Ford County Republican from Dodge City, Kansas (2024)


THE KING OF HORRORS. PARCHED DHATSWOKTH'S H0RR0B. CROP jREPORT. free and safe to vote according to his choice, and have his vote honestly counted, and It ha The Mexican War Veteran Dies at Rich A Very Heavy Redeetum id the Yield ok ever been so. Interference by Kepublleana Cora moBd, Mo.

Ills Eventful Life. Richmond, Ma; Aug. General A. W. An Excursion Train Goes Through Suffers From the The Washington; Aug.

1L The prospect and the fact that the bridge was so far too-aumed at the time the train came along, and the fact that tha train Was an hour and a half lat, are pointed out as evidence of a careful conspiracy. It seems hardly possibly that men could be so lost ii the ordinary feelings which areata the feasest of the human rac tmt tll men who will ob dead men. a Bridge. Terrible Droughts Confirmation of the Report That the Awful Wreck on the a month ago was for a yerv Peaf crop fcf ciirfi and a rate of yield about the with Democrats la aa honest exercise of the ritfbt of suffrage has never been heard of, aad every body kaows that the Republican party would not accept tbe fruita of auch crime, or to any manner, shield tbe perpetrators of them. Doniphan of Mexican war died last night at his apartments fit the Hudgin House, aged eighty years.

Funeral services will be held at Liberty, Mil, Thars-' day, at ten a. m. General A. W. Dcrafcan average.

Its condition in all the States of the Atlantic coast is ndw.unimpaired and of a very pVomis: In Texas adft Ted- Sixteen Coaches Filled With Faaaenger Iowa and Michigan Especially Suffer Vege whe Will steal from the dying. and vrill wag born in Mason Cdunty, Ky. July 9, 1SUS. His andesVr's Id WtH the paternal Filed In a Heap Over One Hundred Killed and Headred Injured The Victims, plunder the wounded, r-cld down by IMedo, Peoria Western Was the Work of Tarties Bent on nessee tne ednditien lias declined materially, la the central corn region, however, tation Completely Destroyed Streams and Wells Dry AU These Sapplet fcoeeted by treat Fires. John J.

Quintan, hardware, New York, ha assigned. Liabilities, HT.UOO. The Eagle flour mill, Memphis, waa destroyed by fire the other day. Loss, UO.ouu. Fire in Grecncastle, recently did damage to a clothier and a block of buildings.

James Blaine and bit family bate reached Dublin. lie will remain tome time in Ireland. Natural gas has been struck at Jefferson, ville. lad. The people held a celebration thereupon.

KniBley. Tood ft wholesale dry goods dealers of New York City, have made an assignment. The Mendota Insane Asylum, near Madi broken beams of wrecked car, and whose death hv fire seemed imminent- 'can do in the valleys of the Ohio and the Missouri; if they should be eommittea in its Interests. Tbe moral sense of the party would not tolerate it Contrast this record with that which made the South solid, and with the attempts to thwart the will of tbe people In Chicago, Indianapolis, Columbus and Cincinnati, and remember bow tbe fruits and advantages of these Crimes have been eagerly appropriated and defiantly defended, and you have a striking where two-thirds of the crop is grown and Goeeraer roraker Gives Soane Reuona Way tbe Democratic Party Should Be Turned Out of rower -Bloody aoei Southern Tactics Incident Oftewtive to Loyal Cltlaens. The followlrg crspioue extracts from an article by Governor" 3.

B. Foraker, of Obio published in tbe forum, and entitled "The lieturn of tbe Rermblio-aff Party," will appreciated by readers who hxve the welfare of their country at heart? tUt Question of "a free ballot and MtMf Smi out-ranks all others, because it affect dtrectiy the very existence of our Government. The theory of ear institutions is. that the people are the source 4 aR rightful author-fty. The only sovereignty we hae Is their lawfully expressed will.

Whatever defeat or In terferes witS that expression is, at least, prat No ore Will question any of these proposition. No political party could Openly deny any ona of them dv appeal for power with any hope ot success. The con most any thing which is base, and that is what these fiends in humaS form did. They Chicago, Aug. 13.

A Niagara Falls tbe commercial supply is procured, a very heavy reduction- has taken place, which has went into tbe cr3 when the fire was cnrsion train on the Toledo, reoria made th national average instead of Western railway, consisting of seventeen bnrninsr underneath, and when the poor measure of difference, to wnicn nottusg eaa bo added by words. Scenes at the Two Morgues Evidence Before tbe Kailroad Board and the wretches pinned there begged them for coaches and sleepers, crowded With psssen 97.7 last month. The cause is the long continued drought, which has been the severest Reviewing only I no past lew weeks, we have gers irom reoria ana points along the line. Chicago, Aug. 10.

Telegram received this morning from central points tVrough-oot the entire 75,000 s-iuare miles ol drought strfcketi Northwestern country show that the fearful sun-scorching of all vegetation continues unmitigated. Not a drop of rain has fallen except eight one-hundredths of an inch at Des Moines a bare sprinkle on the deep dust Iiocal observations in vari God's sake to help them dut, stripped them of their watches and Jewelry n'd searched was wrecked two and.oehtf miles from in Kansas, Illinois, Indiana; Ohio and Michigan. Nebraska has: been scorched on Seen tbe President of the United States aad Jefferson Davis uniting in words of cumn'Ument and eulogy on the occasions of the unveiling ot their pockets fo onev. son, was burned early on the morn bn the dead bodies were laid out in Cbataworth, abvat One a. m.

yesterday, by running into' a burning culvert. The two engines were com tbaebuthern border arid Iowa add Missouri have escaped with comparatively light loss. tbe statues erected la Honor ol John Cal ing or the uth." houn aad Albert Sidney Johnston one the au as have the more northern States; Tbe and maternal lines were of KHfiitH extraction. Mia father and mother were native of Virginia, his father being Revolutionary soldier. He (rraduatd lt Augusta College; Kentucky, at thS age of efbWen He studied law In the office of Martin P.

Marshall, of Kentucky. After a period of two years he was licensed to practice law bf the Supreme Court of Ohio. In March, ltod, be came tH Missouri; and was licensed to practice law by the Surene Court at Fayette id the succeeding month. On tlid lUth of April, 1S3U, be settled at Lexington; and began his long; successful and brilliant forensic career. At tbe age of twenty -three, without experience, he was placed id collision with Abe1.

Leonard; Robert t7. TTellsi Peyton R. Hayden and others, gentlemen eminent for ability and legal attainments, and his maided speech at the bar was made in 1S30, in defense 6f a nian Indicted lor murder. His cohdut't ifi this trial was modest and gave the Cornfield these hyenas turned them over in their search for and that the plundering was done by an organized pletely wrecked, together with tbu The wreaths of the French Patriotic League were placed on Editor KatkolTs ous districts give out little hope of a break coaches and the baggage tear and Over 100 seven cord Surplus States stand as follows! Ohio, 82; Indiana, 64; Illinois, within the coming twenty-four hours. grave in Uoscow.

Chatsworth, HL, Aii. ii Sensational features were developed yesterday ss to the cause of the wreck. Rumorf were afloat the day before that rt was due to the robbers who firefl te bridge, btit tittle credence was given "i estera iaornina- new facts; apparently showing the catastrophe be the work of an 6r- gang was proven by tbe fact that this lives lost and several hundred persons thor of secession and the other distinguished for nothin; except as a soldier who fought to destroy his country. We have also seen, tbe De race ratio State convention at XoutsviUe sheering to- the echo Henry Wattersoa'a alhi- 65; Iowa; Missouri; 80; Kansas, 80; sequence is, yiat, so far a platform declaration Mooncy, the New York dynamiter, has morning oat in tneccrnfield sixteen parses. maimea.

McClintock was in A trifle cooler weather and scattered light showers are expect ad in some nlacea. biit the k-ondUlrinii um Nebraska; T5: stantly killed, but the two firemen and the all empty) were round in one heap. are concern pa, sir parties agree mat me ngat eVsage ihould be maintained Inviolate. been omcially declared insane by two ex ami ni in lunacy. The rbrldltioti of stlririff wheat: retorted other engineer escaped serious injury.

