock. Also roughing the kicker will now bring in automatic first down as well as a 15 yard penalty. The new rules apply to high schools all across the country. The New Jersey Americans are now tied for second place in the American soccer leagues Eastern Division. The Americans beat the Cleveland Cobras two to nothing last night at Rutgers stadium and the $75000 Burgon Women's Tennis Classic got underway today at ram a poker college in Mahwah former Wimbledon champion Virginia Wade is seated first in the tournament so she did not play today. But Caroline Stoll of Livingston did and she beat Zenda lif of Daytona Beach Florida 7 5 6 1 first

plies in the first prize in the classic is $14000. Play will continue through Sunday. And that's The Sports for tonight Rebecca thanks to you. For young people summertime means vacations rock music and the beach. See how that combination works next on a call. Next on Alaska the closing front here has to be compatible. I mean the disjointed wilderness nature of why it's up to

Alaska our nation's last wilderness wilderness compete with development. It's a land battle of the century Alaska. The closing front here next time. Don't miss. Wednesday at 8:00. New Jersey Public Television. This evening New Jersey native Bruce Springsteen begins a series of three sold out concerts at New York's Madison Square Garden. Rock musicians Springsteen grew up and developed his unique musical style in around Asbury Park and his success has had a profound impact upon that shore community. At first glance Asbury Park looks pretty much the same as a dozen other New Jersey shore communities. There's the beach and the ocean. And the kind of tourist attractions that have drawn vacationers to the shore for decades. But while as Barry Park still retains much of the charm that it acquired in an earlier more prosperous era there are also signs of decline and decay.

So it seems odd that Asbury Park in general and this bar in particular the Stone Pony have attained something of a cult status. But the truth is Asbury Park is the spiritual if not the physical home of New Jersey rock'n'roll. That. One. Home. Day. 6. Maybe.

It's. Better to stand by. While. This is the craziest thing. OK. Yeah you're allowed to go crazy. Yeah yeah that's what people come to see it. I mean of music is good that's that's you know for me second for granted because we have a bunch of great musicians. What a show. I. Like scores of other musicians. Problem player Tony power has been affected by the mythology that surrounds the Asbury Park Roxy. I was. Here in the beginning. I'm younger than most of the guys. And. When the offstage club was. In vogue and Bruce Springsteen in Miami Steven Johnny lines were all getting to know one is getting to know one another jamming till five o'clock in the morning at this place.

I was 13 years old my mother would let me out a lot to come that Asbury so I had to sneak out. And I. Crashed the gate at the club and I stayed there for five o'clock in the morning and I come home and I went for two weeks. It was I really didn't get a chance to participate in it. But from what I could see there was just an awful. Lot of places for people to get together and play. The atmosphere was just conducive to musicians. Going to. Work. To. Do anything. Play and. I don't see my. LADY. I don't get a chance to really be out of the. Real fun. It's just a venue for my music. So I just you know make the best. And. We will make money.

Expenses. Travel. Like we. Want. So. It's. Very profitable. I am I am. Thank. You Ed. anything. Thanks thanks. Thanks. Thanks thanks. Thanks. Thanks

thanks. For me the trick. For. Your. Scripts every time something breaks. Every time you know you're working to get $15 for killing. 15 minute sets because Eric Spence. And I you know there's something in there that makes you do it. It's OK. If you could actually take the energy with something else you know we all know we don't we well you know we take a look at. This. I think it's dangerous you know. People. Want. To go and. Play. With the guys in the band they turn your turn I turn

them on. Turn just a people phrase. Which is. You know people I go out once or twice a week. You know that's that's it for them for us I guess. Right. Still I am thanks to a USC. Thank you. Tomorrow we'll take a closer look at how the state's new energy conservation rules will

change all our lives. Once again our top stories the New York Times went to court today to find out if it's purged itself of a civil contempt citation. But the judge has delayed a decision on that. Another court ruled today that the Board of Public Utilities acted properly in denying New Jersey Bell a telephone rate hike and the Warren County camp where 60 youngsters were stricken with dysentery has been ordered closed by health authorities. Our mailing address for Viewer Mail is 7 7 7 0 8 6 2 5 from Raymond Martin of grown up. I'm writing about the person who sent you a letter about posting the number of the bus in the back window. What happens if the driver forgets to turn up the right number and a person sees a number which they think is their boss and tells the driver where they are going to and the driver tells them he is not going that way they go but the right number but a different one. People run after these busses that have a heart attack and there is this chart titled the genealogy of noise and a note from Frederick

Butterfield of Westville the US Environmental Protection Agency has decided nothing about the noise of the hundreds of millions of vehicles and devices already made so it has condemned us to noise for as long or as short as we live and we will not live as long because noise will shorten some of our lives. The mind may not remember but the body does. The average life time is less than 26000 day. About a few quiet ones. Good night in Jersey and I don't know that. New Jersey night joint presentation of New Jersey Public Television and 13 and is broadcast weeknights at 6:30 on Channel 13 at 7:30 on New Jersey public. On.


New Jersey Nightly News; New Jersey Nightly News Episode from 08/21/1978 6:30 pm (2024)


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