249 Baby Boy Names That Start With F (2024)

Are you the kind of person who starts writing down names you love when you see that positive pregnancy test? Or are you the kind of person who waits until you see their perfect face before picking that perfect name? Whichever one you are, we’re glad you’re here! We’ve compiled 249 baby boy names that start with F for you, and we hope some of these F boy names have been ones that you might have already written down, or maybe you find one you’ve never heard before but fall in love with it. From vintage to rare names, we have it all!

Here are some of our favorite F baby boy names divided into categories to make your search easier:

10 Popular Boy Names Starting With F

Popular baby names are popular for a reason — they are well-loved and never go out of style! Look at some of the most popular F names for boys for inspiration.

1. Felix — A Latin name meaning “happy” or “lucky.”

2. Fernando — Spanish and Portuguese for “adventurer.”

3. Finlay/Finley — This name is Irish and Scottish for “fair-haired warrior.”

4. Finn — This F boy name means “fair” in Irish.

5. Ford — An Old English name for “river crossing.”

6. Forest/Forrest — This English name means “dweller near the woods.”

7. Francis — Latin for “free man” or “Frenchman.”

8. Francisco — This name means “free man” in Portuguese and Spanish.

9. Franklin — This name is English for “free land owner.”

10. Freddie/Freddy — A German name meaning “powerful ruler.”

7 Common Boy Names Starting With F

These common names are trendy and fun. If unique isn’t your thing, these F names for boys offer fantastic options.

1. Felipe — Spanish for “friend of horses.”

2. Finnegan — This name means “fair stranger” in Irish.

3. Fischer/Fisher — This is a German occupational name for a fisherman.

4. Fletcher — This is an English occupational name for an arrow maker.

5. Flynn — An Irish name meaning “son of the red-haired one.”

6. Frank — German for “free.”

7. Frederick/Fredrick — This English name means “peaceful ruler.”

38 Vintage Boy Names Starting With F

These F names for boys are ones you’ve probably heard a few times before and may have jotted down as prime contenders. Even though they are a little old-fashioned, they have a lot of heart.

1. Fabian — English for “one who grows beans.”

2. Fairbanks — An English name meaning “bank along the pathway.”

3. Fairmont — This name means “pretty mountain” in English.

4. Falkner/Faulkner — This is a German occupational name for a falcon trainer.

5. Farnham — Old English for “meadow with ferns.”

6. Farrell — An Irish name meaning “man of valor.”

7. Farris — This name means “brave man” in Scottish.

8. Faust — This name is Latin for “fortunate.”

9. Fawcett — English for “multicolored hillside.”

10. Fenwick — An Old English name meaning “from Fenland.”

11. Ferdinand — This name means “bold voyager” in German.

12. Fergus — Irish and Scottish for “man of force/vigor.”

13. Ferguson — This name means “son of Fergus” in Gaelic.

14. Fields — A Middle English name meaning “flat open country.”

15. Figaro — French for “barber.”

16. Filiberto — This F boy name means “very bright” in Spanish.

17. Filmore — This English name means “very famous.”

18. Finch — An English name meaning “to swindle.”

19. Firth — This is an English and Scottish name for someone who lived near a barren pasture.

20. Fitzgerald — Irish for “son of the spear ruler.”

21. Fitzhugh — This name means “son of intelligence” in German.

22. Fitzroy — An English and French name meaning “son of the king.”

23. Fitzwilliam — This name means “son of William” in English.

24. Flannery — Gaelic for “red-haired.”

25. Fleetwood — An Old English name meaning “woods with the stream.”

26. Fleming/Flemming — This English name means “man from Flanders.”

27. Florian — German and Latin for “flowering.”

28. Floyd — In Welsh, Floyd means “grey-haired.”

29. Forrester — A Scottish name meaning “woodsman.”

30. Foster — English for “works in a forest.”

31. Foxworth — This name means “enclosure of a man called Folc” in Old English.

32. Fraser — This Scottish name means “of the forest men.”

33. Freeman — An English name meaning “a free man.”

34. Friedrich — German for “peaceful ruler.”

35. Fulbright — This name means “very bright” in German.

36. Fuller — This is an English occupational name for a dresser of cloth.

37. Fullerton — A Scottish name meaning “town of Fuller.”

38. Fulton — Old English for “settlement of the fowl” or “the people’s estate.”

37 Cool Boy Names That Start With F

Your super cool little dude serves an awesome name! These are strong names and would fit any baby boy.

