fplot vs plot in MATLAB: Which One Should You Use? (2024)

Have you ever wondered what the difference is between fplot and plot in MATLAB? Or maybe you’ve been using one of these functions for a while and you’re not sure if you’re using the right one for your needs. In this article, we’ll take a closer look at both functions and explain the key differences between them. We’ll also provide some examples of how to use each function so that you can choose the best one for your next project.

So, without further ado, let’s get started!

DescriptionPlots the function y = f(x) for the specified range of x-values.Plots the points (x,y) for the specified x- and y-values.
OutputA plot of the function y = f(x).A plot of the points (x,y).


In MATLAB, there are two main functions that can be used to plot functions: fplot and plot. Both functions can be used to create a variety of different plots, but there are some key differences between the two functions.

What is fplot vs plot in MATLAB?

fplot and plot are both functions in MATLAB that can be used to plot functions. However, there are some key differences between the two functions.

  • fplot plots a function over a specified interval, while plot plots a function at a specified set of points. This means that fplot will create a continuous line graph, while plot will create a series of unconnected points.
  • fplot is typically used to plot functions that are defined over a continuous interval, while plot is typically used to plot functions that are defined at a discrete set of points. This is because fplot will interpolate the function between the points, while plot will not.

Differences between fplot and plot in MATLAB

The main difference between fplot and plot is the way in which they handle discontinuities in the function. fplot will interpolate the function between the discontinuities, while plot will simply draw a line at the discontinuities. This can result in different looking plots for functions that have discontinuities.

For example, the following code creates two plots of the function `sin(x)`. The first plot is created using fplot, and the second plot is created using plot.

% Create a plot of sin(x) using fplot
x = linspace(-pi, pi, 100);
y = sin(x);
plot(x, y)

% Create a plot of sin(x) using plot
x = linspace(-pi, pi, 10);
y = sin(x);
plot(x, y)

The following figure shows the two plots.

fplot vs plot in MATLAB: Which One Should You Use? (1)

As you can see, the plot created using fplot is a continuous line graph, while the plot created using plot is a series of unconnected points. This is because fplot interpolates the function between the points, while plot does not.

Another difference between fplot and plot is the way in which they handle NaN values. NaN values are values that are not defined, and they can occur in functions that have discontinuities or that are not defined for certain values of the input. fplot will ignore NaN values when plotting a function, while plot will plot NaN values as empty circles.

For example, the following code creates two plots of the function `log(x)`. The first plot is created using fplot, and the second plot is created using plot.

% Create a plot of log(x) using fplot
x = linspace(-1, 2, 100);
y = log(x);
plot(x, y)

% Create a plot of log(x) using plot
x = linspace(-1, 2, 10);
y = log(x);
plot(x, y)

The following figure shows the two plots.

fplot vs plot in MATLAB: Which One Should You Use? (2)

As you can see, the plot created using fplot does not include the NaN values, while the plot created using plot includes the NaN values as empty circles.

fplot and plot are both functions in MATLAB that can be used to plot functions. However, there are some key differences between the two functions. fplot plots a function over a specified interval, while plot plots a function at a specified set of points. fplot is typically used to plot functions that are defined over a continuous interval, while plot is typically used to plot functions that are defined at a discrete set of points. fplot will interpolate the function between the discontinuities, while plot will simply draw a line at the discontinuities. fplot will ignore NaN values, while plot will plot NaN values as empty circles.

When choosing between fplot and plot, it is important to consider the specific needs of your application. If you need to plot a function that is defined over a continuous interval, then fplot is the best option. If you need to plot a function that is defined at a

When to use fplot vs plot in MATLAB

fplot and plot are two of the most commonly used functions for plotting data in MATLAB. However, there are some key differences between the two functions that you should be aware of before you decide which one to use.

fplot should be used when you want to plot a function over a continuous interval. This means that the function should be defined for all values of the independent variable. For example, you could use fplot to plot the sine function, the cosine function, or any other function that is defined for all real numbers.

plot should be used when you want to plot a function at a discrete set of points. This means that the function should only be defined for a specific set of values of the independent variable. For example, you could use plot to plot the values of a function that have been measured at specific points in time.

You can also use fplot to plot functions that have discontinuities, but you should be aware that the resulting plot may not be accurate. This is because fplot uses a linear interpolation to draw the plot, which means that it will not be able to accurately represent the function at the points where it is discontinuous.

In general, you should use fplot when you want to plot a smooth, continuous function and you should use plot when you want to plot a function that has discontinuities or that is only defined at a discrete set of points.


Examples of fplot vs plot in MATLAB

The following code shows an example of how to use fplot to plot a function over a continuous interval.

x = linspace(0, 2*pi, 100);
y = sin(x);


The resulting plot will show a smooth, continuous curve that represents the function y = sin(x).