The atom v. tno fcpaaqaat eaJioa mil" a such that if thd r-dsslbie little moisture and 'fraud's patriotic pauper liniment, warranted tea cars were piled on top of the tvro a very low last month from tiie r'aYageS Of chinch bugs, is not improved in the August Cto ats worth, HL, Aug. 13. Cha'fnel houses and hospitals rriaile uH lst night Nevertheless, tlt fact is, that the UemoeralM party is In power tdtiay only because, by the m6st shameful offenses, it has overthrown this coolness are alike all delayed their effect i Buitan, so it is said, has granted a French syndicate permission to construct a to abolish vagabondage by pensioning a lot of gincs, being telescoped and bilttd across and will be totally lost in the seemingly immi what had been the peaVietul village of Chats naroor at Salonica. or each other.

It Is miraculous how rvkt in many phices and States of the Sooth, tramps. We have seen General Rosser ordering General Sber.dan to keep out of the Shenan returns, but has fallen off very slightly, the general average being T8.8, but two points nent further general rise of temperature ganized band came to light; aid the company find them worthy of serious Superintendent Armstrong said to an Associated' reporter that the more he investigated the more It Bleared, to and, embtThtoaed by it successes It ha A rot-noun firemen, recently la conven doah valley, or bring hi rations with him. We from end to end of the drought region. The many escaped, as the and engines do not occupy over two car lengths ef track less than the August return of lust year, sought to succeed ClMwhcre by like means, at tion at Uew York, organued Into a Na effects of the drousht Irl Cuicago was notice Dakbta has rHadq a slight trait ad stands tional Association. st Chicago, Indianapolis, CVMimbus and Cin-ernnati.

This Is said to be an old qttemkra and ouu mil va top oc tee roaaoea in one coach not person ce.Ded. and in that the bridge had been set on highest in condition. The average for Wiv have seen the 1 "resident of the United States, Instead Of Joining with the loyal millions of tbe country In the sacred duty of scattering flowers over the graves of the dead able ia many small fires yesterday; but they convey no idea of the condition of The Socialists carried District Assembly evidence of the dawning of that reputation a tectlOnal mej and there are many who affect consin is T3; Minnesota, 74; Iowa; 72; Ner aoth ir bat on a lady. Seventy dead The burned grass in its immediate locality was not Of Mr; nature that seemed likely to 24, Chicago Knights of Labor, in the recent things in the country immediately sur as a criminal lawyer which he afterwards attained. to dispose of all allusions to it with a contemptuous sneer about te "bloody shirt." were taken Out Up to noon and 100 wounded heroes, but for whose bravery and sacrifice ot election ol delegates.

admit of the bridge cStcfcfng fife from it. braska, 77; Dakota, 8S. In the extreme West and on the Pacific coast the condition of spring wheat is bigHi life the Government, ot which he is the bead. rounding the city. Never before have the farmers and residents of the suburbs suf worth.

Of 00 merry excursionists journeying by here to the falls of Niagara twenty-lour hours ago, fully half that number have since passed through a maestro more fearful than all the Whirling waters they were traveling far to see. Eighty-for of them blackened, mangled corpses Are scattered ill the depots, schools and engine houses here and St Piper City and are being carried oh trains in all directions to thr homes, while 115 bandaged, moaning cripples are still held on all the available mattresses, beds-, chairs aid fioors in the vicinity, strutrrlitig for a little lease of life. There is no answer in all this. The older the In 1833 he removed td Liberty; Mo- where The New York Btate convention of the Greenback Labor party will be held in nave been brought and put in the town hall, school house, depot, etc The Cars caught fire, but it was put out by trainmen would not be In existence, going "a-flshing, on Decoration day. And finally, we have aeea this euemlon the more reason for its speedy ettle- he made his faOtiie for tbe succeeding thirty fered so from the heat and dry weather.

In the oats crop there is no change. Fart Albany Keoteinbor 1 All around, the vegetables Of the small me chief magistrate proceeding to surrender and passengers. A heavy rain set in about years. His experience at Lexington had been preparatory. At Liberty his reputation attained its In 1835, 1840, 1854 gardeners havd been killed, and along the the raptured battle Dags to what he term the of the crop was harvested at the last report.

The condition averages 83.6, which indicates a crop slightly under tbe average: meht; the crimes complained of are large ly confined td 8 farticvlar locality is no reason why their commission ehsr-H not be stopped, and theory of "bloody shirt'' eirt adds Insult to The five-hundredth anniversary of the birth of Henry V. was celebrated at Mon two nours attar the Wreck, before the He had observed many thieves at vror art a had stopped them while they were despoil-ln the wreck of property and money. Otner instances of robbing the dead were being brought to his The excursion had been extensively advertise'd a'wl (he time it would pass over the bridge was weli kn6w2. Citizb'ns say that a gang of Confederate Status." that they might be ear railroad tracks the prairies are on fire and wounded could bo taken away, ceatfattlng he represented Clay Cdunty in the Legisla mouth, on the Hth. The barley crop promises to yield rather the residents of the suburbs are called but at all hours of the day and night to extin ture without opposition.

Hd was a mn: lor two nours. a sswspXrw. lecocsT. Fire in the Co. cord (N.

Steam Power guish the flame when they threaten tbe per of the peace conference in lst4. In The truth I that this question Is upon us now as it has nerer keen before; not as a question Of the past, but of th present and the future. vmVArorv Aug. l'i The 'lima' account of ned in public parade, and pointed to with pride, as though they were not still the emblem of treason, of which the people of the South should be forever ashamed. And all this for no other purpose than to make It appear that because the war ia over" there should be no longer any distinction between the bine and better than was feared last month.

The Eastern product averaged a higher condition, but is reduced slightly since tbe last report. Tho average is S8.2, indicating company a building recently caused 1125, WW loss to two shoo Arms. The elreets of Chatsworth are wild with crowds of anxious seekers for friends barns and houses. At Western Springs a valuable grove of young trees has been suspicious fellows tilvs heeti loitering around Chatsworth for soiSe faw days. Many of these were found early relatives and with Crowds of bustling W.

J. Clarke, of Columbus, has been appointed Assistant United States Attor completely destroyed, and the neighboring nearly arerage yield: The buckwheat 1846 occurred the war with Mexico, and in May, 1S46, he was elected Colonel of the first rgrimerlt mounted volunteers. The laurels won CJoldtldt Doniphan and his men during the Mexican war are among the brightest that grace the the South was mad "srHd" fy bloody and tomiutent methods is as indisputable an historical a the war itself. That it 1 now mo maintained by Improper methods Is shown by uch circ*mstances as fbe formal farce called the awful railroad disaster near Ctmt-worth is as follows: All raMww horrors in the history of this voufttry were surpassed three miles cast of Cbatsworth last night when an excursion train on the Toledo, Foria Western road dropped dwellings were only saved by th great area appears to be practically the same as people hurrying for medicines, slowly bearing rude pne Coffins to the trains, or talking earnestly of the horror that had caused ney for the District of Utah. last year, and averages about 93 in condi tteury Ives, the railroad mstrnntn est efforts on tta part of the villagers.

Out On the Rock Island things are even tion. the consternation. gray, and that both should be remembered only and alike, tor tho valor they displayed, and on such a baais to establish a sentimctal fraternity of feeling for the present, to be followed with the payment for cotton, slaves and Confederate bond by and by. a Congressional election, id the State of lias made an assignment, with liabilities the wreck; paying more attention to relieving bodies 6f valuables than to caring for iuern rhorwfse. Trainmen and passengers bad frequent Contentions with the scoundrels.

In one instance Superintendent Armstrong found a There is great reduction since the first of CACSE Or THB-CATASTRf'rEE. fast October. In Ohio and Crfwy ether American arms, and the memory of tbem will be enduring as time itself. amounting- to millions of dollars. worse.