1. Falcon — This is an English name for a bird in the hawk family.

2. Fame — The name “Fame” is inspired by the English word. It refers to someone with notable achievements.

3. Fang — A Chinese name meaning “fragrance” or “virtue.”

4. Farmer — This is an English occupational name for someone who works on a farm.

5. Farrin — English for “iron-grey.”

6. Farzin — An Urdu name meaning “learned.”

7. Fawkes — This name means “falcon” in French.

8. Feliciano — This cool F name for boys means “happy” in Italian.

9. Fendi — This name means “to split” in Italian.

10. Feng — Chinese for “abundant” or “great.”

11. Fenrir — This Old Norse name means “fen-dweller.”

12. Fernandez — Spanish for “son of Fernando.”

13. Ferrari — This name means “blacksmith” in Italian.

14. Fielding — An Old English name meaning “pasture.”

15. Fife — Scottish for “place name.” It may also refer to someone from the ancient kingdom of Fife.

16. Fighter — This name means “one who fights” in English.

17. Fillmarr — German for “very famous.”

18. Finnick — An Irish name meaning “fair-haired.”

19. Fiske — This name means “fish” in Scandinavian.

20. Fire — This name is inspired by the English word “fire,” which refers to flames and smoke.

21. Fitch — Old French for “an iron pointed implement.”

22. Flavian — This name means “yellow hair” in Greek and Latin.

23. Flint — This is an English name for someone who lives near an outcrop of flint.

24. Fontana — Italian and Spanish for “fountain.”

25. Fonzy — A German name meaning “noble” or “ready for battle.”

26. Forbes — This Scottish name means “field.”

27. Forsythe — In Gaelic, Forsythe means “man of peace.”

28. Fortune — French and Latin for “lucky.”

29. Franco — A Spanish name meaning “free.”

30. Frans/Franz — This name means “Frenchman” or “free” in German.

31. Frasier — Scottish for “of the forest men” and French for “strawberry.”

32. Frederico — This name means “peaceful ruler” in Spanish and Portuguese.

33. Freeland — This is a cool, simple, Old English name for “free land.”

34. Fritz — A German name meaning “peaceful ruler.”

35. Frodo — The meaning of this name is “wise by experience” in Old English.

36. Frost — English for “freezing.”

37. Future — An English name meaning “that is to be.”

34 Cute Boy Names That Start With F

These F boy names sound adorable, and many have cute meanings, too! Feivel and Flip are some favorites from this category.

1. Fabio — Portuguese and Latin for “bean farmer.”

2. Fabrizio — An Italian name meaning “craftsman.”

3. Falito — This cute F name for boys means “healing God” in Hebrew.

4. Fallon — This name means “ruler” in Irish.

5. Fallow — Old English for “uncultivated.”

6. Faraji — This name is Swahili for “consolation.”

7. Farley — English for “fern clearing.”

8. Faye — This name means “fairy” in English and “loyalty” in Latin.

9. Feivel — This name means “bright one” in Yiddish.

10. Fender — A Scottish name meaning “defender.”

11. Ferdi — German for “brave.”

12. Feri — This name means “free” in Latin.

13. Fern — This is an English name for the plant called a fern.

14. Ferris — Irish for “of iron” or “ironworker.”

15. Fido — This Latin name means “faithful.”

16. Filbert — A German name meaning “brilliant.”

17. Fillipe — This name means “friend of horses” in Greek.

18. Fineas — This name is Hebrew for “oracle.”

19. Finian/Finnian — Irish for “little fair one.”

20. Finnie — A Scottish name meaning “sincere.”

21. Finnigan — This name means “fair” or “white” in Irish.

22. Fitz — This name means “son of” in Scottish.

23. Flash — English for “bright light.”

24. Fleet — A Middle English name meaning “rapid” or “swift.”

25. Fletch — This Old French name means “arrow.”

26. Flip — Dutch for “lover of horses.”

27. Florent — This name means “flowering” in French.

28. Fowler — This is an English occupational name for a hunter or trapper of wild birds.

29. Fox — This English name refers to the wild animal in the dog family.

30. Frankie/Franky — French for “free” or “truthful.”

31. Fred — A German name meaning “peaceful ruler” or “elf counsel.”

32. Frenchy — This name means “from France” in English.

33. Frey — Scandinavian for “lord” or “exalted one.”

34. Fynn — This Irish name means “bright” or “fair.”

59 Fun and Unique Boy Names That Start With F

This list of boy names starting with F is for those wanting to stand out more. Fun and unique names are all the rage these days — it’s pretty cool to grow up and not know too many people with the same name as you.