The following code shows an example of how to use plot to plot a function at a discrete set of points.

x = [0, pi/2, pi, 3*pi/2, 2*pi];
y = [0, 1, 0, -1, 0];

plot(x, y)

The resulting plot will show a series of unconnected points that represent the values of the function y = sin(x) at the specified points.

The following code shows an example of how to use fplot to plot a function with a discontinuity.

x = [0, 1, 2];
y = [0, 1, 0];


The resulting plot will show a line that is interpolated between the two points where the function is discontinuous.


fplot and plot are two powerful tools for plotting data in MATLAB. By understanding the differences between the two functions, you can choose the one that is best suited for your needs.

Q: What is the difference between fplot and plot in MATLAB?

A: fplot and plot are both functions that can be used to plot data in MATLAB. However, there are some key differences between the two functions.

  • fplot is a function that plots a function of one variable. This means that you can use fplot to plot a function of time, a function of frequency, or any other function of a single variable.
  • plot is a function that plots a series of data points. This means that you can use plot to plot a set of points that represent a function, or you can use plot to plot a set of points that represent a scatter plot or a bar chart.

In general, fplot is a more specialized function than plot. fplot is only used to plot functions of one variable, while plot can be used to plot any type of data. However, fplot is often faster than plot, especially when plotting large datasets.

Q: When should I use fplot instead of plot?

A: You should use fplot instead of plot when you want to plot a function of one variable. This is because fplot is specifically designed for plotting functions, and it will often produce a more accurate and visually appealing plot than plot.

For example, if you want to plot the function `y = sin(x)`, you would use the following code:


This code will plot the function `y = sin(x)` on the current axes.

Q: What are the arguments of the fplot function?

A: The fplot function takes the following arguments:

  • `x`: A vector of values that represents the independent variable.
  • `y`: A vector of values that represents the dependent variable.
  • `xlim`: A two-element vector that specifies the x-axis limits of the plot.
  • `ylim`: A two-element vector that specifies the y-axis limits of the plot.
  • `title`: A string that specifies the title of the plot.
  • `xlabel`: A string that specifies the label for the x-axis.
  • `ylabel`: A string that specifies the label for the y-axis.

Q: How can I change the line style of a plot created with fplot?

A: You can change the line style of a plot created with fplot by using the `linestyle` property. The `linestyle` property can be set to any of the following values:

  • `’-‘`: Solid line
  • `’–‘`: Dashed line
  • `’-.’`: Dash-dot line
  • `’:’`: Dotted line

For example, the following code will create a plot of the function `y = sin(x)` with a dashed line:

fplot(sin(x), ‘–‘)

Q: How can I add a legend to a plot created with fplot?

A: You can add a legend to a plot created with fplot by using the `legend` function. The `legend` function takes the following arguments:

  • `labels`: A vector of strings that specifies the labels for the plot.
  • `loc`: A string that specifies the location of the legend.

For example, the following code will create a plot of the functions `y = sin(x)` and `y = cos(x)` with a legend:

fplot(sin(x), ‘–‘, ‘sin(x)’)
fplot(cos(x), ‘-‘, ‘cos(x)’)
legend(‘sin(x)’, ‘cos(x)’)

Q: How can I save a plot created with fplot to a file?

A: You can save a plot created with fplot to a file by using the `savefig` function. The `savefig` function takes the following arguments:

  • `filename`: The name of the file to save the plot to.
  • `format`: The format of the file to save the plot to.

For example, the following code will save a plot of the function `y = sin(x)` to a file named `sin_plot.png`:


In this article, we have discussed the differences between fplot and plot in MATLAB. We have seen that fplot is a function that plots a function of one variable, while plot is a function that plots a function of two variables. We have also seen that fplot can be used to plot functions that are defined using the @ operator, while plot cannot. Finally, we have seen that fplot can be used to plot functions that are defined using the hold command, while plot cannot.

We can conclude that fplot is a more versatile function than plot, and it should be used whenever possible. However, plot is still a useful function, and it can be used to plot functions that are not easily plotted using fplot.

Author Profile

fplot vs plot in MATLAB: Which One Should You Use? (3)

Marcus Greenwood
Hatch, established in 2011 by Marcus Greenwood, has evolved significantly over the years. Marcus, a seasoned developer, brought a rich background in developing both B2B and consumer software for a diverse range of organizations, including hedge funds and web agencies.

Originally, Hatch was designed to seamlessly merge content management with social networking. We observed that social functionalities were often an afterthought in CMS-driven websites and set out to change that. Hatch was built to be inherently social, ensuring a fully integrated experience for users.

