25 Vintage Cake Recipes (2024)

CAKEis classified as, cakes without butter, example : spongecake, angel food cake ; cakes with butter : pound cake, cupcake.

In making cake use only the best of material.

Have all utensils ready, an earthen bowl, with a woodenspoon for mixing, a half pint measuring cup for measuring, adover beater for the egg yolks, a wire egg whip for the whites, aflour sifter for dry ingredients.

The pan should be greased, using cold lard, dusted overafterwards with flour. Never grease pans used to bake sponge orangel food cake. Large loaf cakes or fruit cakes should be bakedin pans lined with greased paper.

The oven should be ready.

The tests are : If a piece of white paper turns a deep yellowin five minutes the oven is right for butter cakes ; if it turns alight yellow in five minutes it is ready for sponge cake.
All measures are used level. Dry ingredients should be siftedbefore measuring. Sift flour and baking powder after measuringtwo or three times before using.

Method of Mixing :

1st Sponge Cake : Separate the yolksfrom the whites, beat the yolks until thick, add sugar gradually,continue beating, add flavoring. Beat whites until stiff and dry
and add to the first mixture. Mix and sift the flour with the saltand cut and fold in at the last. Do not stir after the flour isfolded in.

2nd For Cake with Butter : Have the bowl slightlywarm, measure butter into it and beat butter until creamy, addsugar slowly, the yolks well beaten, flavoring. Mix and sift theflour and baking powder and add to the mixture, alternating withthe milk ; fold in the egg whites beaten very stiff. Do not stirafter the whites are added.

Time for Baking :

The time for baking is divided into quarters 1,should rise and not brown; 2, continue to rise andbrown in spots ; 3, light brown ; 4, deeper brown and shrink frompan. Thin cakes need a hotter oven than the loaves and shouldbake in ten minutes; sheets of cake, in from fifteen to thirty minutes;loaves, from thirty to sixty minutes ; fruit cake, two to fourhours.

To Remove Cake from Pans :

Invert pans as soon as takenfrom the oven onto a wire netting. If cake sticks to the pan turnupside down and put a damp cloth over the bottom for a few

To Frost Cake :

When cooked frostings are used the cakemay be spread when hot or cold. When uncooked frostings areused it is best to have the cake rather warm.

Sponge Cake, No. 1

6 eggs
1 cup granulated sugar
1 cup Gold Medal flour
1/4teaspoon salt
Grated rind and juice of 1 lemon

Sift the flour and salt ; beat the eggs separately, add the sugarslowly to the beaten yolks, add lemon juice and rind, add thewhites beaten very stiff, fold in the flour. Bake in rather deeptin for about fifty minutes. Do not open the oven door for the firstfifteen minutes, at the end of that time it should begin to rise, atthe end of the next fifteen minutes it should double its bulk, bythe end of the next twenty it should be sufficiently browned andbaked through.

Sponge Cake, No. 2

3 eggs
1 1/2 cups sugar
1/2 cup cold water
2 cups Gold Medal flour
2 teaspoons baking powder
1/4teaspoon salt
The grated rind of half a lemon

For mixing, follow directions as given for SpongeCake No. 1. Bake thirty to forty minutes in amoderate oven.

Jelly Roll

1 cup sugar
1 cup Gold Medal flour
1 1/2 teaspoons baking powder
3 eggs
6 tablespoons of hot water

Mix and sift the dry ingredients, stir in eggs well beaten, addthe hot water, beat the batter well, pour into a smooth, wellgreased pan. The batter should be put one-fourth of an inchdeep, for if thicker the cake will not roll nicely. Bake slowly.When done turn the cake onto a sheet of brown paper, welldusted with powdered sugar. Beat the jelly with a fork andspread on the cake. With a sharp knife trim off all crusty edges, roll it up by lifting one side of the paper. The cake will break,‘if allowed to cool before rolling. To keep the roll perfectlyround, roll it up in a cloth until cool.

Children’s Sponge

1 1/2 cups Gold Medal flour
2 teaspoons baking powder
1 cup sugar
2 eggs
Milk or cream

Break the eggs into a cup and fill with milk or cream. Mixand sift dry ingredients, combine with the milk and egg, beat alltogether for five minutes. Bake ten minutes in muffin pans.

Graham Sponge Cake

Use either Sponge Cake No. 1 or 2, substituting grahammeal for flour, making the measure round instead of level.