Fences all along the line of the road are on fire and the air is constantly filled with the smoke of the burning prairie Chatswoktu, 111., Aug. 12. Indirectly inrrniga a burning bridge ed Over one hundred people were kdlcd and four times that number more of less badly injured. The July in the condition of potatoes, almost entirely the result of drought; There i no In Tarred circ*mstances in life Colonel the cataarCphe was ascribed to the origin I. Brown, one of the largest mer-rtaants of Jacksboro.

has assigned. All these several steps and acts were quietly Repuul ran state there are cast in each district at a Congressional eWnion an average of about 89,000 votes. There are abtfit the same number of votes in each of ths Congressicnal districts TJoniphari tiaS e'xerted si grCa In grass. At South Englewood every one was of bo many other recent calamities the un material dcine a tte Atlantis or, Guir coast; but the injury is severe in the West, called out of church Sunday to fight the precedented drought. The tall grass under and patiently acquiesced in, until the last, but that Wa too much for loyal men to endure, and they grtfitcd it with such storms of pro.

ol Georgia, but at the election of OctdVe 6, fire, and since then, while the male resi The loss during the month Is reported as little culvert on the Toledo, Peoria nuente. In parliamentary bodies be has dririe this mainly through social impress and social cdritact. He was fascinating in conversation, and his society well known thief in the depot room where the pfopefl facets from the wreck was stored. While the people" of th town nave done ali in their power for the taffef e'ts; there is a horde of tramps and thieves In this vicinity trho do nothing bnt Carry Off 15M6, the votes cast were as follows: dents were id the City, the women of the fully two per cent, of the prospective crop. test and mdignfftlon that haste waa made to revoke' te order aid postpone 'the pleasant First district.

Scattering. IT Democratlo S.0M village had to turn out and extinguish the The fruit crop is very poor. There will be Western railroad a few miles east of Chatsworth had been rendered by the sun as dry as tinder and Wednesday night a locomotive spark set it ablaze. The 2.411 names-. few outside df Hetv England and- was sought wherever he went.

He was duty," not tieVawe the sentiment was wrong. 1,704 Third VILLAGE EaNLT WIfrED Otti train was composed of six sleeping cars, a coaches and chair cars and three baggage. It was carrying tW all excursionists, and Vas bound for Niagara Falls. The train had been made up all along the line of the Toledo, Peoria Western road and the excursionists hailed from various points in Central Illinois, the bulk of them, however, coming from Peoria. Some of the passengers came from Canton, from El Putts Washington and In fart all stations aloug the line; some teamed in 1S3T to Miss Jane Thornton, of Theliabilitiea were about fdu.OiJU.

Fire in Salt Lake City, Utah, recently, destroyed a hardware store, a grocery and a jewelry store, causing losses. During the last fiscal year of Silver bullion were purchased for coinage, while silver dollars were coined. Three steamers have left New York for the purpose of repairing the telegraph cables in mid-ocean. Three breaks were reported. The eighth annual convention of tho any thing they can get tdcir hands but because.

barmf examined tne law -wun more care," it was tllgh best to wait until Detkoit, Aug. 10. The village of timbers of the Culvert Caught fire The scene at the two morgues yesterday Clay County. Two boyswere born tdtheni; one of whom was drowned in West Vir New York. There will bd a partial Crop id Michigan.

In the Ohio river States the harvest will be nearly a failurtj. hay crob is also gfeatlv reduced in tne West. S.HO t.lM.l tJKt Congress can give authority to do lawfully Fourth fifth fcivth Seventh Eighth Kinta nd were smoldering unseen when a toras both horrifying and sickening. The Sandusky, tbe county seat of Sanilac County, waa nearly wiped out by fire yes 830 Scattering I 14 "1 1 what, had there been no interference, would have been done unlawfully. extreme heat cf Thursday had rapidly ad train of sixteen Coaches Of excursionists from Feoria, Bioomlngton and terday morning, which Originated in the ginia, The other took poison by mistake and died at Richmond, where General Doniphan reliiot-cd in lSi7: J.I.

vanced the decomposition of mangled Tenth '-Ml swamps south of the Village. The princi neighboring cities approached. There was WHICH IS PATRIOTIC7 The tobacco crop is id high dondltiod id the seed leaf States, averaging nearly 100, except Wisconsin. The shipping and cutting districts of tbe West make an unprecedent corpses; and the stench arising from these in putrefaction was overpowering. Each in other with a total vote df than a terrible crash, and an accident almost tan WIND "STORM.

pal Dusiness places are all gone, among them being Carron's hotel and store building, Hugh McKenzie's agricultural depot precedented in horror had passed into his Tbe Difference Between Copperhead aad body was Corersd in spots with flies that irom as rar west as Burlington and Keokuk, la. A special and Cheap rate had been made for the excursion and all sorts of people took advantage of it. tory. That was the brief story quietly ed report of low condition; Tennessee, 70; A Kansas Town Almost Completely De and residence and contents. M.

G. Hoag ten members of Congress were chosen to represent the Sfae of Georgia, ana to wield as much power in shaping National legislation as any ten Congressmen from Ohio and other tesi who were chosen upon a total vote of annnnoL gleaned on the streets of Chatsworth. A Kentucky, 79; Ohio, 85; Indiana, 56; Illi stroyed With Loss of Life. and John Laken's general store and a num short ride brought one from the sickening Wa-Keenev, Aug. 6.

Millbrook, When the train drew out of Peoria at nois, 52; Missouri, 60. In view of the heavy reduction in acreage only a small fragment buzzed about in the sunlight; the ghoulish insects alternating from bodj? to body. No means were at hand for the preservation of the remains, the supply ox" ice being exceedingly limited. Those of the dead who Wre unidentified lay on tbe morgues ber of residences nine buildings in alL the county seat of Graham County, twenty sights of the city to the place where the catastrophe occurred. It was a wild scene eight o'clock Wednesday evening it was loaded to its utmost capacity, every berth of the usual crop may be expected.

The of miles north of here. Was almost destroyed Fairly-attained' feslt mast always be cheerfully accepted, but it can Cot be expected that Very little can be learned about the tire as the telegraph and telephone wires are down on all sides. A Carronville dispatch says about sunddwb Thursday by a stfaight ficial investigation of the area now in pro tne six sleepers being taken and the day such manifest abuses will be IdCg tolerated. gress Will determine authoritatively the cars carrying sixty people each. The train the loss is from $15,000 to FJ0.0O0.

There breadth cultivated the present year; at the wreclt in the driving darkness. The tangled iron and wood and the various debris presented much the same appearance it did at the time of the accident. The engine, shattered out of all shape, lay in the ditch about 200 feet beyond the Culvert and wind from slightly west of north; The place contained about 400 inhabitants and only One House, a residence; was not badly injured. The business houses Were blowit guarded by tillage policeman, the faces of the Corpses being hidden from view by blankets or an Old Coat. The situation became So argent tltst was no loss of life as Was at first reported.

9- GIANT POWDER EXPLOSION. DtUCOL-RAtJIXO REPORTS. waa so heavy that two engines were hitched to it, and when it passed this place It was an hour and a half behind time. Chats-worth, the next station east of here, is six The demand for their suppression Is rapidly becoming irresistible, and people who are not ftware of tbis fact have not kept np with pnblio feuiimcnts In this respect. So long as these election Iraifdn affected only local results the great mass of the people appeared to be and probably were largely IMiSerent about them.

GttAN'D Rapids, Aug. 10. Fires are One Man Killed and Ten Wounded by an still raging north and south of here. At the broken cars were strewn all over the down or wrecked and the goods exposed td the rain, which fell later and were greatly damaged. One person, a boy three Explosion near San Frauclaco.

miles off. and the run there was made in seven minu'es. so the terrible momentum Cedar Springs every man who can be had tracks Sax Fbanxisco, Aug. 13. The giant is working heroically.

Sand Lake, which years old, was killed, but about photographers of the United Htates began in Chicago on the 9th. The exhibits were cry numerous. Wool dealers and sheep growers of Ore-Ron have entered protest before the Commerce Commission against the Pacific railways' pool rates. An expedition has been sent to Central Asia by Ht. Petersburg merchants to analyse the soils and, it possible, establish a cotton plantation.

A shell exploded at Waxholm fort, near Stockholm, recently. Nineteen men were killed and many others, including three officers, wounded. Baltimore Ohio common stock bad another heavy fall on the 9th, selling as low H7.l. This is the lowest price reached for over five years. Two petard were exploded on a staircase ef the building occupied by the Spanish minister of the Interior in Madrid on the 11th.

No damage was done. The imports of iron and steel during the fiscal year ended June 80 were greater than over before. They were 100,000 tons greater than in 1SS6 and 1836 combined. Rev. J.