1. Fabius — A Latin name meaning “bean farmer.”

2. Fablon — Old French for “young blacksmith.”

3. Fabricio — This Latin F name for boys means “craftsman.”

4. Fade — This name means “faint” or “weak” in Middle English.

5. Fadel — This name means “generous” in Arabic.

6. Fadi — An Arabic name meaning “redeemer.”

7. Faheem — This Arabic name means “intelligent.”

8. Fahri — Turkish for “honorary.”

9. Fain — This name means “joyful” in English.

10. Fairleigh — In English, this name means “bull meadow” or “fern wood.”

11. Faisal — An Arabic name meaning “arbitrator.”

12. Falco — This is the Italian name for “falcon.”

13. Falke — German for “falcon.”

14. Falso — An Italian name meaning “fake.”

15. Fanuel — This name means “face of God” in Hebrew.

16. Faol — This Irish name means “wolf.”

17. Faraj — Arabic for “joy after sadness.”

18. Farhad — A Persian name meaning “gained” or “earned.”

19. Farlee — This boy’s name, starting with F, means “fern clearing” in English.

20. Feliks — A Latin name meaning “happy” or “fortunate.”

21. Felt — This is an English occupational name for someone who works with felt.

22. Felton — Old English for “from the town by the field.”

23. Fennec — A Latin name meaning “fox.”

24. Fenris — This name means “fen-dweller” in Old Norse.

25. Fentan — Gaelic for “white fire.”

26. Feodore — This Russian name means “divine gift.”

27. Fermont — A French name meaning “protection.”

28. Feynman — This name means “fine man” in Polish.

29. Fidel — This Latin name means “faithful.”

30. Fidencio — A Spanish name meaning “trusting.”

31. Fielder — English for “dweller in the open country.”

32. Filip — This name means “lover of horses” in Swedish.

33. Fionn — Old Irish for “white” or “blessed.”

34. Fionnlagh — In Scottish, this name means “fair-haired soldier.”

35. Fishel — A Yiddish F boy’s name that means “little fish.”

36. Flavio — The meaning of this name is “yellow-haired” in Italian.

37. Florentino — Italian and Spanish for “blossoming.”

38. Fontayne — This name means “fountain” or “water source” in French.

39. Fonzell — Latin for “noble” or “ready.”

40. Forde — This Irish name means “shallow river crossing.”

41. Fortinbras — A French name meaning “strong in arm.”

42. Fortino — This name means “strong” and “fortunate” in Latin.

43. Fortunato — Italian and Spanish for “blessed” and “happy.”

44. Fosco — A Portuguese and Spanish name meaning “dull” or “opaque.”

45. Fouad — This name means “heart” in Arabic.

46. Foyle — This is an Old French name for someone who lives near a pit.

47. Frabian — Latin for “broad bean.”

48. Francois — This name means “free man” in French.

49. Franjo — This Croatian name means “brave and free man.”

50. Franklyn — In English, this name means “free landholder.”

51. Frasco — A Spanish name meaning “free.”

52. Frayne — This is an English name for someone who lives near an ash tree.

53. Freeborn — Old English for “child of freedom.”

54. Freedom — An English name meaning “free” or “not in captivity.”

55. Friedel — This name means “peaceful king” in German.

56. Fry/Frye — Old Norse for “seed” and Old English for “free.”

57. Fuentes — This name means “fountains” in Spanish.

58. Fulk/Fulke — This German name means “people” or “folk.”

59. Fulmer — Old English for “a lake frequented by birds.”

64 Rare Boy Names That Start With F

These rare boy names are in a league of their own. You may not have heard of most of these, or they are so uncommon you may have forgotten! There are so many great F names to choose from here.