Sunshine Cake

11 egg whites
6 egg yolks
1teaspoon cream of tartar
1 1/2 cups sifted granulated sugar
1 cup Gold Medal flour
1 teaspoon orange extract

Beat whites till stiff and flaky, then whisk in one-half the sugar, beat yolks very light ; add flavor and one-half the sugar. Combine yolks and white mixture, then fold in the flour and cream of tartar sifted together. Bake fifty to sixty minutes in a slow oven, using angel cake pan.

Angel Cake

11egg whites
1 1/2 cups sugar
1 cup Gold Medal flour
1 teaspoon cream of tartar
1/4teaspoon salt
1 teaspoon vanilla

Beat whites of eggs until frothy, add cream of tartar and continue beating till eggs are stiff. Then sift in the sugar gradually, fold in the flour mixed with salt and sifted four times. Add
the flavoring. Bake forty-five to fifty minutes in angel cake pan. Never try to take out, but stand upside down till it drops of itself.

Cup Cake

1 cup butter
2 cups sugar
3 1/2cups Gold Medal flour
1 cup milk
4 eggs
3 teaspoons baking powder

Put together according to general directions, bake in two brick loaves or one large one. Using but half a cup of butter and a scant measure of sugar makes a plain cup cake that is useful for layer. A heaping tablespoon of yellow ginger makes this cake a most delicious ginger bread. Omit the milk and add enough Gold Medal flour to roll out and it can be baked as jumbles, or
with half the milk and flour to roll out, as cookies.

White Cup Cake

Same as above, using 8 egg whites instead of four whole eggs. The yolks of 6 eggs with 1 whole one makes an excellent gold cake.

Delicate Cake

1/2 cupcup butter
1 1/2 cups sugar
2 cups Gold Medal flour
1/2cup milk
4 eggs (whites only)
1 teaspoon baking powder
Almond, vanilla or lemon extract for flavoring.

Makes onesheet.

Orange Cake, No. 1

2 cups sugar
1/2 cup butter
2 cups Gold Medal flour
2 teaspoons baking powder
5 egg yolks
4 egg whites
Grated rind of 1 orange
1/2 cup orange juice

Filling and Frosting :

White of 1 egg beaten stiff, add alternatelypowdered sugar and orange juice until the juice of 1 largeorange and 1/2 lemon has been used. It will take from 1 1/2 to 2 cups sugar.

Orange Cake, No. 2

Two eggs, 1 cup of sugar, 1 tablespoon melted butter, 1/2 cupof milk, 1 1/2 cups of Gold Medal flour, 2 teaspoons baking powder,1 tablespoon of orange juice, 1 teaspoon grated rind, mix in
order given and bake in square pan, split and fill with orangecream.

Orange Cream :

Put into a cup the rind of 1/2 and the juice of1 orange, 1 tablespoon of lemon juice, and fill with hot water.Strain and put on to boil, add 1 tablespoon corn starch, wet withcold water and cook ten minutes, being careful not to scorch.Beat yolk of 1 egg with 2 heaping teaspoons sugar, add to themixture with 1 teaspoon butter, let cook until the butter is dissolvedand cool. Fill the cake with cream and frost with orangeicing.

Lemon Cake

Is made by the above recipe, using lemon instead of orange.

Pineapple Cake, No. 1

Same recipe, using pineapple juice and pulp instead of orange,and frosting the top and sides with Five Minute Frosting.

Pineapple Cake, No. 2

1 cup sugar
1 cup butter
3 egg yolks
2 cups Gold Medal flour
2 teaspoons baking powder
2 tablespoons pineapple juice

Cream the butter and the sugar, add the well-beaten yolks andthe flour sifted with baking powder. Add the flavoring, and bakein three jelly cake tins.Two tablespoons of water and 1/4 teaspoon mace with 1/2 teaspoonvanilla may be substituted for the pineapple juice.

Filling :

Boil 2 cups sugar with 2/3 cup cream for ten minutes.Take from the fire and beat till thick and smooth. To1/3 of this add 1 cup grated pineapple to spread between thelayers. To the remaining 2/3 add enough pineapple juice to makeit spread smoothly for an icing.