M. Machal. a Catholic nrieat. who the officials of the road decided to remove the bodies to Peoria by consent of Coroner Long; and having previously ordered the necessary number of plain wooden coffins from Bloomington; a hi which arrived during the morning. The pecuniary loss arisine from the' ac The culvert.

Which was about thirty-two feet in length, showed broken and burned powder works located at West Berkley, six of those fifteen coaches and two heavy engines shooting through space at the was in danger of burning yesterday, is now twenty-five were injured. Some sus They did not realize, at least not keenly, that they ere Injured by the triumph of frand la the elections of even Congressmen and electors. miles front this citv, across the Sari Fran out of danger, although help is kept ready. tamed tbe breaking of limbs, but Only one timbers, and gave evidence at a glance ol rate of a mile a minute can be understood, Republican Principles. "For convenience of reference," we present iu parallel columns the different opinions held by the Southern Democrats as gathered from the editorial columns of Die Southern Democratic newspapers and those entertained by the Republican party of tho country.

The newspapers referred to claim that the "South is loyal," while they, as well as the yelping hounds of the doughface press of the Nortli -Democratic and mugwump call tho Republican party of the Nation "sectional." Read the parallel and decide which is the sectional set of opinions the one on the left, or the one on the right: socrnERW vir.w. hkpi bi.icak visw. 1. Secession was 1. Secession was re-right, and was not re- bellion, and the Union bellion.

lis and waa indissoluble. 2. Secession was nnt t. Secession was trea-t reason, nor was Jcfi son, and Davis waa a Davis a traitor. Itraitor.

8. That the South wasl a. The South had no flght Dg for its rights. righta imperiled. 4.

Tbe South was right! 4. The Sou lb waa In the war. wroug iq all respect. 5. The South wa not, 5.

The rebellion wa conquered but and the Cisco bay, blew up at two o'clock yesterday Reports from the south on the Lake Shore the cause of the accident. The little ditch of the rnhired is likelr to die: This is So long as the genrral result was satisfactory, afternoon. The force of the explosion was No stop was made at Chatsworth and on and on the heavy train with its living road say fires are raging in the woods bad which the culvert spanned was about ten ft was easy as well as agreeable to believe that. Bi Keithfield who lives at Wa'Keeney and cident i simply enormous. the laT9 of Illiboi? the relatives of those killel in In far as such wrongs would not right them has a furniture store here and one at Mill- freight sped through the darkness of the selves, it was the duty of others to correct such that Windows along the battery front in this city were smashed, and buildings throughout the entire business portion of feet deep, and the timbers had been burned away by the fires which had been raging in this vicinity.

The heavily laden train, night. Three miles east of Chatsworth is a them. But a changfl was been wrought. This ly and Granville is still burning in the lowlands. From the north discouraging reports are received.

At Crofton, four miles south of Katkaska, flames destroyed a large amount of farm buildings and fences, and it brook. He was picked up unconscious some distance from his store. He is bruised from head to foot. In ndditibn to the de little slough and where the railroad track crosses a dry run about ten feet deep and the city quivered to such an extent that it was believed the citv had sustained dream of indifference wa rtdely interrupted if tna Presidential election of IKSI. The people o( Ohiot aid of every Northern St il.

were struction at Millbrook tbe towns of Hill fifteen wide. Over this was stretched rushing down a grade of about forty-eight feet- to the mile, struck the culvert. The eye of the engineer could not detect the burning framework beneath the straight was expected that the Village would go. a heavy earthquake shock. There were four shocks, 'the second add then made to undoratnnd and appreciate tn.u an ordinary wooden trestle bridge.

City and Plainville also suffered serious" loss. There is no telegraph station within when a man is not allowed to vote in Missis ard a the excursion train came thunder. and they have called for aid from Katkaska. Around Kinxslcy 2,000 cords of wood third almost ailmultaneous, aid occurring eighteen miles of Millbrook and the reports" iipnt, rr any other Stale, or WbD he wrong- ing down on it, what was the horror track, because enough of the culvert remained to hold the rails in position, but as shortly after tbe first, and tbe fourth about were burned yesterday afternoon, also uH vote for himself onl his neulitior also. are very meager.

of the engineer on the front engine three minutes after the third. Tbe first oc Or when. If any other manner, be interfere miles of fences and many fields, destroying tbe wheels touched it the crash came. Later The following are the casualties when he saw that this bridge was afire. With a free i xprf-Siion of the popular will and curred in the nitro-glvcenne or mixing The rapidity with which the train was hundreds of dollars' worth of crops.

At so far as ascertained: The two children ot Right up before his eyes leaped the bright tta honest ascertainment tnolr rights are Ashton fires are raging badly, and the house and the others in the magaaines, re came from Ireland to the Brooklyn diocese last December, died the other day of starv George Watkihs, killed outright; W. B. going may be imagined-when it is understood that the first engine leaped over the actly and importantly affected: th. in other Grand Rapids Indiana depot barely Cfitchfieid, wounded, probably fatally; names ana tne next instant he was among them. There was no chance to stop.

Had there oeen warning, it would have taken woflj thing of voting, no matter in want escaped being burned. Whipple's milL sulting from the concussion Cailsed by the first. The first report from the scene of the disaster was to the effect that thirty chasm and, holding tbe track, went on, but ation. ie suffered from dementia. 5y a collision of freight trains near Bor.

Hassy urubbs, wounded, recovery doubt place it maj It? -lne. Is the common concern near Walton, caught fire, but the fire was little injured. The second engine plowed powenu by superior Muutu treated witw rare ful; Rosa Boy lan, arm and leg broken; half a mile to stop that onrushing mass of of the whole people Of tHe entire country, and tientown, N. the other morning, a fire number. magnanimity by the Chinamen had been killed, but later re extinguished by the aid of workmen near that to rob a voter of his right to vote in an wood, iron and human life, and the train its way along tho track for nearly 300 feet and Gnally went over on its side a most conqueror.

man was killed and both -engineers badly the disaster will, if they have any claims at all, deplete the treasury Of the Toledo; Peoria Western of something like and those injured would receive at least 423 -000 more. The superintendent of the road, Mr. Armstrong, by indirection at icaStj claims the accident was' in no wis? the result of negligence or the lack Of care, simply by act or God. Mr. Ai'mseong arid his foreman of bridges insist the structure" entirely safe and the roadbed in condition to stand rapid transit.

From the adduced before the railroad board it appears that fain was speeding along at from thirty to miles per hour. Mr. Armstrong ivs the track is in fair order, having the customary number of ties per mile and steel rails with fish bar attachments. There is unquestioned evidence to Shaw te air brakes were tested twice at Peoria find one at Forest, where a coach was dropped and another substituted. Mr.

Markley says he examined the bridge in May last and considered it safe for two years to come. Many people here express a belief that tbe train Was wrecked by thieves for the purposes of plunder. Nothing George Ainsworth, internally injured; Mrs. George Ainsworth, badly injured; A. H.

by. is to rob everybody else as Weil 6. That the suppres was within one hundred yards of the red i. citizenship and tne ballot were conferred Around Alson and westward toward sion of tbe colored vote Us iwMir.t of the enrraif alHemcm ana con ne mgoi operator was asleep. Fire in the packing house of T.

M. Sin ports showed that only one Chinaman was fatally and four white men and six Chinamen were severely injured. The works were owned by Bandman, Neilson St messenger of death before they flashed complete wreck. Piling on top of and dovetailing ono another came the regular pas Cheboygan fires are burning large tracts of -nuMit ic'iJtntation of the blocks, these Grubbs, fatally wounded; Mrs. A.

H. Grubbs, arm broken and badly injured about the head i rs. C. Coder, arm broken i is necessary to prevention the negroes as tbe the rule of an ignorant result of the war, and their fatal signals into the engineer's face. pine and hardwood.

Suites loft lie Mi; In the last lrem senger coaches with their loads of human clair at Cedar Rapids, Iowa, stroyed the slaughtering department and and non-pro peny hold-Jhe constitutional guar- But he passed over in safety, the first en and a number of serious explosions had TUB WOODS ON FIRE. antce is flagrantly vio- Dr. Fuller, arm broken; Mrs. Simonds, in jng class. dentiid election thirtv-cigiit votes, to not one of which would they have bet'rt mhr- gino keeping the rails.