Now, Hatch embarks on a new chapter. While our past was rooted in bridging technical gaps and fostering open-source collaboration, our present and future are focused on unraveling mysteries and answering a myriad of questions. We have expanded our horizons to cover an extensive array of topics and inquiries, delving into the unknown and the unexplored.

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fplot vs plot in MATLAB: Which One Should You Use? (2024)


What is the difference between plot and Fplot? ›

No plot is drawn on the screen. You plot the function using plot(x,Y) . fplot uses adaptive step control to produce a representative graph, concentrating its evaluation in regions where the function's rate of change is the greatest.

What is the difference between Fplot and Ezplot in MATLAB? ›

fplot and fimplicit require that the input function to plot is a function handle. ezplot accepts either a function handle, a character vector, or a string.

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mesh produces wireframe surfaces that color only the lines connecting the defining points. surf displays both the connecting lines and the faces of the surface in color. The figure colormap and figure properties determine how MATLAB colors the surface.

What is the plot of the Fplot? ›

fplot plots a function between specified limits. The function must be of the form y = f(x), where x is a vector whose range specifies the limits, and y is a vector the same size as x and contains the function's value at the points in x (see the first example).

Why plot is used in MATLAB? ›

The plot function in Matlab is used to create a graphical representation of some data. It is often very easy to "see" a trend in data when plotted, and very difficult when just looking at the raw numbers.

Which MATLAB function do you use for plotting? ›

plot( X , Y ) creates a 2-D line plot of the data in Y versus the corresponding values in X . To plot a set of coordinates connected by line segments, specify X and Y as vectors of the same length. To plot multiple sets of coordinates on the same set of axes, specify at least one of X or Y as a matrix.

Why do we use ezplot in MATLAB? ›

Description. ezplot( f ) plots a symbolic expression, equation, or function f . By default, ezplot plots a univariate expression or function over the range [–2π 2π] or over a subinterval of this range.

What are the different types of plots in MATLAB? ›

MATLAB Plot Gallery
  • Animation.
  • Contour Plots.
  • Data Distribution Plots.
  • Discrete Data Plots.
  • Geographic Plots.
  • Images.
  • Line Plots.
  • Polar Plots.

How do you write a Fplot in MATLAB? ›

fplot( f , [xmin xmax] ) plots f over the interval [xmin xmax] . fplot( xt , yt ) plots xt = x(t) and yt = y(t) over the default range of t , which is [–5 5] . fplot( xt , yt , [tmin tmax] ) plots xt = x(t) and yt = y(t) over the specified range [tmin tmax] .

Why mesh is used in MATLAB? ›

mesh( X , Y , Z ) creates a mesh plot, which is a three-dimensional surface that has solid edge colors and no face colors. The function plots the values in matrix Z as heights above a grid in the x-y plane defined by X and Y .

What is the use of surface plot? ›

Surface plots can be used in exploratory data analyses such as those illustrated in 3D scatterplots. Also, they are useful to visualize results from analyses, such as custom function fitting (via Nonlinear Estimation) or Cluster Analysis.

What is the difference between a graph and a mesh? ›

Graph matrices are created with boolean “does a vertex to vertex edge” exist here, whereas meshes are created with multiple vertices organized in (triangle) primitives which are stored as 1D arrays/vectors of vertex indices.

What is the new plot function in Matlab? ›

Description. newplot prepares a figure and axes for subsequent graphics commands. h = newplot prepares a figure and axes for subsequent graphics commands and returns the current axes. h = newplot(target) prepares the object specified by target for plotting instead of the current axes of the current figure.

What is the purpose of plot function? ›

The plot() function is used to draw points (markers) in a diagram. The function takes parameters for specifying points in the diagram.

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A P-P plot compares the empirical cumulative distribution function of a data set with a specified theoretical cumulative distribution function F(·). A Q-Q plot compares the quantiles of a data distribution with the quantiles of a standardized theoretical distribution from a specified family of distributions.

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Plot: Results will be output only to the results neutral file. Print: Results will be output to both the model results output file and the results neutral file. Punch: Results will be output to the results neutral file, the model results output file, and the model results punch file.

What is the difference between a normal probability plot and a Q-Q plot? ›

For the most part, the normal P-P plot is better at finding deviations from normality in the center of the distribution, and the normal Q-Q plot is better at finding deviations in the tails. Q-Q plots tend to be preferred in research situations. Both Q-Q and P-P plots can be used for distributions other than normal.

What is the difference between plotting and printing? ›

The terms printing and plotting can be used interchangeably for CAD output. Historically, printers would generate text only, and plotters would generate vector graphics. As printers became more powerful and could generate high-quality raster images of vector data, the distinction largely disappeared.


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