Ashland Cake

1/2 cup butter
1 cup sugar
4 eggs, whites
10 drops lemon extract
1/2 cup milk
1 cup Gold Medal flour
1/2 cup corn starch
1 teaspoon baking powder
Bake in two deep jelly cake tins

Filling :

Two cups granulated sugar, 1/4 cup of boiling water.Boil till it will spin, then pour slowly boiling hot on the wellbeatenwhites of 2 eggs, beating all the time. Beat till thickenough not to run, then add 1/2 teaspoon citric acid (powdered),1 teaspoon each of lemon and vanilla, spread between the layersand over the cake, or, ice with maple fondant.


1 cup butter
1 cup sugar
1 1/2 cups corn starch
1/2 cup Gold Medal flour
2 teaspoons baking powder
6 eggs
1 teaspoon vanilla

Cream the butter, add the sugar gradually ; separate theeggs, beat the whites until stiff, beat the yolks and add them tothe whites, then to the butter and sugar. Sift the dry ingredientsand add gradually to the other mixture. Add flavoring.Bake in patty pans fifteen minutes.

Quisset Cake

One-half cup butter rubbed to a cream with 1 1/2 cups sugaradd yolks of 3 eggs well beaten with 2 tablespoons of milk2 cups Gold Medal flour in which has been sifted 2 level teaspoonsbaking powder, 1/2 cup milk, 6 tablespoons chocolate meltedover hot water, and lastly 3 whites of eggs. Bake in two narrowloaves.


2 cups granulated sugar, 3/4 cup milk, 1 ouncebutter. Boil fifteen minutes, beat till thick, spread while warm.Is best after the third day.

One-Egg Cake

One-half cup butter, 1 cup of sugar, 1 egg, 2 cups of Gold Medalflour, 1 cup of sweet milk, 3 teaspoons baking powder. Mix asdirected and bake in a hot oven.

Pound Cake, No. 1

Wash and dry 1/2 pound of butter. Beat until it is quite creamy,then add 1/2, pound of sugar. Beat it until it is like the lightestand whitest hard sauce, then add 1 egg, beat until it is quite
incorporated, then add another and beat again, and so on until5 eggs are used. Take great care that each egg is completelyincorporated before the next is added ; this requires from three tofive minutes’ beating between each egg, according as your strokesare vigorous or slow, and on sufficient beating the success of thecake depends.

When eggs, sugar and butter look like thick yellow cream,add gradually a small sherry-glass of wine or brandy and 1/2 wineglass of rose water. Mix well together, then sift to the ingredients1/2 pound of Gold Medal flour, well dried, and very slightlywarmed, to which ‘., saltspoon of salt has been added. Line around cake pan with upright sides with buttered paper, neatlyfitted, and pour the batter into it, and sift powdered sugar overthe surface.Bake this cake one hour and a half in a very slow oven. Itshould have a cardboard cover laid on the top for the first hour,which may then be removed and the cake allowed to brown slowly.In turning, be very careful not to shake or jar it.

Pound Cake, No. 2

1 lb. sugar
1 lb. butter
14 oz. Gold Medal flour
1/2 teaspoon salt
10 eggs
1 lemon, grated rind and
1/2 the juice, if large

Soda the size of a pea, dissolved in 1 tablespoon of coldwater. Beat eggs separately and very thoroughly, adding whiteslast, folding them in carefully. Citron or other fruit may beadded, making yellow fruit cake.

White Pound Cake

1 lb. Gold Medal flour
1 lb. sugar
3/4 lb. butter
Whites of 16 eggs
Flavor to taste

In mixing, follow directions as given under Pound Cake No. 1.

Emma’s Wedding Cake

1 lb. Gold Medal flour
1 lb. butter
1 lb. citron
1 1/4 lb. dark brown sugar
1 lb. lemon and orange peel (1/2 lb. each)
2 lbs. currants
6 lbs. raisins
3 tablespoons cinnamon
2 tablespoons mace
2 tablespoons nutmeg
1 tablespoon ginger
1 tablespoon allspice
1 dessert spoon of cloves
1 cup molasses
1 pint brandy
12 eggs

Bake slowly until a straw will come out clean. This is a verydelicious cake and will keep indefinitely.

Election Cake

4 lbs. or 12 4/5 cups Gold Medal Flour
3 lbs. or 6 cups sugar
2 lbs. or 4 cups butter
Whites of 6 eggs
1 1/2 teaspoons salt
4 nutmegs
1 qt. sweet milk
1 1/2 lbs. raisins
1/2 pint home-made yeast
Juice and rind of 2 lemons

Cream the butter and sugar, then divide ; with one-half mixall the flour, milk and yeast; when light add the other half ofbutter and sugar, eggs, raisins and flavoring. Beat thoroughly;put in pans and let rise till light and bake with great care.