As it went over freight, and such a mass, such an indescribable tangled mass of splintered cars and taak room. The loss was insurance East Tawas, Aug. 10. Several occurred prior to this one, sixty Chinamen jured internally; Mrs. George Watkins; the bridge fell beneath it and it could only lahHl by tbe uppres-s on of tbeir votes.

T. That tho suppres- tracts of valuable pine are on fire near losing their lives on a former occasion. wtse entitled, and every one of wh.rh would have brrn cant for Blaine and Igan if the will badly bruised about the head and bands. mangled bodies! TUB DEAD. 7.

That each South- The shock of the explosion was felt Long Lake. We are enveloped in dense nave been the terrible speed of the train which saved the lives of tho engineer and At New Philadelphia, recently, while Christian Baum was attempting to rescue Many others were more or less injured and a number are missing. The is vari in Oakland and Alameda most severely. smoke. Vessels iu the harbor can not be ern State has a right to sion of th colored voir, conduct its elections as should be followed by the whites see fit.

la diminution of tho CnicAoo, Aug. li The following are the tbe dead, so far as known, in the awful his fireman. aeai son from In front of a railroad train tfthe peopls they represented Could have controlled tlit tn- these votes had been simply blotted out, and hot fa -4 at all, Mr. Cleveland could not have been elected The consequence ously estimated at from 5300,000 to $590,000. But the next engine went down, and in Windows were shattered in the former place and general commotion prevailed in seen from the docks.

Tbe farmers are fighting the fire to save their crops. Great wreck near Chatsworth, HL RE. Stock, he waa run over and killed together with basis of representation in Congress under th Fourteenth The storm passed over Hill City, a town of 800 inhabitants, but the losses are uuknowrt Peoria, III. Miss Stephens and father. Miss stantly the deed of death was done.

Car smashed into car, seats piled one on top of mm ooy. damage is being done to cedar. Literally is. that Mr. Cleveland is President because tho Kegan, Bmghamton, N.

Y. William Craig, this city. The explosions almost threw workmen who were employed on the wharf off their feet. The bright flash of the first the whole woods arc on fire. here.

A destructive rain and hail storm At a conference or glass prescription another, and in the twinkling of an eye a. That the neirroi K. That absolute Cuba, Henry Hicken, Peoria, LOOOIXO CAMP BCRXBD. Ware men held at Pittsburgh, on the visited Lenora and vicinity, literally de nearly one hundred persons found Instant shall have only sirIi equality before the law Noah Havermeyer, Vanton, M. white Democrats of the South not only cast for him the votes that rightfully belonged to them, hut also these thirty-eight votes, which they fraudulently appropriated to their own Use.

Farwell, Aug. 10. The logging explosion was seen through the haze by- stroying whole neias oi growing corn. join ail attrerences were amicably sottled. death and fifty more were so hurt that they in substantiation of this theory bus Smith, Matatnora, HL G.

A. Smith, Peoria; cm few, but when the shock was felt all camps of John Moloney and Boughton rights and privileges as is the right or every the whites See at tomerican. irrespective allow. of race or color. and work will be resumed in all the fac KANSAS LABOR MEN.

could not live. As lor the wounded, they were everywhere. Only the sleeping coaches instinctively looked over toward the Berk tories early in September. as yet been developed. Mr.

Armstrong told the comm ssiocers that be ordered a general Mrs. Zimmerman, Peoria; Rosa and Maggie Murphy and mother, Peoria; Miss Maggie Co. were burned yesterday by forest tires and the men had hardly time to get their 9. That any exnrc-! That the criticism But there are those Who Claim that it does The biennial convention or Hieh Court They Meet In Tnpeka, Adopt Resolutions slonof opinion hostile to such opinions a am ley shore, and when the second explosion occurred, the flash was seen by hundreds. inspection of tbe bridges along the' road Malvoa, Peoria; Miss KeaL, Mossville, HL; escaped, and as the startled and half-dressed passengers came tumbling out of effects and tools our.

and Appoint a State Central Commit meeting of the Ancient Order of Foresters the above eight points given in the opposite Kmilme Carruthers, Evans. Jesse with a view of ascertaining their exact con a RAIN IS WISCONSIN. tee. is a waving of the rolumai not "reviving oegan at Chicago on the th. Delegates from all parts of the United States and Meek, Eureka, Sherman, Brimfield, dition.

He will produce evidence in sup them they found such a scene of death as is rarely witnessed, and such work to do that hot matter which party may be In power, for the reason that there is no authorized remedy for such wrongs. If there be any provision to meet such a case, then til reason becomes all the more urgent for the services ef a party that can and will devise a way to cont'd uch bloody 'the war issue, out Milwaukee, Aug. 10. About eight COUNCIL BLUFFS DROWNING. Tope Aug.

10. The State mass HL; McClintock, engineer, Peoria; Eliza port of his proposition before tbe commis- ivini-iin irm tt tho TTninn hi A nartx nf It-SUiniaio ani proper. Tol -do Vlwlu it seemed as if human hands were utterly o'clock last night a gale swept, over the city, the wind blowing at the rate of a mile beth Cross, Washington, I1L; Mrs. E. D.

The Accident Occurs in a Storm at Night Kansas was held in Representative Hall I sioners on Tuesday next. The claim is i i i. tnailp hut. IhA trpntlA tvnlllft tint, dtand lli. made that tbe trestle would not stand the Canada were in attendance to the number ef.VJO.

Emperor William was unable to receivs incapable. It lacked but five minutes of midnight. Stoddard, West Pqint, Mrs. Pearl Ad a minute. The main building and several Five Uvea Supposed to be Lout.

abuses, and thus save our Government front VKSLCIUttJ HILCrUUVU ttUU CVBUIUgt IUC BO ams, Peoria; Pearl French, Peoria; W. H. minor structures on the State Fair grounds sion lasting until twelve o'clock. The ob Omaha, Aug. 6.

About ten o'clock Down in the ditch lay the second engine. another wrench of violence, that will otherwise surely and speedily come. In the mean NOTES AND COMMENTS. JSy-Tho election in Ohio next No weight of two locomotives, and that the first engine broke down the bridgo by a sudden rcverae followed by an immediate at Cold Spring Park were completely Thursday night the little excursion steamer ject of the meeting was to adopt plans for nd bid farewell to his friends on the occasion of his departure from Uastein, owing to his having lamed himself by striking Potterk, Bushnell, Mrs. J.

M. Clay, Eureka, HL; J. D. Richards, Mrs. Breeze.

W. Gemtson, Peoria; E. F. Adams, wrecked. Six men who were in tbem while it should be remembered the gen Manawa was sunk in the middle of Lake Manawa, three miles south- of Council perfecting the organisation on the plan of the Cincinnati platform.

One hundred and Engineer McClintock dead and reman Ap-plegate badly injured. On top were piled the three baggage cars, one on top of another, like a child's cardhouse after he had eral Government formerly had an ac opening of the throttle, vember is only a question of the sizes of the Republican plurality. Sjrriwj- Bis hip against a table while stooping to knowledged rluht to go into any State or Fairbury, W. H. Lot, Ellwood; Ad- It is understood that the company wilL Bluffs, precipitating thirty passengers into wp a ptiper.

fourteen delegates were in attendance, mainly from the. eastern sections of the Territory to bunt down a fugitive slave. dlo Webster, Mrs. William Allen, miraculously escaped injury. A heavy ram fell, lasting an hour.

Advices received at the railway offices indicate that the rain is pretty general throughout the State, putting an end to the drought that has lasted the water, five of whom were drowned. field 0.) Time. swept It with his hand. Then came the six Atuumsby, Engr, Temple, the Ameri and can now go anywhere to collect Mr. W.

Valejo, Mrs. H. B. McClure A large crowd had gone to Lake Manawa asTTliere was a liltle election down the tax on whisky and tobacco, draft can, beat in a quarter mile bicycle Slate. The meeting was called to flrder by J.

W. BriedenthaL chairman of tbe State and daughter, Mrs. Miller, Mr. Wright, day coaches they were telescoped as cars never were before, and three of them were pressed into just space enough for one. man into the army to protect It, regu through its general offices at Peoria, furnish to the public a complete list of the dead, wounded and missing.