1. Faaris — This Arabic name means “horse rider.”

2. Faber — This is a Latin occupational name for a blacksmith.

3. Fabrice — Latin and French for “skilled craftsman.”

4. Fabroni — This name means “young blacksmith” in French.

5. Fading — An English name meaning “losing freshness.”

6. Fairfax — This name means “fair hair” in English.

7. Falmouth — An English name for the city in Massachusetts because it is situated at the mouth of the Fal River.

8. Fandral — This fictional name is of Norse origin, and is a warrior of Asgard in the Marvel Universe.

9. Fanish — In Hindi, Fanish is another name for Lord Shiva, one of the gods in Hinduism.

10. Faolan — Irish for “little wolf.”

11. Farah — An Arabic name for “happiness.”

12. Faramond — This name means “traveler’s protection” in Old English.

13. Farnum — Old English for “fern-covered homestead.”

14. Farruco — This name means “free” in Spanish.

15. Faurok — An Arabic name meaning “seer of truth.”

16. Faustino — This name means “lucky” in Spanish and Italian.

17. Fausto — Latin for “lucky.”

18. Fayette — This name means “little fairy” in French and English.

19. Fayez — This Arabic name means “winner.”

20. Fazil — An Arabic name meaning “virtuous.”

21. Fazli — Arabic for “kind.”

22. Fedor — In Greek, this name means “gift of God.”

23. Feeney — This name means “little raven” in Irish.

24. Feenix — This name means “dark red” in Greek.

25. Felman — A Yiddish occupational name for a furrier, or someone who deals in furs.

26. Fenno — This name means “tribe” in Finnish.

27. Fentse — This African name means “God has conquered” in Tswana.

28. Ferrand — An Old French name meaning “gray-haired.”

29. Festo — Latin for “fortunate one.”

30. Fezil — An Arabic name meaning “praiseworthy.”

31. Ffion — This name means “fair” or “white” in Gaelic.

32. Fig — A French and Latin word for the fruit from a small flowering plant native to the Mediterranean region.

33. Field — English for “flat and open country.”

34. Fiero — This name means “proud” in Italian.

35. Filex — This Latin name means “happy.”

36. Fillip — A Spanish name meaning “friend of horses.”

37. Filomeno — In Greek, this name means “loving.”

38. Finagin — This name means “fair” in Irish.

39. Finbar — Irish for “fair-headed one.”

40. Fintan — This name means “white fire” in Gaelic.

41. Firenze — This rare name means “blossom” in Hungarian.

42. Fito — Spanish for “noble.”

43. Floki — A Norse name meaning “heroic Viking.”

44. Florizel — In Latin, this name means “person in bloom.”

45. Folke — Old Norse for “chief.”

46. Forba — This name means “headstrong” in Scottish and “own the fields” in Irish.

47. Fowey — An English F name for boys that means “beech river.”

48. Fraener — This is the name of a dwarf who turned into a dragon in Old Norse mythology.

49. Framier — This is an English occupational name for someone who makes frames for paintings.

50. Franc/Franck — A Slavic name meaning “of France.”

51. Freca — English for “bold.”

52. Freki — Old Norse for “greedy” or “Odin’s wolf.”

53. Frenzel — This German name means “son of Franciscus.”

54. Frewin — This name means “noble friend” in English.

55. Freyr — An Old Norse name meaning “lord.”

56. Frode — This name means “wise one” in Norse.

57. Froilan — German for “rich and beloved young master.”

58. Frollo — This name means “killed by Arthur” in the Arthurian Legend.

59. f*cka — A Japanese F name for boys that means “lotus.”

60. Fulgencio — This Spanish name means “bright.”

61. Fumi — Japanese for “writing.”

62. Fuod — In Arabic, Fuod means “heart.”

63. Fursey — An Irish name meaning “virtue.”

64. Fyodor — Russian for “God’s gift.”

Did you find the perfect boy name that starts with F? Whether unique or more common, any name you and your partner decide on will be one you’ll know is the perfect fit for your newborn son. Picking a name can be challenging, but it can also be fun if you don’t stress too much about it. Choosing a name early on or waiting until they greet you earthside, whatever route you decide, is the right one when naming your babe – we hope these F names for boys have helped fill up your list a bit more than it already was.

Be sure also to take a peek at some of ourother baby name lists, like our cute boy names, cool boy names, old-fashioned baby names, and powerful boy names. Have fun choosing a beautiful name you love for your baby boy!

249 Baby Boy Names That Start With F (2024)


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