Queen’s Cake

4 cups sugar
4 lbs. raisins
2 lbs. currants
6 2/5 cups Gold Medal flour
1 teaspoon soda
1 cup sweet cream
1 1/2teaspoons salt
8 eggs
1 cup wine
1 cup brandy
3 cups butter
2 nutmegs
1 tablespoon orange peel or marmalade

PDF:Gold Medal Flour Cookbook 1910

25 Vintage Cake Recipes (2024)


What is the number 1 best cake in the world? ›

Recipes. Sponge cake baked with meringue and almonds becomes the centerpiece of this delightful layer cake filled with custard and whipped cream. Kvæfjordkake began its inception in the north of Norway and has earned it's nickname as verdens beste, “the world's best”.

What makes a cake vintage? ›

What Are Vintage Cakes? Vintage cakes are vintage or “retro” because they've been around (and around and around) for centuries. They're known for their frilly, over-piped design and can be traced back to the French Rococo style of the 1700s – an age known for its ornate and gilded designs.

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From its inception, the Lane Cake became an honored Southern baking tradition; however, the rest of the country was introduced to Lane Cake when it was mentioned in 1960's To Kill a Mockingbird.

What were the popular birthday cakes in the 1970s? ›

Carrot cake. Jell-O poke cake. Pudding cake, Bundt cake, or Bundt pudding cake. Strawberry shortcake.

What is the most eaten cake in the world? ›

The most popular cake worldwide is Chocolate cake. Chocolate, made from the cacao bean, is delicious and was first invented by the Olmecs, one of the original tribes of Mexico.

What is the rarest cake in the world? ›

The "Diamond Cake" by Debbie Wingham - Price: $75 million

An amalgamation of luxury and confectionary art, it's embedded with more than 4000 diamonds, including pink, yellow, and white ones, making it not just a cake but a jewelled masterpiece. It's no wonder it holds the crown for the most expensive cake in the world!

What is the oldest cake in history? ›

The world's oldest known cake, baked during the reign of Pepi II in Egypt between BCE 2251 and 2157. Alimentarium, Vevey, Switzerland. The Egyptians gave us the world's oldest known cake–and also the world's oldest Tupperware as it happens.

What is the best buttercream for vintage cake? ›

I find that it's best to use a medium consistency buttercream when piping vintage designs. If the buttercream is too soft, the piping will look wilted. If it's too stiff, the intricate designs will look jagged. The vanilla buttercream recipe I use is already medium-consistency, so you don't have to alter it.

What was the first cake called? ›

The ancient Greeks called cake πλακοῦς (plakous), which was derived from the word for "flat", πλακόεις (plakoeis). It was baked using flour mixed with eggs, milk, nuts, and honey. They also had a cake called "satura", which was a flat, heavy cake.

What is Elvis Presley cake? ›

An Elvis Presley cake is a single-layer classic yellow cake that's topped with a pineapple glaze. Much like a poke cake, the syrup and juices of the pineapple will seep into the cake through fork holes, resulting in a decadent, ultra-moist cake.

What cake is Louisiana known for? ›

The name “king cake” comes from the Biblical story of the three kings who bring gifts to Baby Jesus. A blend of coffee cake and cinnamon roll, king cake is usually iced in yellow, green and purple – the colors of Mardi Gras -- and is frequently packed with fruit fillings and decadent cream cheeses.

What cake was a secret for two decades? ›

The cake was called chiffon for its weightlessness, but the name conjures negligees too, and the power of illusions. It is almost nothing, this cake, and yet so rich: angel and devil at once. In the United States, the novelty has worn off.

What is the most expensive birthday cake? ›

But a birthday cake loaded with diamonds and hand-sculpted fondant just smashed the record for the most expensive dessert ever created. Price tag: $75 million. The decadent cake was created by British designer Debbie Wingham, who rose to fame when she crafted the world's most expensive dress for $17.7 million.

What is the old slang cake? ›

(a) (also cakey) a fool; a stupid police officer. 1770.

What is America's favorite cake? ›

When putting all of the data together, we found that the most popular cake in the U.S. is ice cream cake, according to 10 U.S. states. Close behind is strawberry cake, most beloved by seven U.S. states, followed by molten lava cake, coming out on top for five U.S. states.


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Name: Carlyn Walter

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