TJnlcos this is done the general public will never know the full extent of the calamity. The bodies of the victims, nearly all of tbe wounded in Virginia at Harrisonburg July SW, Mrs. James Dale, Mrs. William Ball and avn yarus in tony and two-fifths seconds. Temple also beat Lees in a mile on an excursion gotten up by the Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers.

A severe rain storm came up, acccompamed central committee. P. B. Maxon. of Em poria, was made chairman and J.

C. Hib late the management of the railroads, and do hundreds of other things necessary and appro daughter, Mr. F. B. Wymette, Peoria; Mr.

and tU entire Republican ticket wan clceted. This is not a very big straw. race oy ten yards in three minutes and The second car hod mounted off its trucks, crashed through the car ahead of it. E. Goddel and son.

Dr. William Collins, bard secretary. sccouas. for sixty days and that has caused thousands of dollars loss to farmers. Reports from the southern counties are to the effect that wells and creeks are all dried up and that farmers have been compelled to remove their stock to places where they priate to our welfare.

Is it possible tbat our Government can do all these things, and yet the suppression of a million votes be a wrong and the personal effects of the passengers, but Ilia instructive. Billimore Ameri The resolutions embracing the platform with high wind, which made the lake very rough. The excursionists made a rush for the three steamers to return to the north side of the lake. The boats were A partially intoxicated man made an attempt to swim to the Government pier at crushing the woodwork aside like tinder, and lay there resting on the top of the seats, while every passenger in the can. are no longer in Chatsworth and Piper City.

AU efforts to accurately ascertain of principles were adopted as follows: Indorsing the Cincinnati platform; favoring without a remedy; it so, tbe constitution 1 a Ualesburg, 111. J. Body, J. Skater, Breeds Station, 111; Mr. John Murphy, Peoria, III.

Henry Singleton, Keokuk, Owney Spaith, Green alloy, HL John Al Moore, Jacksonville, J. D. McFadden, Peoria; JfcaJ-Xext year Democratic conven Chicago the other day. When some dis the identity ot the sufferers have up overcrowded. Two of them passed over slander on the fathers who made it, and another amendment is in order.

At any rate, if we front car was lying dead and dying under tion will probably swing around into could secure water. The dry condition of the country caused fires to spread with great rapidity and for several days farmers safely, but the Manawa; which bad cracked tance on ae suddenly stopped swimming, floating on the top of the water. On a party to this time been unavailing. The coroner himself is at sea with his figures and now neath. Out of that car but four people came alive.

On top of the second car lay Captain Ahlke, S. S. Martin, Bloomington would have peace in this country, these crimes must be stopped, and not only must the perpe line and adopt the Republican plat a hole her side by striking the landing a reduction of salaries of county officers; to give women the right of suffrage; to amend the constitution so as to prohibit alien ownership of land; urging a national conference; asking a change in article two of the national platform; changing "or" to mnag out ne was round to be dead. He J. A.

Green, Breed's Station, and about have been plowing large furrows around intimates that he may possibly have under form. It is their only cliauee of ever the third, and although the latter did not trators of them be treated aa criminals, but was mougnt to be John MeMahon, a horse- tbeir bay stacks to prevent their summer's estimated the full extent of tbe disaster. every man must be held equally guilty who twenty dead at Piper City. TUB WOCXDED. cover its bearer as completely as tho one accomplishing any good, Philadel work from going up in flames.

Last night Tbe railroad officials alone can enlighten leads encouragement to sucn wrongs oy warn beneath, its bottom was smeared with the The following are the names of the just when starting, began sinking when half way across. Tho hole in the boat was then discovered. In a few seconds the craft went under water. Tbe passengers clung to the awning and floated upon life preservers, chairs, benches. phia Press.

Gladstone replies as follows to the last rain will afford only temporary relief, how ing about sectionalism and sneering about "and" between the words "owned or con blood of its victims. The other three cars JgrPartisan activity on the part of ever, unless there is more of it soon. "bloody shirt," and insisting that such politi wounded, as far as taken: E. W. Wolker and wife, Peoria, wounded in the head and trolled," referring to railroads being owned were not so badly crushed, but they were the public on this point.

newspapers are powerless, as numerous bodies and wounded people were removed before any of the correspondents arrived at Chats cal vulaines must be let alone." PR AIE IB FIRES. office-holders is becoming more accept nuaca or John Bright: "It is painful for me to have my attention called to the attacks made upon ma by Mr. Bright. My desire is to bear them in silence and to limbs; Mrs. Emma Regon and son, Peoria, by the Government recognizing with alarm the tendency to prohibit free speech.

Carlisle, HL, Aug. 10. Prairie fires The party has, by destroying slavery, made and called for assistance. Row boats able to the Administration as the year slightly injured; John Fry, Peoria, leg broken and twisted in every conceivable way, and every crushed timber and beam represented a crushed human frame and a broken bone. labor honorable and which has made good have been of frequent occurrence in this worth.

Tbe State Central Committee was select came out and rescued them. Joseph New broken and back injured; H. T. wages, education, homes and general prosper vicinity during the past two weeks, and rememoer only bis patriotism and servicm. TUB ISQrEST.

ed as follows: John W. Briedenthal, of Oden, Grayton, head and foot 18K8 approaches, provided the energy be in a satisfactory direction. Pittsburgh Commercial. ity possible, has given the biggest evidence of man and George Cartwright, of Omaha, and C. H.

Ferson, cashier of tbe Council the loss will aggregate thousands of dol- Chicago, Aug. 13. The Times' special Instantly the air was filled with the cries both ability and disposition satisfactorily to injured; Florence Eboocher, Bayard, lars. A farmer living beside the Ohio from Forest says: The coroner's inquest. together with his unwavering friendship down to 1886.

The residence of Henry Winston, of the Labette County, chairman; First district, R. J. St. Clair, Atchison; Second district, D. O.

Markley, Mound City Third district. solve the so-called labor questions, no matter Iowa, arm hurt; Fat Braday, Gil Bluffs Gas Company, were drowned. The bodies were recovered this morning. Two Mississippi railway bad about fifty tons of irlt is now very generally con which began last night, was held on tbe top floor of a public school house. There were of the wounded and the shrieks of those about to aie.

The groans of men, the screams of the women united to make common sound, and above all could be man, 111., foot and head; Sophia Pauline, whether that solution Is to come through provisions for arbitration, hours of labor and timothy burned off his meadow. vreacens coal works. Charleston. W. V.

John W. BriedenthaL Chetopa; Fourth or three others, names unknown, are sup ceded that the Democrats of Ohio have) Peoria, head; C. W. Young, West Jersey, TIMBER BURNING. present only the coroner, the jury.

Presi similar measures, or through a wiser, broader caught fire and was consumed the other day. In the building were two children. Rt. Clouo, Aug. 10.

Heavy forest a very fair platform and a very poor dent Leonard, of the Toledo, Peoria West and more comprehensive scheme of permissive heard the agonizing cries of little children posed to be drowned. Tbe search is still going on. Cartwright's former home was at Weston, whither his body will be district, J. G. Mel vera, Quenemo; Fifth district, John Bain, Marysville; Sixth district, C.J.

Lamb, Kirwin; Seventh district, T. W. Woodward, McPherson. ern railroad, Superintendent Armstrong, ot Gubernatorial nominee, and that when legislation, to authorize and make possible here those plans of cooperation and profit- bu live ana seven years respectively. The younger jumped from the building and hands; W.

8. Zank, West Jersey, foot and shoulder; G. A. Scott, Tolona, 111., ankle; Thomas Trimms, Parke Ridge, 111, arms and legs; Theodore GodeL Peoria, head and legs; Mrs. Edith Chellow, Glassford, HL, as in some instances they lay pinned beside their dead parents.

the same road, Master ol Bridges Marklcv the election takes place they will still fires am reported along the St. Cloud and Hinckley road. Thousands of acres of heavy oak timber have been burned over or are burning, and a saw mill at Easter- sharing which have proven so successful in Justices of the Peace Estes and reporters shipped. Steamer Burned. was caught by Its father, but the older was Alter a desperate ngnt to subdue the flames which broke out in the wreck, help some ot the older countries.

for the Chicago and Peoria papers. The THREE FIREMEN KILLED. have tbe platform and the Republicans will have the Governorship. Jf. ouruea to a eat a.

There are other questions to be dealt with leg broken and ankle bruised; Mr. Chel braok has burned. Only a heavy rain can first witness called was Superintendent Chicago police think ther have dir. Washbcrs, Aug. 10.

The side-! Fall of a Wall of a liurniaa; Building In St. about which there Is, practically speaking, no came from Chatsworth, Forest and Piper City, and as the dead were laid reverently low, leg dislocated; Joseph Neal, Moss stop tbe fire. V. Slate Armstrong. wheel steamer City of Ashland, owned by issue between the parties, but on account of ville, HL, head and limbs; Mrs.

Joe Neal, Loot With Fatal Result. St. Lor is, Aug. 10. Fire broke out at ered a clue to the mot ives leading to the horrible murder of William Campbell, a wealthy cattleman, who waa brutali the Superior Lumber Company of Ashland, IQThe mugwumps may support ANTI-SALOON REPUBLICANS.

Hotel Guest don't believe which it ia Important to restore the Republican party to power, because of Its superior capacity alongside ol each other, out in the corn field, there were ready hands to take them into Chatsworth, while some of the wound two o'clock this morning in tbe extensive wits burned about three miles out from this port yesterday. It is supposed she and fitness to deal with them. We have bow a dered at McPherson, on the 38th of A Large Meeting Held at Tope lea of the arm and leg broken; baby killed; Miss Julie Valdejo, Peoria, internally; Abe Demons, Disooit, ankle; Dr. E. P.

Hazen and wife. Fort Madison, heads hurt; Miss bouse of Bishop Spears, 510 and 512 North Cleveland again next year; but they will not le able to do it on false pretenses. They will be obliged to sup Aatl-Mlooa Republican Party. caught fire from sparks from the smoke this modern custom of tipping. I want you to understand that." Waitor "l's been to school, sail, an1 I happen to surplus revenue.

It must either be diminished or our expenditures must be increased other ed were carried to Piper City. One hundred and eighteen was the awful poll of the Aug. 10. The Anti-Saloon stack, and, owing to the terrific wind. riuiy last.

ampbeu was last seen alive In company with an employe named Van Dor-en, who has been arrested for his murder. Emma Y. Utters, West Point, head and wise there w.ll be such an accumulation of the Second street, dealers in loreign and domestic nuts, and twenty minutes later the building was completely gutted, involving an estimated loss of The firemen Republican meeting last night at the Grand nothing could be done to save her. Cap dead, while the wounded numbered four times that number. The full tale of the know there ain't nothin' modern about money of tbe country in the vault of tbe tre.

Opera House was largely attended, the im it, sah. The custom ia as old as civil dead can not. however, be told yet for tain Doherty and four of the crew jumped into the lake and were picked up by tugs that went to her assistance from here. One SALISBURY ON THE SITUATION limbs; Mrs. H.

G. Tborne, Risk, internally; H. H. Bond, Colchester, HL, internally; Mrs. Thomas McEvoy, Peoria, internally; Mrs.

W. Grant, Peoria, internally; were still working on the ruins at nine this port him as a Democratic partisan who practices the soiU doctrine, not as a reformer of the system which they have so vigorously denounced. Port land Orcgonian mense nan being weu niled. The meeting was called to order by Captain J. S.

John ization, sail." come, now." "Fac morning. A Hays' truck stood at tho days. Cbatsworth was turned into morgue. ury as to produce financial and business distress. If the revenues are diminished.

It must be done ia such a way as not to disturb the business conditions of tbe country; and if the expenditures are to be Increased, they must be 1 ne Tory Premier Take a Itoperal Tlew of son and an appropriate prayer was offered of the crew. Fred Elent. was drowned. sah. I learned in history, sah, that Mary Morris, Peoria, bruised; Mr.

Robert roiitlea. The town ball, the engine house, the depot The boat was towing a raft of logs, and by the Rev. Dr. McCabe. Ex-State one time a rich nan like you named Simmerman.

Peoria, head and spine; E. F. when taken nre cut loose irom ner tow and Printer T. wight Thacher was chosen governed by prudence and a just regard for the Democratic postmaster at front of the ruins that had withstood the fire of tbe night, but were still burning. There were a dozen men on the truck, and about six men were on the ladder and in the windows of theun- French, Peoria, hips and body; Eaton Wa tried to make this port, the hull was Caligula, went somewhere to supper.

National welfare. We are all in accord about Losdojc, Aug. 1L The Lord Mayor's banquet to the Ministers was given at the Mansion House last evening. Premier Salisbury in a speech said the Government president and in a brief speech referred to the progress of prohibition in Kansas, At towea to itayneia. were all full of dead bodies, while every house in the little village had its quota of the wounded.

There was over 100 corpses lying in tbe extemporized dead houses, and every man and woman was turned into an this. an' it cost him $100,000 before he got ters, Peoria, hips and body; Otto Johnson, Burlington, legs; Mrs. W. H. Clark, But we have witnessed the ntter Inability of the conclusion of Mr.

Thacher'a remarks Camden, has been found seven hundred dollars short in his accounts and his bondsmen required to make it good. He was apointed a little over through, sah. By the way, sah, all the burned portion. "Look out!" cried two Effect of Bad Company. had done every thing to give effect to the Riotstown, head and arm and leg: G.

tbe Democratic party to deal with this subject. tbe following vice-presidents were elected: Western Union linemen, who were on a things you ordered is out, sah." Om W. Cress, Washington, head and chest; Labido, Aug. 10. On last Monday amateur but xealous nurse.

Over country's mandate te preserve the unity of the empire. Extra rowers had hrmn telegraph pole in front of the Acker gro Governor John A. Martin, Attorney-General B. B. Bradford, ex-Governor Thomas aha World.

J. K. Dechman, Peoria, ankle; Madge T. night a crowd of bloods in Custamente, on cery store. The words were scarcely out of in lumber yard the noise of hammers and sawa rang out in the Both sessions of the first Congress passed into history without tbe President and tbe member of Us party la that body being able to agree on any such measure, and without the member ot that party in either house of Congress being Harris, Peoria, ankle; Arthur McCarty, placed at the Government's command, and A.

0 borne, J. K. Hudson, BaVer. F. A lady, in praising an unsuccess Eureka, HL.

both eyes gone; David Craw the line of the Mexican National railway, in Mexico, accompanied by two Americans, named P. Doyto and 1. Sanders, were out me country naa a right to complain tbeir mouths when the wall of the grocery quivered and fell into the ruins of the pea air, and Ut busy carpenters were P. McClennan, Joab Mulvane, Samuel ful literary friend to her servant-girl. ford, Pitton, HL, head, limbs and hips; A.

T. Howe, 8. Gleed, Jamea Hamil making rough coffins to carry to their homes the dead bodies of the excursionists tnose powers should not be used discreetly but firmly. Regarding Egypt, able so to agree even among themselves. In to far a any thing at all was done that bad re said: "To be sure, he not very tal nut warehouse.

This removed from the front wall of the warehouse its principal F. McGee, Laharpe, HL, leg and shin; R. 8. Borden, Tonico, HL, foot; Will. on a carousaL painting the town, and one of their number, the city secretary, was ton, Thomas Ryan, A.

R. Greene, J. B. Johnson, E. P.

McCabe, J. C. Burnett. vav rrcmier said cngiand abould lation to the matter. It waa by tne Frestdent, and was the opposite.

In most butanes, of shot and killed. It is not known whether support, and in an instant it and the unburned part of the building that it who, twelve hours before, had left their homes full of pleasurable expectations of the enjoyment they were going to have Silas L. Seabrook, P. T. Bonebrake, T.

E. iam F. Ford. Elm wood, HL, chest and head; Elizabeth Sellers, Laharpe. ented, but he is good.

Why, he gives what he earns by his writing every cent of it to the poor!" Oh, that's the shooting was accidental, or whether it kept in position was in ruins, burying the Bowman, J. H. Broadus, F. S. McCabe and E.

B. Allen. Hon. Albert Griffin, of Man limbs; Miss Lydia Walters, Peoria, nose, was assassination. The two Americans, what was required by a wise aad patriotic retard for the general good.

Tbis was particularly so la the matter of pensions, public build during the vacation which had begun. enor-LS at work. jaw and leg; H. Abraham, Peoria, intern nothing" exclaimed the girl; "so does ee real security la that country; that 'before British troops could be withdrawn Egypt should be free from internal sedition and safe from external attack. Regarding Ireland, the speaker said magical results should cot be expected from legislation, Ireland's troubles were due to a great ex-teat to the strong depression in ha condi firemen on the ladder and in the windows beneath it.

Three men were killed outrightBarney McKernan, acting assistant ings, and tbe river and harbor appropriations. however, were arrested and placed in jail, charged with tbe murder, although when arrested neither of them were armed. Dennis. (Dennis was her beau.) hattan, chairman of the Anti-Saloon Republican National Committee, then addressed the audience on the question of ally; William Smith, Peoria, head crashed; Grant Taylor, McComb, HL, Internally; a year ago, a soldier a widow being removed to make a place for him. This is the third Democratic postmaster caught stealing in Ohio within three months.

Indianapolis Journal. JUayTlie attempt to get up a Cleveland section of the Grand Army in the Northwest has ended disastrously. The promoters of the scheme have now learned something which every intelligent person in the country ought to have known for a year past, and that is that the opposition to the President among the veterans is not bounded by party lines. St. Louis Globe-Democrat, A man out hunting, becoming angry because his gun kicked badly.

"He gives all that he earns by writing chief; Frank McDonald, of truck No. The strict construction of the powers of the They have up to the present been unable to John Steer, RushvUle, HL, leg: J. W. Stearns, Green Valley, HL, legs; Adam temperance, alter which the meeting ad- to the poor; an that nothing, too. CniCAOCsAug.

li-Nosooner had the wreck near Cbatsworth. 111., occurred than a scene ef robbery commenced. Some band of miscreants, heartless and with only criminal instincts, waa on hand, and, like the vultures who throng a battlefield the night after the conflict and rob from the dead the general Government in these cases Indicate tne old Democratio State-Right tendency un Christian Haeil, foreman 6 truck. A bystander, James O'Brien, was probably X. Y.

Ledger. Sbomberg, Peoria, hip, side and heeL 8. T. cbtain a bearing. Lost In the Golf mt CaUfornii journea.

Supreme Court Jadr Hart. duly to belittle tbe National power and again Belsley. Deer Creek, HL, head and ankle; Hansibal, Aug. Theodore "Blinky" Morgan, the Western Patoa Cross, Washington, HL, leg; J. B.

Kogalbs, A. Aug. 6. An Indian ar fatally injured. John Feldtman, of No.

6 truck, had bis right leg broken and sustained other serious injuries. William Rimmerman was also seriously injured and to give vitality to the ante-war Idea that it does hot belong to the people a aa agency for their benefit, and that they must not be allowed to cajoy any blessings therefrom that would at Brace, ot tbe Supreme Court of Missouri, money which they received for their robber and murderer, was asked the Kelley, 4 Reeds, HL, hip and leg tions of human prosperity, which had been felt even in the wealthy metropolis. While the Government hoped much would result from legislative remedies, they were conscious that ihey should look more into the increasing prosperity of the people for the restoration of happy feelings oetween Eng. rived at Guaymas two weeks ago from meager pay, stealing even the bronxe was thrown from a buggy this i morning down the oast, and reported having seen ether day how he came to enter upon Matt Detore received slight injuries. medals and robbing from tbe children of broken; Frank Snadacker, Brighton, HL, head and leg broken; Daniel Rock, Rose field, I1L, head, leg and hands; A.

tach them to it not even those necessary to while driving a runaway horse. He struck on his head and shoulder and was uncon a life of crime." I was born in Phil the sloop Sara dismasted and rolling helplessly in a rough sea. Tbe sloop was then heroes the other emblems of their fathers' dispel tbe blight of ignorance, overcome tbe Historical Correction. adelphia," he said. "When I was very scious when picked up, but recovered later.

calamity of drought, or relieve the Horrors of bravery, so last night did these human Hordan, Danville, legs A. C. Gregg, land and Ireland, which were also much eighteen days overdue from San Bias. The Bostos, Aug. 7.

During' tbe recent con earthquake. A gash four inches long was cat in the left young I commenced reading dime nov hyenas plunder the dead from this terrible siren, a large portion of the Premier' vention of colored veterans in this city it Ia fact, bo b1 sines proposition whatever consignees dispatched the steamer Valle in search of the sloop- Tbe Valle has now side of his head and he is suffering from Danville, legs; E. Allen, Gales burg, head; W. E. Ellis, Peoria, head; Minnie Vaughsdale, Peoria, leg broken; Calvin els and read them until my mind was accident and take even the shoes which cover their feet.

Who these wretches are could find favor, from first to last there wa speech was devoted to the Egyptian and Afghan questions. In reference to the lat severe bruises. He will be confined to his was stated in the discussions that the first colored troops enlisted in the late war thoroughly poisoned. I thought of all nothing to encourage the hope that exclusion Davis, Peoria, arms; Conductor Still- ter question, he 123 rmed that England sorts cf wild schemes, and when I was from power has improved oar opponent. The came from Massachusetts.

General B. F. Is not known. Whether they were a band of pickpock bed for some time. Waumpoat.

been oat ten days, and it is feared she baa also gone down. If the sloop and the steamer are both lost, eighty lives tave gone with them. The owners will dispatch well, head arms and legs; H. Car rrtn I rn from home and Plata truth i that the Democralie party ha. no and Russia's concessions were equal, each ida showing a desire to maintain peace and Butler has to-day published a letter In which be states that this is a mistake, and ter, Burlington, body; Harrold B.

ets who accompanied the train or some robber gang who were lurking in the vicinity his companion said: "Don't blame the gun. Like all human beings, it is almost sure to kick when 'loaded np too heavily-" Guest (at table d'hote dinner, indicating a fellow guest whose back if turned) Waiter, that gentleman certainly has a fit" Waiter "No, Bare He's eating te maccarouL," Y. Sun. went to Texas." Lawrence, Burlington. body; John Mo- another vessel in searcn.

Ehxbxax, Aug. A terrible waterspout and windstorm struck Sherman at 4:25 Thursday evening occasioning about he asserts that in 1662 be. enlisted three can not be aaid. The horrible suspicion. Master.

Peoria, body: Frank Brown. Peoria. regiments of colored troops in New Or proceed with the work of civilisation, in xnm prosecution of which there was ample r-N-vu for both England and Russia in Asia. Ha concluded by expressing himself as con-r ttbat aU daajarste European peace (10,000 damage and demolishing; several Bids were opened at the office of the Sec comprehensive bosines Judgment. It 1 controlled by it Southern wine and that is largely wbare the difficulty lie.

Buk wbea aU eiae 1 said aad done, the fact remains that there 1 a vast difference between tb retpeetrr standards of moral worth, polltt-t integrity and patriotic purpose ot the two Tfcere not election, precinct is head; Mrs. Kellogg, Tremont, body; Mr. K. J. Wells, Peoria, body; Mrs.

I-aac Whiteside, Illinois, body; 'Catharinn Lot, Peoria, LI, XKly BUudia Alien, Peoria, ounaings, among which was the new Cot The largest nugget of silver yet obtained was dug np in Arizona, and weighed 43,200 ounces, valued at the same number of dollars. retary of the Navy in Washington, for five leans and bad tbem in action a long time before colored soldiers wero used elsewhere. Be writes the letter, be says, to however, exists, and there are many who give it credit, that the accident was a deliberately planned case of train-wreckicg; that the bridge was set afire by miscreants who hoped to teUe tbe opportunity oSered. ton Belt freight depot. XissMvr Walker new war ships.

William cramp Sons, Ltd pasea a way. was injured. I oouj. oi vv unungxon, oia on au ox tEm. correct as error la history..

Ford County Republican from Dodge City, Kansas (2024)


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Name: Kareem Mueller DO

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Introduction: My name is Kareem Mueller DO, I am a vivacious, super, thoughtful, excited, handsome, beautiful, combative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.